Computer Science Canada

Binary Subtraction

Author:  Pa|2a|)oX [ Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Binary Subtraction

This program took me a shorter time to make because I knew what I was doing now.

This uses ones and twos compliment to subtract digits, and as so is inherently only able to subtract a maximum of 7 bits (127 in decimal).

No shortcuts, and this one is relatively well error trapped, it will tell you if you overflowed, and if you entered a wrong answer of some sort. The binary input section is not error trapped, only 1s and 0s may be inputed or it will crash.


%Subtraction                %
%Kostia Palanski            %
%Mr. Wong                   %
%Binary Subtraction Program %
%Done: Feb. 20th 2005       %

%Graphics Settings
View.Set ("graphics:400;400,position:bottom;left,nobuttonbar")
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, black)
colorback (black)
color (yellow)
%Variable Declaration
var snum1, snum2 : string
var lsnum1, lsnum2 : int
var msnum1, msnum2 : string
var streamin, streamout : int
var osubput : string
var queryn1, queryn2, query : string
var neg1, neg2, neg : int := 0
var aosnum2 : array 1 .. 8 of int
var aosnum1 : array 1 .. 8 of int
var finalAnswer : array 1 .. 8 of int
var finalAnswerint : int
var oflow : int := 0
%TwosCompliment Variables
var twoC : string := "00000001"
var aotwoC : array 1 .. 8 of int
for f : 1 .. 8
    aotwoC (f) := strint (twoC (f))
end for
%Ones Compliment for Num2
procedure onesComplimentNum2
    for e : 1 .. 8
        if aosnum2 (e) = 1 then
            aosnum2 (e) := 0
        elsif aosnum2 (e) = 0 then
            aosnum2 (e) := 1
        end if
    end for
end onesComplimentNum2
%Ones Compliment for Num1
procedure onesComplimentNum1
    for e : 1 .. 8
        if aosnum1 (e) = 1 then
            aosnum1 (e) := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (e) = 0 then
            aosnum1 (e) := 1
        end if
    end for
end onesComplimentNum1
%Ones Compliment for FinalAnswer
procedure onesComplimentFA
    for e : 1 .. 8
        if finalAnswer (e) = 1 then
            finalAnswer (e) := 0
        elsif finalAnswer (e) = 0 then
            finalAnswer (e) := 1
        end if
    end for
end onesComplimentFA
%Twos Compliment for aosnum1
procedure twosComplimentNum1
    var final : array 1 .. 8 of int
    var fdigit : int := 0
    var carry : int := 0
    for decreasing g : 8 .. 1
        if g = 1 and aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 0
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 1
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 11
        end if
        if aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif aosnum1 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 1
        end if
    end for
    %Put output
    open : streamout, "subput.txt", put
    for h : 1 .. 8
        put : streamout, final (h) ..
    end for
    close : streamout
    %Get it to one variable
    open : streamin, "subput.txt", get
    get : streamin, osubput : *
    close : streamin
    %Reassign the new TwosCompliment to aosnum1
    for i : 1 .. 8
        aosnum1 (i) := strint (osubput (i))
    end for
end twosComplimentNum1
%Twos Compliment for aosnum2
procedure twosComplimentNum2
    var final : array 1 .. 8 of int
    var fdigit : int := 0
    var carry : int := 0
    for decreasing g : 8 .. 1
        if g = 1 and aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 0
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 1
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif g = 1 and aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 11
        end if
        if aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif aosnum2 (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 1
        end if
    end for
    %Put output
    open : streamout, "subput.txt", put
    for h : 1 .. 8
        put : streamout, final (h) ..
    end for
    close : streamout
    %Get it to one variable
    open : streamin, "subput.txt", get
    get : streamin, osubput : *
    close : streamin
    %Reassign the new TwosCompliment to aosnum2
    for i : 1 .. 8
        aosnum2 (i) := strint (osubput (i))
    end for
end twosComplimentNum2
%Twos Compliment for finalAnswer
procedure twosComplimentFA
    var final : array 1 .. 8 of int
    var fdigit : int := 0
    var carry : int := 0
    for decreasing g : 8 .. 1
        if g = 1 and finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 0
        elsif g = 1 and finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 1
        elsif g = 1 and finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif g = 1 and finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif g = 1 and finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 11
        end if
        if finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 0
        elsif finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 0 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            final (g) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif finalAnswer (g) + aotwoC (g) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            final (g) := 1
            carry := 1
        end if
    end for
    %Put output
    open : streamout, "subput.txt", put
    for h : 1 .. 8
        put : streamout, final (h) ..
    end for
    close : streamout
    %Get it to one variable
    open : streamin, "subput.txt", get
    get : streamin, osubput : *
    close : streamin
    %Reassign the new TwosCompliment to aosnum1
    for i : 1 .. 8
        finalAnswer (i) := strint (osubput (i))
    end for
end twosComplimentFA
%Subtraction Procedure using Addition
procedure subtract
    var final : array 1 .. 8 of int
    var fdigit : int := 0
    var carry : int := 0
    for decreasing j : 8 .. 1
        if j = 1 and aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 0
        elsif j = 1 and aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 1
        elsif j = 1 and aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif j = 1 and aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            fdigit := 10
        elsif j = 1 and aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            fdigit := 11
        end if
        if aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 0 and carry = 0 then
            final (j) := 0
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 0 and carry = 1 then
            final (j) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 1 and carry = 0 then
            final (j) := 1
            carry := 0
        elsif aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 1 and carry = 1 then
            final (j) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 2 and carry = 0 then
            final (j) := 0
            carry := 1
        elsif aosnum1 (j) + aosnum2 (j) = 2 and carry = 1 then
            final (j) := 1
            carry := 1
        end if
    end for
    %Outputs data to text file
    open : streamout, "subput.txt", put
    for h : 1 .. 8
        put : streamout, final (h) ..
    end for
    close : streamout
    %Get it to one variable
    open : streamin, "subput.txt", get
    get : streamin, osubput : *
    close : streamin
    %Reassign the new TwosCompliment to finalAnswer
    for i : 1 .. 8
        finalAnswer (i) := strint (osubput (i))
    end for
end subtract
%Beginning of Program
    %Set overflow to 0 for repeated attempts
    oflow := 0
    %Error trapping loops
        put "Is the first number negative? (y/n)"
        get queryn1
        if queryn1 = "Y" or queryn1 = "N" or queryn1 = "y" or
                queryn1 = "yes" or queryn1 = "no" or queryn1 = "n" then
            put "Wrong input, this is a yes or no question.."
            delay (400)
        end if
    end loop
        put "Please enter the first binary number.."
        get snum1
        lsnum1 := length (snum1)
        if lsnum1 > 7 then
            put "Only 7 bits can be inputed.."
        end if
    end loop
        put "Is the second number negative? (y/n)"
        get queryn2
        if queryn2 = "Y" or queryn2 = "N" or queryn2 = "y" or
                queryn2 = "yes" or queryn2 = "no" or queryn2 = "n" then
            put "Wrong input, this is a yes or no question.."
            delay (400)
        end if
    end loop
        put "Please enter the binary number to subtract.."
        get snum2
        lsnum2 := length (snum2)
        if lsnum2 > 7 then
            put "Only 7 bits can be inputed.."
        end if
    end loop
    %Setting negative values for loops
    if queryn1 = "y" or queryn1 = "yes" or queryn1 = "Yes" or queryn1 = "Y" then
        neg1 := 1
    end if

