Computer Science Canada


Author:  countergary [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  NEED HELP WITH HW PLEASE!!!!!

Hey guys watsup, im new here!!! Very Happy

Anyways, you see im having this big Isu due in a few days and I need

help badly!!!!

My problem is Error proofing my program!!! Crying or Very sad
You see, I want my program to catch numbers and other different command's that would normaly make the program crash, and I have no clue of how to do that. Could someone help me please or at lease post an tutorial on how to error proof properly.

Thank You


Author:  cool dude [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 6:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

firstly there are a lot of tutorials on error proofing but if u can't read them then i'll just give it to u. this is a function that the error proofing is written in and all u have to do is call it in your main program where u ask the user to enter something and it will work. put this on top of your program.


% function to find a valid integer
function validint : int
    var input : string % user's input - can be anything

    get input

    % keep asking for input until it is a valid integer
        exit when strintok (input)
        put "not a valid integer, try again"
        get input
    end loop

    % send the valid integer to the main program
    result strint (input)
end validint

% function to find a valid integer
function validreal : real
    var input : string % user's input - can be anything

    get input

    % keep asking for input until it is a valid real
        exit when strrealok (input)
        put "not a valid real number, try again"
        get input
    end loop

    % send the valid real number to the main program
    result strreal (input)
end validreal
% Main program

% Declare variables
var num : int   % valid integer
var num2 : real % valid real

% Ask for input
put "please enter an integer"
num := validint
put "please enter a real number"
num2 := validreal

i didn't have a lot of time to make a really good error proofing program but this works. unless u enter ctrl z then it will crash but i don't really know how to error proof that

Author:  person [ Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

"% keep asking for input until it is a valid real"

to do this, u would need to use an if structure

Author:  basketball4ever [ Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:17 am ]
Post subject: 

person wrote:
"% keep asking for input until it is a valid real"

to do this, u would need to use an if structure

you only need an if structure if you want a message popping up to the user... the code above works perfectly fine. The loop will exit the same way as a normal if structure

Author:  person [ Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

i know but im just giving another option Very Happy
