Computer Science Canada

Need help with a music checking procedure

Author:  Scooter341 [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Need help with a music checking procedure

Ok. I have a final program to do for my compsci class and i need help. I need to know if there is anyway to make a procedure that will check to see if my song is ended and if it is possible it would be appreciated if I someone could give me some code to start off with.

Author:  Cervantes [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Even if you're using Turing 4.0.5, I would not recommend using Music.PlayFileReturn, because, as far as I know, Turing does not have a function that determines whether Music.PlayFileReturn is currently playing a file. Thus, I would just use a process and Music.PlayFile. When Music.PlayFile is done, set a global variable (say, currentlyPlaying) to false.
This is the only thing you should be using processes for: Music. Avoid them in the rest of your program.
