Computer Science Canada OMG People and there hack's |
Author: | StarGateSG-1 [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 10:03 pm ] |
Post subject: | OMG People and there hack's |
Omg why does this keep coming up ![]() Why is it that some grade 9's or 10's start learning comp sci and then first thing is they wnat to make a hacking program. What ever happened to making games and useful programs you people sicken me with your hacks |
Author: | ssr [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:00 pm ] |
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lol its understandable, hope I spelled it right, everyone likes to show off a bit, and everyone wants to be an expert, but not everyone can do that, so ask for help lol I, like many others and you StarGateSG-1, would rather have a game than a hacking program, but now all we have are some old fashioned ones that has been done since the beginning of programming so everyone wants to try something new, adn the next generation is hacking, lol yes, we all suck at it, except Dan, Tony, adn most, if not all, of the mods, ![]() |
Author: | StarGateSG-1 [ Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:11 pm ] |
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I would liek to have a game of course. ![]() ![]() I just like to rant about these people because they are morons (generally, but I know a few good ones) Quote: yes, we all suck at it, except Dan, Tony, adn most, if not all, of the mods, I am form there age, although I only found this site this past november ![]() |
Author: | Drakain Zeil [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:02 am ] |
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Kids these days don't want to learn anything about hacker culture, or the divisons of white/grey/black hackers. They don't even want to program. They all wear a black-cap, and want to have a program handed to them so they can edit it and change a name to their own, claim credit, then brag to no one. These kids today have no respect. Back in my days hackers were decent, and wore a damn hat. |
Author: | jamonathin [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:21 am ] |
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Author: | md [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 10:45 am ] |
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I wanna hat ![]() But back on topic, I think it's just that kids are getting more and more lazy. I mean why write your own game when you can just change the credits and claim it as your own? So what if it's illegal, or unethical? Ethics isn't taught in schools (but it should be), and no one cares about breaking the law when it comes to computers anyways. |
Author: | MysticVegeta [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:36 pm ] |
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I dont think this topic belongs in the turing help section, so please move this to spam If you are referring to some Grade9's or 10's please use the PM methods. *dam i should become a mod* jks |
Author: | Unreal_Origin [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:50 pm ] |
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MysticVegeta wrote: I dont think this topic belongs in the turing help section, so please move this to spam
i actually think it is in a good spot the gr 9 and 10 will look at this form before posting and think twice about posting for help about hacking programming skills should be used for good |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:07 pm ] |
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Cornflake wrote: I wanna hat
![]() But back on topic, I think it's just that kids are getting more and more lazy. I mean why write your own game when you can just change the credits and claim it as your own? So what if it's illegal, or unethical? Ethics isn't taught in schools (but it should be), and no one cares about breaking the law when it comes to computers anyways. I am pretty sure there is a grade 10 course "Ethics" in my school ![]() I wouldnt limit this kind of attitude to gr 9 & 10's though, its becoming more popular everywhere. What I find ironic? is that most of these people join compsci just to show off and say they know how to hack, make viruses, etc and then they fail and say the course sucked... Another thing which bothers me, a bit off topic, is that all these people are like "youre dead, I'm gonna hack you" and then they try to guess your password by trial and error... They dont even know what it really is. |
Author: | Martin [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:05 pm ] |
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Cornflake wrote: I wanna hat
![]() But back on topic, I think it's just that kids are getting more and more lazy. I mean why write your own game when you can just change the credits and claim it as your own? So what if it's illegal, or unethical? Ethics isn't taught in schools (but it should be), and no one cares about breaking the law when it comes to computers anyways. Apparently grammar isn't taught in schools anymore either. ![]() |
Author: | SuperGenius [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 8:11 pm ] |
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In the computer engineering class next door to me they did a unit on computer ethics. |
Author: | brenn [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:24 pm ] |
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Cornflake wrote: [...] Ethics isn't taught in schools (but it should be)[...]
