View.Set ("graphics:600;600,nocursor")
colourback (2)
%Menu variables
%font variables
var font1 : int := Font.New ("Arial:20")
var font2 : int := Font.New ("Arial Black:30")
var font3 : int := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:70")
var font4 : int := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:30")
%variables for the triangle
var trix : array 1 .. 3 of int := init (418, 450, 418)
var triy : array 1 .. 3 of int := init (505, 495, 480)
var inputy : int := 310
var select : string (1)
Font.Draw ("Welcome to ", 50, 550, font1, 7)
Font.Draw ("Nick Neufeld's ", 100, 500, font2, 7)
delay (1000)
for w : 1 .. 49
Font.Draw ("MINI G LF", 20, 375, font3, w)
Draw.FillOval (410, 405, 40, 20, 7)
Draw.FillOval (390, 390, 15, 15, white)
Draw.ThickLine (420, 405, 420, 500, 5, darkgrey)
Draw.FillPolygon (trix, triy, 3, 12)
delay (20)
end for
%Menu Options
Font.Draw ("New Game", 150, 300, font4, 45)
Font.Draw ("Load Game", 150, 240, font4, 45)
Font.Draw ("View High Scores", 150, 180, font4, 45)
Font.Draw ("Help", 150, 120, font4, 45)
Font.Draw ("Exit", 150, 60, font4, 45)
%Selecting Options
Draw.FillOval (130, inputy, 9, 9, white)
getch (select)
if inputy = 70 then
inputy := inputy - 0
elsif select = (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
Draw.FillOval (130, inputy, 9, 9, green)
inputy := inputy - 60
elsif inputy = 310 then
inputy := inputy + 0
elsif select = (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
Draw.FillOval (130, inputy, 9, 9, green)
inputy := inputy + 60
end if
exit when select = (KEY_ENTER)
end loop