Computer Science Canada

Duck Hunt

Author:  MyPistolsIn3D [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Duck Hunt

Ok, for my next compsci FP, I wanna do duck hunt and build one of those light guns that you shoot the screen with. I've been doing a bit of reasearching on how to make one. Anyone know how to? Would I be able to make one?

Author:  Tony [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:07 pm ]
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just find one from snes and hook that up to a parallelport, would save you a lot of trouble.

as for how it works... isn't it basically external whatdotcolour type of thing? I'm not sure though.

Author:  MyPistolsIn3D [ Sun Nov 21, 2004 4:11 pm ]
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yea, basically. I wanna make one tho, itd be more fun.

Author:  SuperGenius [ Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:18 pm ]
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in terms of duckhunt it is very simple.

When you shoot the gun the screen will briefly flash white, and a square around the duck does not. This way the gun does not have to be so precise.

If you are making duckhunt I reccomend you make it that way because my opinion is if you're going to make a classic game it should be as close to the origional as possible.

Author:  Martin [ Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:15 pm ]
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The best part was you could hold paper over the gun and it would think you were shooting the duck Wink

Author:  Martin [ Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:20 pm ]
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