It is in Engineering at Waterloo ![]() |
Author: | wtd [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:30 pm ] |
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The first thing any aspiring programmer should learn is... English. |
Author: | brenn [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 10:36 pm ] |
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wtd wrote: The first thing any aspiring programmer should learn is...
English. Unless of course, he or she chooses to program in a language that has documentation mostly in a language other than English. ^o^ |
Author: | wtd [ Sat Apr 09, 2005 11:01 pm ] |
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brenn wrote: wtd wrote: The first thing any aspiring programmer should learn is...
English. Unless of course, he or she chooses to program in a language that has documentation mostly in a language other than English. ^o^ If he or she primarily communicates with English-speaking programmers, then it's a must. |
Author: | Martin [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:26 am ] |
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wtd wrote: The first thing any aspiring programmer should learn is...
English. And the second thing: Hindi. ![]() |
Author: | wtd [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 12:42 am ] |
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Nawww.... Japanese will make it much easier to read Ruby documentation. |
Author: | md [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 1:31 am ] |
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martin wrote: Cornflake wrote: I wanna hat
![]() But back on topic, I think it's just that kids are getting more and more lazy. I mean why write your own game when you can just change the credits and claim it as your own? So what if it's illegal, or unethical? Ethics isn't taught in schools (but it should be), and no one cares about breaking the law when it comes to computers anyways. Apparently grammar isn't taught in schools anymore either. ![]() Grammer is for artsies... |
Author: | wtd [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 2:42 am ] |
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Cornflake wrote: Grammer is for artsies...
Grammer is the guy who played Dr. Frasier Crane. Grammar is a set of rules for language. |
Author: | windowsall [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:50 pm ] |
Post subject: | I remember back in the days |
Ok yeah yeah i know i know back i nthe day when i was in grade 9 i hacked the school netowrk so i can send messages throught the mainserver and back not much but it was considered hacking.. then in grade 10 was the big jump..... theyll never let me near one again without being watched like a hawk... i hacked the entire PVNCCDSB school board and could change the marks of any student from any school int ht edistrict i could do anythign i was all powerfull well even then they considerred it hacking but since i did no wrong and well if you ask me it was a flaw in the network lol.... and the administrator showing mew where a program was on the network wel li couldnt haave done it wiht out the flaw and that prog .... but yup i had some times and maybe htis semester i will do it again... why?? BECAUSE i CAN! lol |
Author: | Mazer [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 8:59 pm ] |
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Excuse me, but I can't allow myself to believe a hacker would type a message like that. |
Author: | Paul [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:33 pm ] |
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Unreal_Origin wrote: programming skills should be used for good lol, sounds like doc ock from spider-man 2 ![]() "Intelligence is a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind" |
Author: | AsianSensation [ Sun Apr 10, 2005 9:56 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: I remember back in the days |
windowsall wrote: i hacked the entire PVNCCDSB school board and could change the marks of any student from any school int ht edistrict i could do anythign i was all powerfulll
Well, no wonder he had to "hack" the system. Otherwise he'll never be able to pass gr.9 English. |
Author: | Dan [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:31 pm ] |
