Computer Science Canada

Making a new game(Final Project) Opinions needed

Author:  Khrist [ Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Making a new game(Final Project) Opinions needed

ok, so after a couple weeks of brainstorming and browsing for somewhat original game ideas, i think i have got one in my head that i want to do. Im pretty sure that i can make it simple and also impressive and fun to play. It combines the multiple things i like in games: guns, killing, and self-improvement.

The idea in my head is simple, a game where you(the player) are a circle that runs around and shoots things with a lazer(becasue bullets are very sketchy) and after beating levels youll get money/point which you can buy better hp/guns/runspeed ect.

The thing that i have a feeling will trouble me is the procedures and processes. I know how to do them/organize them pretty well but in recent bullet/shooting games ive experimented with ive had some problems. Some problems where that i could make the bullet go fine, but it only have 8 directions, and the player locked up while the bullet was going. The other, was that the bullet would shoot 6 times or so from one click, and then they would all flash and be very unatractive.

The lazer idea is just a simple line which i can draw another white line over after a small delay. So in my mind it seems to be the best idea right now. The controls would use the mouse and WASD to move and shoot. The left click would fire a line that is drawn between the center of the player and the Mouse.Where(x,y). So, thats some ideas in my head, im gonna start throwing them together tomorow in class, but i would definetly like some opinions/critizism. Thanks again.

Author:  c0bra54 [ Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

don't uses process, problesm you will encounter with them include, non exact positioning of anything, and gener mayhem unleashed...

my suggestion, if anything also, is to plan on on paper, EXACTLY hwo you want the game to flow.. like, even go as far as, do i want whatdotcolour detection for collision, or do i want to use exact x,y collision

becuase once you get half way done, there is almost always sometihng you wish you had done differently Razz..
