Computer Science Canada

The Lockout

Author:  SuperGenius [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  The Lockout

Who else around here thinks that the NHL lockout is a bunch of bs?

If an agreement is not reached soon then the season will be scrapped. In a sport that was already facing declining populartiy and profitability it will be tough to withstand the blow to consumer interest. What I mean is that people are so irritated that there is no hockey they won't watch it as much or at all when it returns.

That said, putting myself in the leauge's position, I would have accepted the player's offer of a 24% pay cut at least as a temporary measure so that this season can be saved and negotiations could work out a more permenant agreement while the season is going on.

Author:  Delos [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Did you know that there exist clinics in parts of Africa, run by Canadian researchers, that specialize in curbing the spread of HIV/AIDS. These clinics save thousands of lives per year in their efforts.
To run one of these clinics costs about as much as half the annual salary of one major league NHL player.

That's my social awareness pitch for today.

Author:  Cervantes [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't like hockey.
I agree with Delos. Earning that much money is stupid. It's even more stupid to be so greedy as to insist on not losing any of their excess money. There are better things that money can go to.

Author:  Paul [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

If not hockey, it'd go somewhere else in business, entertainment business. Plus these people work hard to get into NHL, all their dreams and hopes go into their profession. Its not something that you just decide to do everyday. What? you think that regular people who suddenly don't have a game to watch on TV or at an arena, who don't have hockey jersey's to buy, and other merchandise, will suddenly be enlightened by the divine good in all of them, and decide to donate money to Africa? I think not.

Author:  Mazer [ Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Everytime I see Ron Maclean (sp?) and Don Cherry (what an overpayed prick) doing something besides hockey commentary I laugh my ass off. Just a bit. Seriously, I can only hope this would happen with football too, but that's not as likely.

Here's my take on it: the hockey players get payed way too much. And now they won't play unless they can get payed more? Maybe I'm interpreting it wrong, but why would you want to watch these people on tv? Do you respect them?

In my opinion, it's not a sport if you are being payed to participate. My favourite part of the Olympics (besides the Greek national anthem) is when the athletes come into the stadium and they all have their own cameras to record the experience because they are more excited about being there than the spectators are to see them.

Author:  Neo [ Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

The lockouts not so bad when your city has the best jr. team in the country
(29-0-2) ! Go Knights GO!

Author:  Maverick [ Wed Dec 15, 2004 4:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ya the owners are just too greedy. They shuld have taken the 24% pay cut but thern negotiated smaller things later on.
