Computer Science Canada

Possible "Flash" type movie in turing?

Author:  w00t [ Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Possible "Flash" type movie in turing?

Hey everyone, Smile

I'm new to these forums and i find it a great resource of knowledge and help. I'm currently in a Comp Sci program in school and we're using turing ( 3.2 , due to some recent cuts its all we have Crying or Very sad ) and for my final project we have to create a game, but with some reasoning with my teacher I've convinced him to let me do an animation...

I've seen varous animations of colour and stuff, but i was wondering turing could handle doing a "music video" with characters walking around and dancing to the music. I can import music but how would you get the characters to run smoothly enough to actually look good, i can make balls, squares and rectangles move around the screen the only problem is that they may cause a seizure if you stare to long. Confused Confused Confused

Any suggestions or ideas for my music would be greatly aprreciated.

w00t w00t

P.S. For music, something other than the mario or mortal combat theme would be nice... Laughing

Author:  Cervantes [ Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

You turned down the offer to make a game? I should refuse to help you!!

Bah, that aside, Turing can do this, though it would take a lot of effort to make it look right. You will probably want to use pictures, so Pic.FileNew and Pic.Draw will help you out. To make animations, you should probably follow AsianSensation's advice and save your pictures as pic1, pic2, .. pic10, and use an array to store your pictures. So for one character dancing around, you could have one array for him doing that dance move, then if he switches dance moves, you could use another array for that move. Perhaps you could even look into Records and to group your arrays together under the larger umbrella of character.


var Stewie :
        disco : array 1 .. 10 of int
        walk : array 1 .. 6 of int
        jump : array 1 .. 9 of int
    end record

for i : 1 .. upper (Stewie.disco)
    Stewie.disco (i) := Pic.FileNew ("StewieDisco" + intstr (i) + ".bmp")
end for

Catch my drift?
[EDIT] Go for the oldie music. Some Yes would work well. Perhaps Roundabout or Tempus Fugit.[/EDIT]

Author:  w00t [ Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes i turned down a game because i felt doing an animation may be more of a challenge for me. My teacher gave us I believe three choices and i didn't want to do those, i wanted to do something different that we haven't touched in class per say.... Thanx alot for the help

w00t w00t
