Computer Science Canada

Ma Pimpin truck

Author:  Viper [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 9:05 am ]
Post subject:  Ma Pimpin truck

%nov 11/04

var WinID := Window.Open ("graphics:max;max")
var x, y : int

procedure frame
var a : array 1 .. 3 of int := init (280, 200, 311)
var b : array 1 .. 3 of int := init (355 - 10, 275 - 10, 276 - 10)

drawfillpolygon (a, b, 3, 55) %cab
drawfillbox (95, 190, 580, 275, 55) %back
drawfillbox (281, 212 - 10, 370, 355 - 10, 55) %cab

end frame
procedure framelines
var f : array 1 .. 5 of int := init (340 + 5, 340 + 5, 235 + 5, 235 + 5, 280 + 5)
var g : array 1 .. 5 of int := init (330, 270, 270, 285, 330)
drawline (286, 340, 350 + 5, 340, 7) %door
drawline (350 + 5, 340, 350 + 5, 209, 7) %door
drawline (350 + 5, 209, 225 + 5, 209, 7) %door
drawline (225 + 5, 209, 225 + 5, 284, 7) %door
drawline (225 + 5, 284, 281 + 5, 340, 7) %door
drawline (580, 276, 580, 190, 7) %backback
drawline (370, 276, 377, 286, 7) %backline
drawline (377, 286, 587, 286, 7) %backline
drawline (378, 286, 378, 276, 7) %backline
drawline (587, 286, 580, 276, 7) %backline
drawline (580, 276, 370, 276, 7) %backline
drawline (587, 286, 587, 203, 7) %backline
drawline (587, 203, 580, 190, 7) %backline
drawline (370, 276, 370, 356 - 10, 7) %backline
drawline (370, 356 - 10, 377, 363 - 10, 7) %backline
drawline (377, 363 - 10, 377, 286 - 10, 7) %backline
drawfillpolygon (f, g, 5, grey) %doorwindow
drawpolygon (f, g, 5, 7) %d.w.outline
drawfilloval (315 + 5, 263 - 10, 2, 5, 1) %handle
drawfilloval (315 + 5, 263 - 10, 7, 1, grey) %handle
end framelines
procedure lights
drawfilloval (98, 267, 7, 7, yellow) %topfront
drawfilloval (98, 255, 7, 7, 42) %2ndtopfront
drawfilloval (577, 267, 7, 7, yellow) %topback
drawfilloval (577, 255, 7, 7, 12) %2ndtopback

end lights
procedure wheelholes
drawfillarc (150, 195, 40, 40, -10, 190, 1) %frontwheelhole
drawfillarc (478, 195, 40, 40, -10, 190, 1) %backwheelhole
end wheelholes
procedure wheels
drawfilloval (150, 195, 30, 30, grey) %frontinner
drawfilloval (150, 195, 35, 35, 7) %frontwheelouter
drawfilloval (478, 195, 35, 35, 7) %backwheelouter
drawfilloval (478, 195, 30, 30, grey) %backinner

end wheels
procedure spokes (clr : int)

drawfilloval (150, 195, 30, 30, grey) %frontinner
drawline (150, 195, 180, 195, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 178, 175, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 165, 165, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 145, 160, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 124, 172, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 120, 195, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 120, 212, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 132, 225, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 153, 230, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 175, 219, clr) %spokes
drawfilloval (150, 195, 5, 5, 7) %frontinnerinner
drawfilloval (150, 195, 2, 2, grey) %frontinnerinnerinner
drawfilloval (478, 195, 30, 30, grey) %backinner
drawline (478, 195, 508, 195, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 506, 175, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 493, 165, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 473, 160, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 452, 172, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 448, 195, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 448, 212, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 460, 225, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 481, 230, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 503, 219, clr) %spokes
drawfilloval (478, 195, 5, 5, 7) %backinnerinner
drawfilloval (478, 195, 2, 2, grey) %backinnerinnerinner

