Computer Science Canada

s-video and audio out probs

Author:  SuperGenius [ Fri Jan 28, 2005 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  s-video and audio out probs

....I want to connect my old computer to my tv to watch stuff on it.
A few days ago I had a laptop hooked to the tv and it worked but there were some synch problems.... i think those are unrelated. Anyways, I unplugged the laptop and connected the cables to my PC, but all I get on the tv screen is a test pattern.

I've had this copmuter connected to the tv before, but only for DVD video, and I would like to be able to watch DivX videos.

I checked in control panel > display and on the laptop there's a screen to enable the tv-out, but not on this pc.

any ideas?

EDIT: seems that it does not want to play a store bought DVD disc either.... since last time I connected this computer to the tv it has had some problems, OS change, and some software might have been lost idunno, but I installed a disc that I found that says "POWERDVD" and it has the dell logo on it, and it works fine on the monitor, but still a test pattern on the tv.

Author:  Tony [ Fri Jan 28, 2005 12:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

turn off any hardware acceleration you might have going on. That is one of the problems I've encountered with S-video

and there should be a second display available to enable s-video from the control panel > display. That's a weird one. I guess you could always try to reinstall some drivers Thinking
