Computer Science Canada

Input.KeyDown Troubles

Author:  Flashkicks [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Input.KeyDown Troubles

Hey ppl's. yes, it is I; Fashkicks, and I am stuck. You may find this exceedingly funny but I havent programmed in a VERY LONG time and I was told to make a proggy that just simply makes a spaceship fly around in a window and when the up arrow is pressed the velocity [speed] is increased by one and when the down arrow is pressed the velocity is decreased by one. I started and am having trouble bcuz my "array subscript is out of range" .. I hate that problem cuz I rememebr ALWAYS getting that Evil or Very Mad Anyways, any help would be appreciated and yes- I DO realize my horrible style Embarassed If you think you can clean it up a bit then by all means, do so. In the mean time- it sure would be ncie just to see my program run

PS: Yes I DO realize also that my View.Update is messing up- I was going to fix that once I got everything werking..
var bg : int := Pic.FileNew ("mountain_background.jpg")
var pic : int := Pic.FileNew ("spaceship.bmp")
var x, y, dirx, diry : int := 0
dirx := 5
diry := -5
randint (x, 0, maxx)
randint (y, 0, maxy)
% Pic.SetTransparentColor (pic, brightred)
Pic.Draw (bg, 0, 0, picCopy)
setscreen ("graphics:768;512")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")

process Control
    var input : array char of boolean
        Input.KeyDown (input)
        if input (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
            dirx := dirx + 1
            diry := diry + 1
        elsif input (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
            dirx := dirx - 1
            diry := diry - 1
        end if
    end loop
end Control
fork Control

    Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, picMerge)
    x := x + dirx
    y := y + diry
    if x < 0 or x > maxx then
        dirx := -dirx
        delay (15)
    end if
    if y < 0 or y > maxy then
        diry := -diry
        delay (15)
    end if
    % Pic.Draw (pic, x, y, picMerge)
end loop

Author:  Delos [ Tue Nov 23, 2004 2:56 pm ]
Post subject: 


if input (KEY_UP_ARROW) then

Also, you don't need a process to run Input.KeyDown(), just incorporate it directly into your main loop.

Author:  Flashkicks [ Wed Nov 24, 2004 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Embarassed Haha. Okay, that was as dumb mistake on my behalf. But if you have actually comiled this then you would see that the program still messes up. It continually goes faster and then just stops running... Question Umm.. You guys are still welcome to

Author:  Flashkicks [ Fri Nov 26, 2004 1:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Three days have passed and still; no one has been able to help... Is there seriously anyone out there who cant figure this out??.. Cuz if so-thats sad.. I know this should be pieces of cake for you guys... Anyhoo- Ill keep trying.. Tony, it would be nice to hear from you Rolling Eyes ..

Author:  Delos [ Fri Nov 26, 2004 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Try adding a delay() to your control process.

Even better yet, trash the process and incorporate your movement into your main loop. And add a delay() to that.
