Computer Science Canada

OpenLaszlo - Web Development Platform

Author:  rizzix [ Thu May 05, 2005 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  OpenLaszlo - Web Development Platform

This is just way too impressive. Check it out:
It has a J2EE core in the backend and the client end is flash based. This pwns the Rails and Trails anyday. You dont necessarily have to code in java, it's all XML based.

Oh and dont forget to check out the demos:

NOTE: While Trails and Rails are better suited for a common "coder", development using markup languages are actually better suited for the web developers.

Web Developers prefer describing their webpages (web development) verus coding them out, and hence they prefer the markup language to the imperative one. Thus OpenLaszlo is simply a fantastic choice. Of course functionality can be added through servlets, if needed.

Also: Here's an eclipse plugin for Laszlo development: here

Author:  wtd [ Thu May 05, 2005 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Isn't this basically what Rails does? A template looks like:

   <title>Hello world</title>
   <% 5.times do %>
   Hello world!</br>
   <% end %>

That's pretty much just describing the page, and the syntax is about as developer-friendly as XML.

Author:  rizzix [ Thu May 05, 2005 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

nope u see thats not declarative any more.. its imperative... actually its a hybrid like in PHP and JSP or XSLT.