    if queryn2 = "y" or queryn2 = "yes" or queryn2 = "Yes" or queryn2 = "Y" then
        neg2 := 1
    end if
    msnum1 := snum1
    msnum2 := snum2
    %Zero addition and array input for aosnum1
    var difnum1 : int := 8 - lsnum1
    for a : 1 .. difnum1
        msnum1 := "0" + msnum1
    end for

    for b : 1 .. 8
        aosnum1 (b) := strint (msnum1 (b))
    end for
    %Zero addition and array input aosnum2
    var difnum2 : int := 8 - lsnum2
    for c : 1 .. difnum2
        msnum2 := "0" + msnum2
    end for

    for d : 1 .. 8
        aosnum2 (d) := strint (msnum2 (d))
    end for
    %What to do if negatives occur
    if neg1 = 1 then
    end if
    if neg2 = 0 then
    end if
    %Run Subtract Procedure
    put ""
    put ""
    %Overflow error trapping
    if aosnum1 (1) = 0 and aosnum2 (1) = 0 and finalAnswer (1) = 1 then
        put "The subtraction resulted in an overflow..."
        oflow := 1
    elsif aosnum1 (1) = 1 and aosnum2 (1) = 1 and finalAnswer (1) = 0 then
        put "The subtraction resulted in an overflow..."
        oflow := 1
    end if
    %Ones and Twos compliment of output is negative
    if finalAnswer (1) = 1 then
        neg := 1
    end if
    %Proceed with answer only of overflow = 0
    if oflow = 0 then
        finalAnswerint := strint (osubput)
        put "The subtraction of these two values produces.."
        if neg = 1 then
            put "-", finalAnswerint
        elsif neg = 0 then
            put finalAnswerint
        end if
    end if
    put ""
    put ""
    %Another set of calculations?
    put "Would you like to calculate another value?"
    get query
    if query = "y" or query = "yes" or query = "Yes" or query = "Y" then
        delay (400)
    end if
end loop
%End Program
