Computer Science Canada

First program...dont make fun

Author:  MattyGG [ Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  First program...dont make fun

I thought it was kinda cool, when done on the right machine, anyway...though it doesn't have much point to it...

var moveX, moveX2 : int
var moveY, moveY2 : int
setscreen ("graphics:max;max")
moveX := 50
moveY := 50
moveX2 := 65
moveY2 := 65
        Draw.FillOval (moveX, moveY, 10, 10, black)
        Draw.FillOval (moveX2, moveY2, 10, 10, brightred)

        moveX -= 3
        moveY += 3
        if moveX >= maxx then
            moveX := 0
        elsif moveY >= maxy then
            moveY := 0
        elsif moveX <= 0 then
            moveX := maxx
        elsif moveY <= 0 then
            moveY := maxy
        end if

        moveY2 += 3
        moveX2 += 3
        if moveX2 >= maxx then
            moveX2 := 0
        elsif moveY2 >= maxy then
            moveY2 := 0
        elsif moveX2 <= 0 then
            moveX2 := maxx
        elsif moveY2 <= 0 then
            moveY2 := maxy
        end if
    end loop
end loop

Author:  Viper [ Mon Nov 22, 2004 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow that gives you a headache and a half but other than that its pretty kool

Author:  gohan [ Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pretty good if it was my sister making a guess its good for your first time

But, i dont know wny you put it on because it has no purpose

Author:  [Gandalf] [ Fri Apr 22, 2005 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 


They were on page 10 or whatever for a reason, they're dead. If you want, look at the program and move on.

Also, these kinds of programs were sort of banned - although this is one of the better ones I have seen...

You have been unofficially warned.
And you should count this as official:

Author:  jamonathin [ Sat Apr 23, 2005 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, you're two 4 two gohan!

Author:  Undr_Xposed [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

that kinda reminds me of my first program that acutally worked

var font, fontx : int

drawfillbox(0, 0, maxx, maxx, black)
Font.Draw("made by:", 80, 290, font, red)
Font.Draw("UndrXposed", 80, 240, font, red)
Font.Draw("do not play if u are epileptic", 80,190, font, red)

drawfillbox(0, 0, maxx, maxx, black)
Font.Draw("Are you...", 260, 300, font, white)
Font.Draw("EPILEPTIC?!?", 130, 70, fontx, white)
drawfillbox(0, 0, maxx, maxx, white)
Font.Draw("Are you...", 260, 300, font, black)
Font.Draw("EPILEPTIC?!?", 130, 70, fontx, black)
end loop

if u are epileptic tho do not run it

Author:  beard0 [ Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

[Gandalf] wrote:
Also, these kinds of programs were sort of banned

This is a way of saying that we don't need to see any more.

Author:  Undr_Xposed [ Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

sorry bout that Confused i wont do it again

Author:  ZeroPaladn [ Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

your first program would actually make a neato screen saver, once you think about it...

Author:  haseeb [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lol ur alpha code doesnt even match your numeric code try puting them in the trans so it will work better. Ps next time put the purm in the next code and end the loop withe a tloop that will help your program work better.

Author:  haseeb [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 4:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

% %
% Developed by Me %
% %
% This program is a simple two gravitational body simulation. %
% It graphically shows the gravitational pull from the two %
% "planets" and from the wall. Most of the gravity calculation %
% is done in hundredth pixels in order to get a fine enough %
% resolution. (Originally, all variables starting with 'r' %
% where real variables, but the program executed far too slowly %
% for use on 8088 PCs.) %
% %
% All of the constants defined at the top of the program can %
% be changed in order to experiment with different environments %
% and factors. Feel free to tinker, doctor and change this %
% program to your hearts content. That's what it's here for! %
% %
setscreen ("graphics,noecho")

* Colours of Objects *
const wallColour := 1 % the colour of the walls
const obstacleColour := 1 % the colour of planet 1
const targetColour := 2 % the colour of planet 2
const edgeColour := 3
const probeColour := 2

* Constants *
% the gravitational push of the walls
const wallGravityConstant := 50
% the gravitational pull of the planets
const planetGravity := 85
% the maximum initial speed is maxSpeed / maxDivider
const maxSpeed := 20
const maxDivider := 10
% the closest that objects will be placed to the edge of the screen
const border := 35

* Variables *
var obstacleX, obstacleY : real % the integer position of planet 1
var targetX, targetY : real % the integer position of planet 2
var obstacleSize : int := 10 % The size of the obstacle
var targetSize : int := 30 % The size of the target
var probeX, probeY : real % the probe's position (integer numbers)
var probeVelocityX, probeVelocityY : real % the probe's velocity in
% hundredths of pixels