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I realy think that you guys need to realize that spelling and gramer is not that impornt. Shure to a point it is so you can aucatly can convay your message but affter that you are lossing the point by compaing about spelling and such. Intelgecne should not be mesured by spelling ability but buy what they are saying and there message. Also what alot of you do not realize is that some peoleop can not spell or use gramer corcetly from no falut of there own. Peoleop who are learning english as a seconded languge for example or peoleop with disbiltiys that effect such things as spelling/grammer are offten openly made fun of online for being unintelgenct or inmutacher when in most cases it could not be fauther from the truth. So i am just saying lets jugue peoleop on what they say not how they say it. Now on the the origanl subject of this post, most hacking thess days poleop talk about is script kiddy sutff and is both pointless and inmucher at the same time. Hacking 1st ment poeleop that make progames for fun and then whent to peoleop that test the limits of computer systems. But now adays the media has turned the word in to somthing that means anything that is not "right" online. Also the hole idea of the hat things is a bit silly, the world is not just black and white. Tho i do blive that peoleop that know about such things that may alow them to expolite poleop, sites, servers and other things online should not be doing so just for the fun in hurting things or to be "cool" but should do it for the educational values as well as helping other peoleop. If you do manage to get in to somthing or find a hole in somthing, do not go and mess over the site but rather inform the admins about it and/or the poelope who make the software. What alot of peoleop do not undtstand is that destory random sites is very hurtfull to peoleop that have spent many hours working on them and have done nothing worng and are in fact going out of there way to help peoleop out of there own pockt. Now there are some cases where it can be good to be disturctive, for exmaple to take out kiddy pron sites or to take out sites that openly infect peoleop with virus. But thess cases are rarer and are still in the gray area rather then white. Some one erialy in this topic was braging about taking out the school netwrok simply b/c they can. I find this to be very wrong. If we did things just b/c we can socity whould be going down hilll a million times faster then it is now. Beacuse you have the power to do somthing does not mean you should. What you should do is work with your school to fix the secuity falws in the system so other peoleop will not do harm to it. It may be fun now but what happens when another kid finds out who may not like u much and then mess with your marks? Or what happens if the shcool chectchs you and then you get expiled, losse the year and psosialy criamal charges agsised you? It whould not be so fun then. Also what about the admin that has to work every day on keeping that system up, he is just doing his job and did nothing wrong to you yet you are making his life harder. In addition i also find it unlikey you did this with your own konogale, i am betting you ether used a script did nothing at all or there is a falw so baltiy obveus in the system that u just have to click on some things. In any case braging about it alone in the way you did shows how litte you know and i hope that in the futtuer you will use the litte you do know to help peoleop rather then hurt them. Any how thats my rant for today, hoppfully i did not offend to many peoleop and i also hope peoleop will aucatly read and think about the spelling thing. |
Author: | Martin [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:46 pm ] |
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I'm terribly offended. Gah, what were you thinking? |
Author: | Martin [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:54 pm ] |
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Anyway, as far as people writing hacks goes, I think it's great. Do what you want to do. Not everyone wants to learn how to make games. For some people, finding flaws in something and exploiting them is exciting. Some of them even get a kick out of fixing the error and trying to break it again. If you want to learn how something works, the best way to do it is to take it apart. Without this cycle, we'd be using Caesarian cyphers to encrypt our credit cards when we bought something online. Sure, you can steal other people's exploits from a million different places, but that doesn't matter. Those people eventually get bored and move onto something else. They get no respect out of it. |
Author: | [Gandalf] [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 3:57 pm ] |
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Haha, I totally agree with Dan, why should we be bothered with grammar and spelling as long as you can understand what is being said? Also, hacking should be used for good, to help protect against weaknesses where evil hackers can get it. Hacking should also be used to stop other evil hackers and creators of viruses. It also encourages improvement in the area of security (although can also lead to paranoia). |
Author: | rizzix [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:07 pm ] |
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martin wrote: Anyway, as far as people writing hacks goes, I think it's great.
