Computer Science Canada

Pointless but kool

Author:  Viper [ Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Pointless but kool

press the arrow keys around to see wut happens Very Happy

Author:  zomg [ Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

whoa! trippy

pssst....this should go in the turing source code

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

woah...nice - its almost hypnotizing lol.
You should make it end when it stops drawing to the screen. (you can make a reasonable asumtion as to the screen size...)

Author:  Viper [ Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah i could make it stop but then i probly end up adding more and more and more i tend to get a lil carried away for a new programmer

Author:  ste_louis26 [ Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Neat Program. Here's some mod's that make it only one multicoloured circle. I think it's a little cooler with more colours and the movement is faster.


var WinID := Window.Open ("graphics:max;max")
var r,r2:=0
var mx,my,mb:int
var x,y,x2,y2,cc,c:int

var key:array char of boolean
x:=maxx div 2
y:=maxy div 2
x2:=maxx div 2
y2:=maxy div 2
cc:=Rand.Int (1,10)
if cc=1 then c:=7
elsif cc=2 then c:=67
elsif cc=3 then c:=98
elsif cc=4 then c:=15
elsif cc=5 then c:=27
elsif cc=6 then c:=57
elsif cc=7 then c:=98
elsif cc=8 then c:=200
elsif cc=9 then c:=180
elsif cc=10 then c:=120
end if
Input.KeyDown (key)
drawoval (x,y,r,r,c)
delay (100)
then x:=x+10
end if
then x:=x-10
end if
if key (KEY_UP_ARROW)
then y:=y+10
end if
then y:=y-10
end if
end loop

Author:  Viper [ Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:46 am ]
Post subject: 

ok...... Confused