* This procedure gives the instructions for the game. *
procedure Instructions
setscreen ("noecho,nocursor")
locate (1, 30)
put "PILOT"
put skip
color (2)
put "In Xeron IV the universe is a box bounded by negative gravity,"
put "so that you can never go near the edge."
put skip
put "You are a master pilot of the space probe Galaticon, and wish to"
put "pilot your craft back to the home planet of " ..
colour (13)
put "Purplonia" ..
colour (2)
put ". Unfortunately"
put "the planet of " ..
colour (11)
put "Bluezix" ..
colour (2)
put " is in the way. In order to do so, you "
put "must specifiy the starting velocity of the probe with the arrow"
put "keys and then use the space bar to launch it. Each time you are"
put "successful, you will be put in another situation, each a little"
put "more difficult. If you survive 13 times, you are awarded"
put "Master Pilots status with Nova Clusters."
put skip
put "You will need to use the gravity of the two planets to achieve"
put "this goal. Good luck."
put skip
put "Hit any key to start the game..."


end Instructions

* This procedure sets up the probe and planets so that the *
* obstacle planet is always between the probe and the target *
* planet. *
procedure InitPosition
var targetDistance, obstacleDistance : real
var dist1, dist2, rnd : real
targetX := Rand.Int (5 + targetSize, maxx - 5 - targetSize)
targetY := Rand.Int (5 + targetSize, maxy - 5 - targetSize)
probeX := Rand.Int (5, maxx - 5)
probeY := Rand.Int (5, maxy - 5)
targetDistance := Math.Distance (targetX, targetY, probeX, probeY)
exit when targetDistance > 30 + targetSize + (2 * obstacleSize)
end loop
dist1 := (targetDistance - 30 - targetSize - (2 * obstacleSize)) /
rand (rnd)
dist1 := rnd * dist1
dist2 := (20 + obstacleSize) / targetDistance
obstacleX := round (probeX + (dist1 + dist2) * (targetX - probeX))
obstacleY := round (probeY + (dist1 + dist2) * (targetY - probeY))
obstacleDistance := Math.Distance (obstacleX, obstacleY, probeX, probeY)
end InitPosition

* This procedure determines the probe's initial velocity. *
procedure InitProbeVelocity
var endNow : boolean := false
probeVelocityX := 0
probeVelocityY := 0
var c : string (1)
c := getchar
Draw.ThickLine (round (probeX), round (probeY), round (probeX + probeVelocityX),
round (probeY + probeVelocityY), 3, white)
case c of
% The 7 key (on the keypad)
label KEY_HOME :
probeVelocityX -= 2
probeVelocityY += 2
% The 8 key (on the keypad)
label KEY_UP_ARROW :
probeVelocityY += 2
% The 9 key (on the keypad)
label KEY_PGUP :
probeVelocityX += 2
probeVelocityY += 2
% The 4 key (on the keypad)
probeVelocityX -= 2
% The 6 key (on the keypad)
probeVelocityX += 2
% The 1 key (on the keypad)
label KEY_END :
probeVelocityX -= 2
probeVelocityY -= 2
% The 2 key (on the keypad)
probeVelocityY -= 2
% The 3 key (on the keypad)
label KEY_PGDN :
probeVelocityX += 2
probeVelocityY -= 2
label " ", KEY_ENTER :
endNow := true
label :
end case
if probeVelocityX < -maxSpeed then
probeVelocityX := -maxSpeed
elsif probeVelocityX > maxSpeed then
probeVelocityX := maxSpeed
end if
if probeVelocityY < -maxSpeed then
probeVelocityY := -maxSpeed
elsif probeVelocityY > maxSpeed then
probeVelocityY := maxSpeed
end if
Draw.ThickLine (round (probeX), round (probeY),
round (probeX + probeVelocityX), round (probeY + probeVelocityY),
3, edgeColour)
exit when endNow
end loop

probeVelocityX /= maxDivider
probeVelocityY /= maxDivider
end InitProbeVelocity

* This procedure draws the planets, probe and edge of the screen. *
procedure DrawPlayingField
drawbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, wallColour)
drawfilloval (round (probeX), round (probeY), 3, 3, probeColour)
drawfilloval (round (obstacleX), round (obstacleY), obstacleSize, obstacleSize, brightblue)
drawfilloval (round (targetX), round (targetY), targetSize, targetSize, brightred)
end DrawPlayingField

