Computer Science Canada

finding the mode of a 'double' array

Author:  hamham3001 [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  finding the mode of a 'double' array

um.. i have an assignment where i have to find stuff from a user input array.. one question asked to find the most frequent number in the 'double' array. im not sure how to do this.. can anyone help? thanks alot

Author:  wtd [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:

With a hashtable you can have each number in the array as a key. Then, at that key you store the number of times that number occurs. To find the most common number simply look for the key with the largest count attached to it.

A simple example in Ruby, since this sounds like a homework assigment, and I don't want to just give you code.

arr = [98.3, 34.6, 78.9, 34.6, 12.4, 89.4, 34.6, 98.3]
hash = {}

for num in arr
   if hash.has_key? num
      hash[num] += 1
      hash[num] = 1

most_common = hash.index(hash.values.sort.last)
