Computer Science Canada

Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 - Hot or not?

Author:  gogeta2006 [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 - Hot or not?

We all or most of us probably heard of one of the greatest gaming labtops that is set to release in April. Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2, its rated better than Alienware in most categories and got awsome preformance results on 3D Mark benchmark softwareBut what really counts is what you think.

Lets have a little poll shall we Exclamation

Rate the Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 out of 10 and give a little description what impacted you for the mark you gave it.


If you have not heard about this labtop, here is a link.....specs are awsome !!!!,1759,1769520,00.asp?kc=PCRSS02129TX1K0000530

Author:  zomg [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 - Hot or not?

gogeta2006 wrote:

Rate the Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 out of 10 and give a little description

sounds like u want ppl to rate this laptop 2 out of 10

anyway without any clue of anything about this topic im gonna go with alienware becuz it has a good name... not that that means much these days Rolling Eyes

Author:  gogeta2006 [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 - Hot or not?

Shadow Master wrote:
gogeta2006 wrote:

Rate the Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2 out of 10 and give a little description

sounds like u want ppl to rate this laptop 2 out of 10

Laughing hey buddy perhaps you were confused.... i meant :
Rate the "Dell Inspiron XPS Gen 2,"-- out of 10 and give a little description

Better 8)

Author:  zomg [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

no man, i wasnt confused, i was just pointing out that it could percieved that way Rolling Eyes

Author:  ssr [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 7:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

I liked Dell
but after using teh cheap crap my school bought
tsk tsk tsk

Author:  Andy [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

while i do agree thats a pretty laptop... it does cost 3100 dollars.. which is way way way too expensive... plus, why would anyone wana get a gaming laptop? for that price, i can get a gaming desktop and a portable laptop

Author:  zomg [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

ya gaming laptops blow... too akward why not just get a desktop thats good for like half the price...

Author:  Martin [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

We've got one at work.

3.4GHz p4, 1024mb ram, 256mb Radeon 9800 pro.

Rediculous res...15.4 inch screen and 1920x1200 res...too high in my opinion.

Pretty slick laptop though.

Author:  md [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

First off gaming laptops are a wast of money. Second Alienware computers are a waste of money. Third Dell sucks.

If you want a good gaming computer, build one.

Author:  Mazer [ Mon Mar 07, 2005 11:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

martin wrote:
We've got one at work.

3.4GHz p4, 1024mb ram, 256mb Radeon 9800 pro.

Rediculous res...15.4 inch screen and 1920x1200 res...too high in my opinion.

Pretty slick laptop though.

But what do you do with it?

Author:  Martin [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 7:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Run military sim stuff.

Author:  gogeta2006 [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  hmmmm

We'll what is a "good" labtop that should be used for like university....or other stuff...please post any links if you know of any decent labtop you guys are aware of.

Author:  Martin [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Go with a desktop. I bought a laptop for university, and I found that I really didn't use it enough to warrant having one.

If you do want a laptop, get something that's light with good battery life. Sony, Toshiba and IBM all make really nice laptops.

What you get really depends on your price range. With $2000, you can get a top of the line desktop computer, but that same amount of money will only get you an average notebook.

Author:  zomg [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 11:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Cornflake wrote:
First off gaming laptops are a wast of money. Second Alienware computers are a waste of money. Third Dell sucks.

If you want a good gaming computer, build one.

ya alienware is way too expensive, and dell just throws cheap ass parts together just to bring down there prices, i built my gaming computer for $700 and it runs everything:)

Author:  md [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 12:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've spent probably close to $2500 on my computer(s), but that's because I keep upgrading parts. I started off with just $600 and got a great gaming machine, now I've got a better gaming machine but since I bought all the parts slowly i've never spent more than $400 at once since Smile

Current Specs:

P4 @2.8 w/ Hyperthreading
1.25Gb ram
120Gb HD
10Gb secondary HD
48x CD Burner (same read speed, not sure about re-write)
12x DVD/40x CD
ATI Radeon 9000
ATI TV Wonder Pro
SB PCI 128
Linksys 10/100 nic
Logitec Z-640 Surround Sound speakers
Princeton 19" LCD
Samsung 17" CRT
Microsoft keyboard and mouse

Parts I still have which I used before:

P4 @ 1.5 + motherboard (in use by my brother)
SB Live 24
two 3Com 10/100 nics
nVidia Riva TNT2 Pro video card (pci)
S3 Virge video card (pci)
nVidia Quadro 2 Pro (agp)
ATI Radeon 7000 (agp)
Adaptec Ultra-wide SCSI controller w/ 4 10000 RPM 1Gb drives
assorted keyboards, mice, and drives

And if you don't hate me yet, My server:

2 PII @400
1 Gb ram
3Com 10/100 nic
40Gb HD
40x CD

I love my computers Very Happy

Author:  Martin [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Without fail, a gaming laptop will be beaten solidly by a desktop computer that costs half of what it does (or just decimated by a desktop that costs the same as it).

Author:  Mazer [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cornflake, I already hated you! Now I just hate you more.

The majority of my computers are from the "back in the day" era. That is, Commodore64, IBM PCjr, etc.
I have (my own) pretty decent computer now, but it's no super-leet-destoyer-of-evil-gamer-rig.

