Computer Science Canada


Author:  Andy [ Mon Jan 24, 2005 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  firefox

firefox was cofounded by a kid.. who would've known? man this makes me want to start something cool like that in compsci

Author:  Hikaru79 [ Mon Jan 24, 2005 7:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sure, why not? Computer science is still a relatively new area, particurly in the form that it is today. Students are on even ground with working adults, with perhaps even an edge (free time to spare). So many of the amazingly popular and powerful software out today was written by people close to my age. I have no doubt at all that many of the members of (if they had motivation and worked together) could design something noteworthy. Very Happy

EDIT: I just realized, Linus Torvalds was 19 when he entered the University of Helsinki...

Author:  TheZsterBunny [ Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now Adrian, whats the normal age for entering university? I think its around that. Besides, age of entry to university has nothing to do with intelligence. Mom was 17 upon entering UofCT.

H79, we're not as young as we think we are anymore Crying or Very sad


Author:  Hikaru79 [ Mon Jan 24, 2005 9:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheZsterBunny wrote:
Now Adrian, whats the normal age for entering university? I think its around that. Besides, age of entry to university has nothing to do with intelligence. Mom was 17 upon entering UofCT.

H79, we're not as young as we think we are anymore Crying or Very sad


Yes, I know that's the normal age =P I was just reffering to the fact that Linus wrote the Linux kernel during his stay at Helsinki university. Therefore, he was ALSO around 19 when the foundation for the software that would shake the world started building itself.
