Computer Science Canada

viewing a website in tree format

Author:  SuperGenius [ Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  viewing a website in tree format

a minute ago i decided that i wanted to download a flash game from newgrounds to my HD... i've done this kind of thing before but the path to the file (.swf) has always been available. Not so this time.

The link that launches the game points to a piece of javascript called "openportalcontent" with some numbers and the filename.... but it does not include the path.

I used a site search on google but came up with nothing

so, after than longwinded explanation, is there a way that I could view the contents of site like i was viewing one on my HD (in windows explorer, not a browser)

Author:  Mazer [ Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, to even be able to view the flash file you'd have to download it. The browser does this automatically, and you can find the file in your cache.

Or, what I do: Adblock on the flash, copy the url into the address bar, file > save as...

Hope that helps you.