Do what you want to do. Not everyone wants to learn how to make games. For some people, finding flaws in something and exploiting them is exciting. Some of them even get a kick out of fixing the error and trying to break it again. If you want to learn how something works, the best way to do it is to take it apart. Without this cycle, we'd be using Caesarian cyphers to encrypt our credit cards when we bought something online. Sure, you can steal other people's exploits from a million different places, but that doesn't matter. Those people eventually get bored and move onto something else. They get no respect out of it. it is OK to find flaws withing a system etc.. but you must not exploit them.. that is considered illegal (cracking). its best you contact the company or business personally and infrom them about the potential security flaws.. some companies (like actually reward you for this. |
Author: | Martin [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 5:14 pm ] |
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Without exploitation, people won't do anything. Take for example what happened to compsci a while back. Someone exploited a phpBB exploit and made the site redirect to his homepage. That's okay, no harm done (well...until Dan was a little less than friendly and well...yeah...). Sometimes you have to exploit something to learn about the extent to which it can be used. |
Author: | windowsall [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Thanks DAn |
Hey thanks hacker_dan for backing me up about the spelling in grammar personally I passed that gay literacy test well they flunked me the first time but jsut this year after the second one they wrote me a letter and apologized saying i passed the first time! found that out the other day and i mean hey if im not using Word or TextEdit on my mac i dont care about spelling. |
Author: | Mazer [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:35 pm ] |
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Damn, Dan, that's a long post. But I think I only need to quote a bit from the beginning for this: Hacker Dan wrote: I realy think that you guys need to realize that spelling and gramer is not that impornt. Shure to a point it is so you can aucatly can convay your message...
That's all I'd like. Grammar and spelling are just bonuses. |
Author: | StarGateSG-1 [ Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:02 pm ] |
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I am glad I have envoced so much entusium with this post. |
Author: | rizzix [ Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:59 pm ] |
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martin wrote: Without exploitation, people won't do anything.
as i said.. dont exploit. just notify... pfft... of course the idiot who did exploit is the reason we need to be notified.Take for example what happened to compsci a while back. Someone exploited a phpBB exploit and made the site redirect to his homepage. That's okay, no harm done (well...until Dan was a little less than friendly and well...yeah...). Sometimes you have to exploit something to learn about the extent to which it can be used. |
Author: | Martin [ Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:30 pm ] |
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I say do what you want, just don't destroy or steal or otherwise hurt people. |
Author: | windowsall [ Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:44 pm ] |
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I only did it to exploit the hole as I never changed or destroyed or I guess reeked havoc or the server lol but yeah this other kid got on it aswell so it was like a battle of me and him and i kept booting him |
Author: | betaflye [ Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:02 pm ] |
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Hacking is a good thing, it is meant for finding new and innovative ways to do things. Testing limits. The media has totally perverted what hacking is. Originally the term meant, to have shown proficency in something. To develop and improve it. Hacking is creation or improvement. Cracking on the other hand is malicious. Hackers are good. Who are the prominent hackers of today? Well one needs to look no further than Richard M Stallman, Linux Torvalds, Alan Cox, the thousands of programmers who contribute to open source projects, those who find security flaws and send them off to lists like bugtraq. This is what hacking is about, finding the limits of things and improving things. The term now can mean either a brilliant programmer, one who is skilled in something (usually technical AKA guru), security expert, and those who are better refered to as crackers. There is a difference, and maybe one day the hackers of the world will gain our word back. |
Author: | shlitiouse [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:30 am ] |
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Am I the only one who thinks that people should watch their spelling a bit? It's just common curtesy. I'm not saying that you should be a flawless typist, but at least make it look like you're paying attention to what you're saying. A well typed post is easier to read, and makes you more willing to read it, instead of having to constantly work out spelling mistakes to find the meaning in the post. Anyways, that's my 2 cents on that subject. And no, I'm not one of those people who freaks out about every typo I see. |
Author: | Martin [ Sun Apr 24, 2005 11:35 am ] |
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I like the Gary's mod for Half-life 2 forums. They ban people for everything from spelling mistakes to not following the rules for submitting screenshots. |
Author: | Dan [ Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:17 pm ] |
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shlitiouse wrote: Am I the only one who thinks that people should watch their spelling a bit? It's just common curtesy. I'm not saying that you should be a flawless typist, but at least make it look like you're paying attention to what you're saying. A well typed post is easier to read, and makes you more willing to read it, instead of having to constantly work out spelling mistakes to find the meaning in the post. Anyways, that's my 2 cents on that subject. And no, I'm not one of those people who freaks out about every typo I see.
Did you not read anything in my post? Another "common curtesy" whould be to look at the posts b4 yours b4 you post in a topic....... |
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