Computer Science Canada

Why Should I Program Object Oriented

Author:  ClayWall [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Why Should I Program Object Oriented

I don't understand what advantages there are to programming object oriented. I've it was a team project I would but anything I try to write I could do in a single file. I would really like to know why one person should program like that. Even before that I'm told I have to plan my program before I write it which is bullshit. I know what I want before I program but every day I'll come up with something to add. Fuck I'm pissed off. Sorry for the language.

Author:  Tony [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

you shoudln't use OOP because clearly you're not ready for that. Once you get out of your sandbox and attempt to create something a bit more complicated.. once you start thinking "hey, I wish I could model this code after an object"..

then congradulations! You have entered Computer Science 12 Laughing

Author:  AsianSensation [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Should I Program Object Oriented

ClayWall wrote:
but anything I try to write I could do in a single file.

Oh really? I don't think many of the good programmers on this forum could even do that, and they all realize the importance of OOP.

ClayWall wrote:
Even before that I'm told I have to plan my program before I write it which is bullshit.

Well, not many of us are as smart, because most of us like to plan on what we do, so we don't get sidetracked or lost.

The reason I think you are struggling with the importance of OOP is either you have a very bad teacher, who did not stress enough on the importance of objects. Or you think you have not encountered a situation that would have required you to properly use objects.

Gr. 12 CS dedicates quite some time to OOP, because OOP allows more flexibility in your program, and it bascily allows you to do more stuff.

Author:  TheXploder [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok, let me answer this question with a question. Would you build 100,000 cars by hand or build a robot to build those 100,000 cars?

Author:  Tony [ Fri Jan 14, 2005 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll build a robot to cut and paste 100,000 cars worth of code and then go to the store to buy some more RAM in order to even attempt to load up that file Laughing

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 3:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Lol. Here is something - its easier to understand, see, and edit. I would hate to find some non syntax problem in a huge 1 file program. Also, for really big programs - it would take too long to load up 1 huge file, as compared to a few small files which you need to edit. Very Happy

Author:  wtd [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

The key is not even necessarily object-oriented programming. It's a solid knowledge of what an interface is and how to use it. If your code is properly divided up into functions and procedures with meaningful names and proper interfaces, then it becomes vastly easier to debug, and that's the hard part of programming, just like landing is the hard part of flying.

Author:  Tony [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

wtd wrote:
just like landing is the hard part of flying.

and obviously you can fly without landing Wink just for that long Laughing

Author:  wtd [ Sat Jan 15, 2005 11:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

tony wrote:
wtd wrote:
just like landing is the hard part of flying.

and obviously you can fly without landing Wink just for that long Laughing

Yes. This is the biggest danger for a beginning programmer. You think you can do anything, and you dig yourself into a pit, then when it starts caving in you get frustrated and don't come back to it.

Author:  ClayWall [ Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:16 am ]
Post subject: 

you shoudln't use OOP because clearly you're not ready for that.

I know I'm not ready for mainly because ...
you have a very bad teacher

Also ...
ClayWall wrote:
but anything I try to write I could do in a single file.

Oh really? I don't think many of the good programmers on this forum could even do that, and they all realize the importance of OOP.

This is because I have had nothing to do that requires anything where it couldn't be done without the words module around it.

My teacher is not going to allow me to hand in a final project with out a plan but I said before I make stuff up as I go, though I have a general plan in mind, but he wants all the objects and procedure and variables etc. to be written down.

it would take too long to load up 1 huge file, as compared to a few small files

Even if you could do it all in one file?, and all you would have to do is take module off.

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jan 17, 2005 11:05 am ]
Post subject: 

ClayWall wrote:
what to hear a situation where you would need to OOP.

simulation of any kind.

although you could probably be able to create very limited systems otherwise, as they grow in complexity, OOP becomes essensial.

as for the plan - if you know what you're doing, write down something brief... just the general guideline of where you're heading. You can include the details after you've done the project Laughing

Though its easier to achieve something if you have a clear goal in mind
