var iq, weight, age : real
var french, irish, openpic, font1, font2, window, winID : int
openpic := Pic.FileNew ("e:/csis.jpg")
font1 := Font.New ("Microsoft Sans Sertif:16")
font2 := Font.New ("Bradley Hand Itc:12")
winID:= Window.Open ("position: 0;800, graphics:650;400")
Pic.Draw (openpic, 0, 0, picCopy)
delay (4000)
Font.Draw ("Csis, my hero questionaire. Please fill out.", 100, 370, font1, blue)
Font.Draw ("Enter your age, please.", 10, 350, font2, red)
locate (5, 3)
get age
if age < 30 then
Font.Draw ("Enter your weight, please.", 10, 305, font2, red)
locate (7, 3)
put "Sorry, you didnt make the cut"
Window.Close (winID)
get weight
if weight >= 180 then
Font.Draw ("Enter your french fluency (1-10), please.", 10, 260, font2, red)
locate (10, 3)
get french
if french >= 9 then
Font.Draw ("Enter your irish fluency (1-10), please.", 10, 210, font2, red)
locate (13, 3)
get irish
if irish >= 9 then
Font.Draw ("Enter your iq, please.", 10, 180, font2, red)
locate (15, 3)
get iq
if iq > 150 then
Font.Draw ("Calculating your results...", 10, 130, font1, blue)
if iq > 150 and weight > 180 and french > 9 and irish > 9 then
delay (1000)
Font.Draw ("Great questionaire, yee haw you made the cut.", 10, 100, font2, red)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if