Computer Science Canada

Barebones Computer Kit for Linux

Author:  josh [ Sun Jun 19, 2005 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Barebones Computer Kit for Linux

Hi, I figured that I want to get some experience building a computer, and I also want to learn linux. So I am thinking about buying a barebones computer kit from Tigerdirect, asembling it, and then installing Ubuntu on it.

I was looking at this kit here:
and wanted to know if you think this is overkill (probobly is) and what you guys think of the components, or if you have suggestions for a better/cheaper one.

I figured a barebones kit would be the bet way to go for a first one, also it will help keep the cost down and I won't really have to worry about compatability issues.


Author:  josh [ Mon Jun 20, 2005 6:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I just found this one also:

this one is a little cheeper (not the athalon 64 though) and it also comes with a GFX card.
