Computer Science Canada

Start of a D&D type game....

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Start of a D&D type game....

I hope this is original lol

heres the starting of it...

Author:  Delos [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:21 pm ]
Post subject: 


Buggy source...did you even test this before posting?
I hope you know where you're going with this, because as it stands it's not all that much.
I would make a few suggestions:
- start procedurizing your programme now. Don't wait. A game (or any other programme for that matter) that claims to have the scope that yours does cannot be written linearly and be effective.
- either look into Error Trapping your programme (try to press Ctrl + Z at any of your input prompts), or switch to a different form of input.
On that note, you have not used Input.KeyDown() all that have to understand that it is an instantaneous function, returning the status of the keyboard at an instant. So, for it to actually be able to return any useful values, you need it in a loop.
- setscreen ("nobuttonbar")

Now go! Refine and rethink! You have features (bugs) to update (fix)!

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 3:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

sory about that, I debugged it after I posted... and about those procedures.... I've never actually created them personally.. so I have no clue what the syntax are or anything... but i'll try to look it up.. I've seen in other games that only the procedures are looped at the end... hmm would that be something like this/


end loop

or something like that. Except all those would be broken down into previously declared procedures... am I right?


culd you please give me an example of a simple 'procedure' maybe you have an old program lying around or sumthin

Author:  Delos [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Procedures Functions Processes by tony
Modules by Delos

Read those, they'll explain everything. But because I have a minute, I'll post this as well:


procedure makeABox (x1, y1, x2, y2 : int)
    % Declare the start to the procedure.
    % The parameters are the variables/numbers to be entered when the procedure is called.

    drawbox (x1, y1, x2, y2, 7)
    drawbox (x1 + 20, y1 + 20, x2 + 20, y2 + 20, 7)
    drawline (x1, y1, x1 + 20, y1 + 20, 7)
    drawline (x2, y2, x2 + 20, y2 + 20, 7)
    drawline (x1, y2, x1 + 20, y2 + 20, 7)
    drawline (x2, y1, x2 + 20, y1 + 20, 7)
     %Draw some stuff.  Note that none of the variables are currently knonw, they'll be specified when the procedure is called.
end makeABox

% Now, at some point:
makeABox (100, 100, 150, 150)

Cool eh?

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

wow, it pops out 2 different ways Neutral

but yea, thx

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 6:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

ok, I've gone through, and re wrote it for the most part, but I cant get the movement right.. can you plz help me out?? you guys seem to have all the answers Razz

Author:  Paul [ Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

um... you seem to have ur if structure messed up, I mean its like

if left then
move left
if right then
move right
if down then
move down
if up then
move up
end if end if end if end if

this means, if you don't move "left" then you can't move right or up or down, and even if YOU DO move left, you get into the whole up down right structure, but there's no possible way "left" or "LEFT" can be "right" or "RIGHT"
you get what I mean?

the way you need to set this up is
if left then
move left
elsif right then
move right
elsif down then
move down
elsif up then
move up
end if

bah, someone else can give you a better explanation, this is straight out of my train of thought.

Author:  Unreal_Origin [ Sun Oct 24, 2004 12:51 am ]
Post subject:  here is something a little better

hey here is something a little bitt better

hope you like it

Author:  How U Doin [ Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Much better, but still it looks a little old school Razz

Not that I could do any better....

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Tue Oct 26, 2004 10:59 am ]
Post subject: 

sorry about that... I just forgot ok? I got tired lol
I know what your talking about, I did an example of the Input.KeyDown in class one day....



setscreen ("position:center;center")
var a : int := 1
var b : int := 50
var keys : array char of boolean


Draw.FillOval (a,b,12,12,255)
Input.KeyDown (keys)

then a += 1
delay (10)

elsif keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW)
then a -= 1
delay (10)

elsif keys (KEY_UP_ARROW)
then b += 1
delay (10)

elsif keys (KEY_DOWN_ARROW)
then b -= 1
delay (10)

elsif keys (KEY_CTRL)
then for x : b .. 500
Draw.Oval (x,200,2,2,79)
delay (10)

end for
end if
end loop

Author:  gigaman [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can't play around with the code now but when i get a chance i'll do some stuff. um one thing is that you need to set boundries for the player because you can just leave the board and the screen

Author:  gigaman [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

i did a couple of the changes now. i might work more on it during compsci class. you can't leave the game board now and you can choose other races. the new variables are for attack, defense and lockpicking points for when enemies and chests are added. you can choose other races which have different points.

Author:  gigaman [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Love this program. it has a battle phase and everything. tell me what you think. Very Happy

Author:  gigaman [ Wed Oct 27, 2004 6:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

As far as i can tell there are no glaring errors

Author:  Imm0rtal [ Thu Oct 28, 2004 6:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Starting to look good.. Keep it up Razz

Author:  gigaman [ Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:43 am ]
Post subject: 

may I just say that that last post could have so easily been a private message

Author:  gigaman [ Sat Oct 30, 2004 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Another update need help

here is the newest update. now you die and there's a function for it. it's kinda off so if anyone would care to do an update for it to make it better i would love to see your update.