end spokes
procedure deptheffect
drawfilloval (585, 279, 7, 7, yellow) %fartopback
drawfilloval (585, 267, 7, 7, 12) %far2ndtop
var h : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (281, 291, 377, 370)
var i : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (356 - 10, 363 - 10, 363 - 10, 356 - 10)
drawfillpolygon (h, i, 4, 54) %top
var j : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (370, 377, 377, 370)
var k : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (356 - 10, 363 - 10, 287 - 10, 276 - 10)
drawfillpolygon (j, k, 4, 9) %backwindow
var l : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (370, 377, 587, 580)
var m : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (276, 286, 286, 276)
drawfillpolygon (l, m, 4, 1) %backback
var n : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (587, 580, 580, 587)
var o : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (286, 276, 190, 203)
drawfillpolygon (n, o, 4, 9) %backbackback
var p : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (95, 107, 207 + 10, 191 + 10)
var q : array 1 .. 4 of int := init (276, 283, 283, 268)
drawfillpolygon (p, q, 4, 54) %front
end deptheffect
procedure spokes2 (clr : int)
drawfilloval (150, 195, 30, 30, grey) %frontinner
drawline (150, 195, 179, 195 + 8, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 178, 175 + 10, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 165 + 5, 165 + 8, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 145 + 10, 160 + 6, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 124 + 13, 172 - 2, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 120 + 2, 195 - 7, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 120 + 3, 212 - 5, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 132 - 4, 225 - 10, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 153 - 7, 230 - 6, clr) %spokes
drawline (150, 195, 175 - 15, 219 + 4, clr) %spokes
drawfilloval (150, 195, 5, 5, 7) %frontinnerinner
drawfilloval (150, 195, 2, 2, grey) %frontinnerinnerinner
drawfilloval (478, 195, 30, 30, grey) %backinner
drawline (478, 195, 507, 195 + 8, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 506, 175 + 10, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 493 + 5, 165 + 8, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 473 + 10, 160 + 6, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 452 + 13, 172 - 2, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 448 + 2, 195 - 7, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 448 + 3, 212 - 5, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 460 - 4, 225 - 10, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 481 - 7, 230 - 6, clr) %spokes
drawline (478, 195, 503 - 15, 219 + 4, clr) %spokes
drawfilloval (478, 195, 5, 5, 7) %backinnerinner
drawfilloval (478, 195, 2, 2, grey) %backinnerinnerinner

end spokes2
var pic : int
var pic2 : int
var pic3 : int
var pic4 : int
var count : int

spokes (7)
spokes2 (0)

pic := Pic.New (25, 25, 590, 450)

pic2 := Pic.Rotate (pic, -5, 478, 195)
pic3 := Pic.Rotate (pic, -10, 478, 195)
pic4 := Pic.Rotate (pic, -15, 478, 195)



count := 0
spokes (7)
delay (100)
spokes2 (0)
delay (100)
count:= count+1
exit when count>=20
end loop
count := 0

Pic.Draw (pic2, 20, 20, picCopy)
delay (130)
Pic.Draw (pic3, 20, 20, picCopy)
delay (130)
Pic.Draw (pic4, 20, 20, picCopy)
delay (130)
Pic.Draw (pic3, 20, 20, picCopy)
delay (130)
Pic.Draw (pic2, 20, 20, picCopy)
delay (130)
Pic.Draw (pic, 20, 20, picCopy)
delay (130)
count:= count+1
exit when count>=5
end loop
end loop

Author:  Neo [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 10:38 am ]
Post subject: 

That is a pimpin truck Very Happy

Author:  zomg [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

thats pretty kewl... try adding a road and a backgroud

nice job

Author:  m&m [ Wed Nov 17, 2004 4:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

shadow master wrote:
thats pretty kewl... try adding a road and a backgroud

Is That even possible with turing?

Author:  Viper [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  background & road

i tried put a background but as you can see i did a pic rotate thing n when it turns the pic to give the truck a hydrolic look it made it look dumb bc the background would turn to

Author:  Martin [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Look people, there is a lot that you can do with Turing. Search for Evasive Maneuvers for an example, or look for Catalyst's 3d stuff. Yes, that is the same turing that you are using.

Your 100 line programs are coming nowhere near pushing Turing to it's max.

Author:  zomg [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mad Mad if i may say so i dont think he was trying to "push turing to the max" jeez
There are allot of programs here that would not be "pushing turing to the max" not every body is a l33t programer

why dont u think before u knock somebodies program

just because catalyst is an amazing programmer doesnt mean that he sets the standard around here

besides its pretty good

Author:  Cervantes [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

shadow master wrote:
why dont u think before u knock somebodies program

I believe martin's comment was more of a general comment on the flooding of Turing Submissions with very basic and repetitive programs.

Author:  Neo [ Thu Nov 18, 2004 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: background & road

Viper wrote:
i tried put a background but as you can see i did a pic rotate thing n when it turns the pic to give the truck a hydrolic look it made it look dumb bc the background would turn to

You have to create the truck pic then use the Pic.New command to copy it then rotate it and draw the background underneath.

Author:  Viper [ Fri Nov 19, 2004 9:09 am ]
Post subject:  i did

i tried that n it didnt work out 2 good so any other suggestions im open 2 try em out

Author:  benQ [ Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Nice Truck

That really is a pimpin truck. Nice job! Very Happy

Author:  co0kxox [ Sun Jan 09, 2005 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

nice looks cool