* This procedure draws the probe. *
procedure DrawTarget (px, py, clr : int)
drawline (px - 1, py - 1, px + 1, py - 1, clr)
drawline (px - 1, py, px + 1, py, clr)
drawline (px - 1, py + 1, px + 1, py + 1, clr)
end DrawTarget

* Main Procedure *
var lost : boolean := false % Set if you hit the obstacle or hit a key
var successes : int := 0 % Number of successful interceptions


% Set up the initial positions and velocity

% The movement loop
% Calculate the gravitational pull of the walls
% Gravitation Pull / Push = G / (r**2)
const wallGravityX := wallGravityConstant / (probeX ** 2) -
wallGravityConstant / ((maxx - probeX) ** 2)
const wallGravityY := wallGravityConstant / (probeY ** 2) -
wallGravityConstant / ((maxy - probeY) ** 2)
const wallGravity := sqrt (wallGravityX ** 2 + wallGravityY ** 2)

% Calculate the gravitational pull of planet 1
const d1x := obstacleX - probeX
const d1y := obstacleY - probeY
const obstacleDistance := sqrt (d1x ** 2 + d1y ** 2)
if obstacleDistance <= obstacleSize or hasch then
% Hit Obstacle ?
locate (2, maxcol div 2 - 5)
put "You Lose!" ..
var c : string (1)
getch (c)
lost := true
end if
const obstacleGravity := obstacleSize * planetGravity /
(obstacleDistance ** 2)
const divisor1 := abs (d1x) + abs (d1y)
const obstacleGravityX := obstacleGravity * d1x / divisor1
const obstacleGravityY := obstacleGravity * d1y / divisor1

% Calculate the gravitational pull of planet 2
const d2x := targetX - probeX
const d2y := targetY - probeY
const targetDistance := sqrt (d2x ** 2 + d2y ** 2)
if targetDistance <= targetSize then
% Hit Target ?
locate (2, maxcol div 2 - 4)
put "You Win!" ..
var c : string (1)
getch (c)
end if
const targetGravity := targetSize * planetGravity /
(targetDistance ** 2)
const divisor2 := abs (d2x) + abs (d2y)
const targetGravityX := targetGravity * d2x / divisor2
const targetGravityY := targetGravity * d2y / divisor2

% Calculate the acceleration of the probe (x, y and total)
const probeAccelerationX := wallGravityX + obstacleGravityX +
const probeAccelerationY := wallGravityY + obstacleGravityY +

% Add the probe's acceleration to its velocity
probeVelocityX += probeAccelerationX
probeVelocityY += probeAccelerationY

% Add the probe's velocity to its position
probeX += probeVelocityX
probeY += probeVelocityY

drawfilloval (round (probeX), round (probeY), 3, 3, probeColour)
delay (34)
end loop

% end the game if you lost
exit when lost

% otherwise make the next round a little more difficult
targetSize -= 2
obstacleSize += 2

% end the game if you have a winner!
% (Note: The programmer of this game has yet to see anyone win.)
exit when targetSize < 5

successes += 1
end loop

% Print the ending message
locate (10, 2)
if targetSize < 5 then
put "You have successfully completed the"
locate (11, 13)
put "missions!"
locate (12, 9)
put "Congratulations!!!"
locate (14, 3)
put "You are awarded your Master Pilot Wings"
locate (15, 3)
put " With Nova Clusters"
elsif successes < 1 then
put "You failed to make any interceptions!"
elsif successes < 2 then
put "You made one successful interception."
put "You made ", successes, " successful interceptions."
end if
put skip, skip

here try that.

Author:  Cervantes [ Tue Nov 01, 2005 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

1.) This has been said enough times in this thread already, but it seems it needs saying again. Oh the irony... Don't bring up an old topic for useless stuff like this.

2.) Don't post code that is "Developed by Tom West, Stephen Perelgut and Ric Holt for Holt Software Associates", and yet claim it as your own. Plagarism is not cool. Just because their code says the following:
Tom West, Stephen Perelgut and Ric Holt for Holt Software Associates wrote:

% All of the constants defined at the top of the program can %
% be changed in order to experiment with different environments %
% and factors. Feel free to tinker, doctor and change this %
% program to your hearts content. That's what it's here for! %

This does not mean you can claim it as your own.
What really irks me about this is you didn't just delete all the comments at the start of the program. You very deliberately removed their names and wrote "Me" on top. Evil or Very Mad

3.) I don't even know how this relates to anything in this thread.

Locked. And you lose 15 bits.