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Thu Nov 04, 2004 11:47 am ]
Post subject: 

sorry I havent been able to get on in a while, but I've been busy with homework and stuff. I'll be at my dads this weekend, so I'll check it out then, and thx for all the help guys! cuz I'm not really good with the whatdotcolour or w/e you do for the boundaries Embarassed . And yea, I cant download files at my school without getting in crap for it, so I'll check it out this weekend Laughing cant wait Very Happy

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

I've also made a little theme song Very Happy It might need some work, but yea, Its pretty cool, I think it fits the theme Laughing Might be a little basic too, but its my first time with sounds Very Happy



    for a : 1 .. 2
        sound (100, 600)
        sound (120, 600)
        sound (100, 600)
        sound (90, 600)
        sound (100, 600)
        sound (120, 600)
        sound (100, 600)
        sound (80, 600)
    end for

    for b : 1 .. 3
        sound (100, 300)
        sound (100, 300)
        sound (120, 300)
        sound (120, 300)
        sound (100, 300)
        sound (100, 300)
        sound (90, 300)
        sound (90, 300)
    end for

    sound (100, 300)
    sound (100, 300)
    sound (120, 300)
    sound (120, 300)
    sound (100, 300)
    sound (100, 300)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (100, 600)
    sound (180, 600)
    sound (120, 600)
    sound (100, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (80, 600)
    sound (100, 300)
    sound (100, 300)
    sound (120, 300)
    sound (120, 300)
    sound (100, 600)
    sound (100, 600)

end loop

Author:  Mazer [ Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's nice and all, that you took the time to make a theme for your game, but I really have to suggest you look to an alternative method of music.
Nothing against the music you made. It's just that with turing's sound() function, it plays an annoying little noise and once it's done it has this awful kind of *click* sound. After a while of hearing that, it kinda makes people want to shove forks or knives into their ears.

You can find some programs available on the internet to create your own music and then save as a *.wav or *.mp3 to be played in your game. It'll sound much better. Which will be even better for you than it would for people who play your game. As the programmer, you have to play this game alot, testing and debugging anything and everything. Sure you could just comment out the part for playing music, but at some point you'll probably need to test that out too. And it can really get on your nerves.

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sat Nov 06, 2004 9:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol thats just a temp theme, I was at school and I obviously dont have my music editing / producing things there, I'm gonna base the real theme on that tho. and yea, I know debugging galore comes into play here Neutral cuz of that damn click sound grrr Mad


And how would I make my .wav file play? I cant get it to play lol



but how do you mod it so that it doenst move all your moves in one turn, cuz if i wanted to move, 2 up, then 2 down. like... damn .., hard stuff Razz
but I got a little update.

Author:  HyperFlexed [ Sun Nov 07, 2004 2:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Paul wrote:
um... you seem to have ur if structure messed up, I mean its like

if left then
move left
if right then
move right
if down then
move down
if up then
move up
end if end if end if end if

this means, if you don't move "left" then you can't move right or up or down, and even if YOU DO move left, you get into the whole up down right structure, but there's no possible way "left" or "LEFT" can be "right" or "RIGHT"
you get what I mean?

the way you need to set this up is
if left then
move left
elsif right then
move right
elsif down then
move down
elsif up then
move up
end if

bah, someone else can give you a better explanation, this is straight out of my train of thought.

That defeats the purpose of Input.Keydown. If you look at how an IF structure works, you'd know that as soon as one condition is fulfilled, it exits the structure. so, if he was holding the left arrow, he would't be able to move in any of the other directions...

do this...

if right arrow
move right
end if

if left arrow
move left
end if

etc. etc.

if you put that in a loop, and the key is held, it shouldn't miss any input. It will stop causing it's effect as soon as you let go.

if he just needs a single keystroke why doesn't he use getch?

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:09 am ]
Post subject: 

cuz i have no clue what the hell that is, getch, um, get char? Confused and i have no clue how it works, but the games comming together, i got the fight music, and the theme music with some pics up, so yea.. got an exp system up.

I have a little demonstration of the staircase thing, you get to it and go on, but i was thinkin of implementing a shop between floors with gold from battles..... but getting the monsters to go away after you fight them is maybe impossible... I cant figure it out yet.. WEll I'ts 3 in the morning, and this is what I got done today. Dont critisize, just give me tips on how to make it better plz Very Happy

Author:  HyperFlexed [ Sun Nov 07, 2004 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

your battle theme is too short, and lacking evilness. Laughing

here's one I'm going to be using in my next game.... made it a week ago.

I could make some midis for you if you want, they work better for bg music in turing.

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Sun Nov 07, 2004 4:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

hahaha AWSOME~!! how the hell you make midi files?! I wanna make em!! hahaha awsomeness! mad funk man, too fast for D&D but yea, more of a umm... Parasite Eve-ish game, RPG thingey anywayz... yea lol , plz tell me how

Author:  HyperFlexed [ Mon Nov 08, 2004 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

MiX-MaztA-M8riX wrote:
hahaha AWSOME~!! how the hell you make midi files?! I wanna make em!! hahaha awsomeness! mad funk man, too fast for D&D but yea, more of a umm... Parasite Eve-ish game, RPG thingey anywayz... yea lol , plz tell me how

you can make midis with that. It's really great. It's what I use. Despite the name, it is an extremely powerful program. You can even make real MP3's and wav's. You can use plug-ins etc. It's real nice.

Author:  MiX-MaztA-M8riX [ Mon Nov 08, 2004 4:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

I already have FL STudio (Fruity Loops) how you make midis with it tho? :S

Author:  HyperFlexed [ Mon Nov 08, 2004 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

open up the mixer and put a fruity LSD on the master track.

Set the port to 0.

From here, make midi out channels. Their ports should match the LSD. Pick a patch, and have at it.

I could send you an FLP over msn, that might help if you just have a look at it.