Author:  the_short1 [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

yea.. i got a p2 266, 128 ram, 10gb hd, 52x32x52 CDRW,3mb vid PCI, linksys nic, 4port wireless router,shaw 1.5Mb internet...... im upgrading it to pent 3 800, 512 ram, 40gb hd, 128MB vid AGP,shaw 5Mb internet** cuz yes.. my mobo is that good.. and two junky p1s with 1gb hd, 128 ram<yea.. . .

.. i know its kinda junk.. but i will be buying a kickass laptop, and just use p2(3) for downloading files and docking station(printer etc) (while at uni).. . . . so i should get a IBM or sony laptop eh.. . hmm.. thx for advice marten.. yeai heard that IBM's are built like tanks.. which is good...

but right now.. my family pc is AMD 3300+with 128Mb vid, 512 DDR RAM,160GB,DVD 16RW,xp home .. so having only 10GB on pent 2 is trivial.. .. networking is fun Razz . .. .hahaha.. bring on the music 1250 mp3s and counting..

anyways.. . alienware mite fry ur legs.. or ur table.. but they are in my opinion ten times better... and that dell gen 2 sucks . .. . common. . its not even AMD.. and hd is WAY too small. .. and its only 2.4GHZ, at least give it a 3.4 GHZ pent 4. . . i give it a 4/10

Author:  md [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 2:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you really want a laptop, IBM Thinkpads are VERY good. I had one for a bit, and it was nigh on invicible! Battery life was awsome too. The only problem I had was that it was an older model, and in order to keep it from over heating the entire bottom of the laptop was a heat sync... The new ones are awsome though

Author:  Dan [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow i did not get to this topic for a bit (esptaly since it is an alineware vs dell one). i have had both kinds of laptops and i can tell u that the alineware one is much better in the parts wise and holding together. Dell uses cheap parts where ever they can and the dam thing fell aprt on me, while alineware goes all out with everything (even flashing eyes on it). But what it comes down to is u are going to be paying for thos good parts, alineware will cost you alot and dell will be cheaper, but then again the dell will fall aprt alot sooner.

As for the sport offrend by both, dell used to have better tech sport in till they outsorced it to other places and are now so over run that there home calls to repare your comp will take longer to get to then sending it to them. Since alineware is smaller they only do it throw the mail and phone and do not have any home calls. Tho i have had alot less problems with the alineware have yet need to send it away tho with the dell it broke at least every 2~3 months since the day i got it intill the screen fell off at the 3 year mark and the warintiy ran out.

Dell has alot of issues with there laptops, most notably the problems with the motherbords breaking and casuing the keybord or mouse to stop working 100%. Also they have problems with the screens dieing about 1.5 to 2 years in. Alineware i have had for 1 year and the only problem i have had is with overheating, but this can be fixed using cooling pads and simpley not cracking the 3d on MMORPGs during the summer when the AC stops working.

so in summery if u have money go with alineware and never go with dell unless they give it to you for free.

Author:  Martin [ Tue Mar 08, 2005 9:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Dell XPS has actually been getting pretty awesome reviews, and, as far as I can tell is a really solid laptop.

As for price, they'll both run you about the same.

Author:  Andy [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

the_short1 wrote:
and its only 2.4GHZ, at least give it a 3.4 GHZ pent 4. . . i give it a 4/10

thats cuz its pentium M u idiot, not p4

Author:  Martin [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah. That Penium M would probably out do a P4 3.4GHz.

By the way, the XPS that we have is a first gen.

Author:  Andy [ Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

not probably, definitely.. especially since its using sonoma 533 mhz bus and 2mb cache

Author:  gogeta2006 [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:06 pm ]
Post subject:  SOoooooo

So, by the discussions, Dell seems like a piece of crap..... Shocked
what the hell is dell good for anyways...desktops????? Dell MP3 jukebox ??????????
Why is Dell still existing if its JUST shit ????...... IS it because of the price....any views / opinions Question

Author:  Andy [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 7:21 am ]
Post subject: 

dell is surviving because its a big corporation... and big corporation likes to buy stuff from others just like it... thats y alot of companies use dell

Author:  Martin [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 8:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Dell is a scam of a company, although they do make good PDA's.

The exist by using the fact that the majority of consumers know nothing about computer hardware. Take, for example, an ad that I saw in the Globe and Mail, from Dell.

Free upgrade from a 40GB HD to an 80GB HD - A $300 value

Now, the most expensive 80GB HD that I could find from Futureshop even was under $150. 40GB drives ran for about the same, and sometimes even more. So clearly not a $300 difference. On Tigerdirect, the only pair of HD's that was $300 apart were these 15,000 rpm SCSI drives. Now, also, this wasn't just a typo ($30 value), since it clearly showed at the top the original price slashed out, with the new price below. So, in my boredom, I decided to give Dell a call. After holding for a bit

"Hi, I noticed that in the Globe an advertisement for a computer with a $300 hard drive upgrade."
"That's right"
"Could you please tell me the manufacturer of the new hard-drive"
"I'll transfer you to the appropriate person"

Okay, fair enough.
"Hi, Dell <something or other>, how can I help you."
"Hi, I noticed that in the Globe an advertisement for a computer with a $300 hard drive upgrade, and I was wondering what make that hard-drive was."

He told me that it was (I believe) a Maxtor 7200rpm drive. He also told me that the $300
covered the cost of the drive and installation.

The difference in price between a 40 gig and an 80 gig drive caps out at about $30. So there you have it: $270 installation fee for a $130 drive.

Don't buy Dell.
