Computer Science Canada

Problem With Links in E-mails

Author:  josh [ Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Problem With Links in E-mails

Lately all the topic reply notifications I have got, when I click on the link to the topic, I get a page that says someting like "bad URl" or topic does not exist, then I go to the boards to make sure they are up and they are, and the topic is there.

Author:  Dan [ Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

can u post the content of the e-mails it is sending you plz?

Author:  josh [ Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

sure srry, this is the page that I get when I click on the link:


Wrong page sory but /bad.html?p=66154 could not be loaded on

This is the text of the s-mail I got for this thread:


You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic, "Problem With Links in E-mails" at This topic has received a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.

If you no longer wish to watch this topic you can either click the "Stop watching this topic link" found at the bottom of the topic above, or by clicking the following link:

Thanks, The Management of

Author:  josh [ Wed Nov 24, 2004 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

weird, when I click the post in my trahs bin, it worked, mybe cause I had another window to compsci already open...
