Computer Science Canada


Author:  templest [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  School...

I can't wait 'till school season starts again. These forums seem pretty deserted, specially now that it's realize-your-life-is-over-and-getting-back-to-your-education time, lot's of people are living it up these next few days. Confused

Amailer, your sig is depressing, turn that counter off! Hit Wall

Author:  the_short1 [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

yea please.. amailer..

back to school will be fun... as long as i get into computer scienece for first semested.... that will kick ASSS

what classes u all taking??/

Computer Science gr.11 (java)
advanced math
chemistry 11
physic 11
art 9 < requirement to have an art... im non artistic.. Sad
Business Computers < again.. requirement to do this class.. or art again Sad
TEch Design... <autocad alll the way Smile

Author:  templest [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've decided to avoid gym entirely until this last year... hah, I never really concidered myself a sterotype n3rd. :-/

Author:  Dan [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

the_short1 wrote:

what classes u all taking??/

My Classes will be:

Comp-1411 (CompSci)
Comp-1431 (More CompSci)
Phys-1101 (Physics)
Phil-1100 (Philosophy)
Math-1281 (Discrete Mathematics)
Math-1180 (Calculus)

Should be intresting.....

Author:  Mazer [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 6:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hell (calculus)

KungFu club
Anime club 8)

Author:  shorthair [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 9:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

Comp Engineering
Comp Science
Geometry & Descrete Math
Calculus Math
Writers Craft Advance English

All grade 12

Author:  the_short1 [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

dam.. us compsci folkz got really hard loads..

i like gym..i judt dont like having to do it in winter and / or spring

and getting tired after 2 hours of PE.. then u gota think o nthe rest of ur clases.... not fun Sad

Author:  Kingnoz [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

English (what a waste of my life...but gotta have it)
Religion (boring...forced to take it)
Physics (gr 12)
Discrete Math (gr 12)
Calculus (gr 12)
Engineering (gr 12)

sadly no computer science for me at school...already done them


yes there is a but

two spares and im off at 12pm everyday! lots of computer science after school if i so desire.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Aug 16, 2004 11:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kingnoz wrote:

Religion (boring...forced to take it)

Do you go to a clathloic school? I all ways whonder how they could "force" you to take it b/c no uni will look at that and they can not realy stop you from graduation if u have all the need credits aorcding to the offfical ontraio highschool graduation thing.

Author:  Martin [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:31 am ]
Post subject: 

CS 134 (Computer science)
Math 135 (Algebra)
Math 137 (Calculus)
Econ 101 (Microeconomics)
Phys 121 (Physics)

It's gonna be rough. Plus I've gotta take a co-op course.

Author:  templest [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 1:59 am ]
Post subject: 

heh, shorthair... replace whatever "Vocal" is with gym, and that's what I have.

Author:  Paul [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Hacker Dan wrote:
Kingnoz wrote:

Religion (boring...forced to take it)

Do you go to a clathloic school? I all ways whonder how they could "force" you to take it b/c no uni will look at that and they can not realy stop you from graduation if u have all the need credits aorcding to the offfical ontraio highschool graduation thing.

Methinks its half an hour each day...

Author:  Mazer [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mayhaps he's being forced by his parents? It makes sense.

Author:  Genesis [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you choose not to take religion at a catholic school, you'll still get your Ontario Secondary School Diploma, providing you have all of the other required classes, but you simply wont be able to participate in the graduation ceremony. So, if you don't take religion, you don't walk across the podium. (This is how it is at my school anyways.)

Although the schools don't tell you that. They EXPECT you take religion, and good luck trying to drop it, your guidance department will give you hell.

And it's not half an hour each day. It's an actual class. For a full period every day, for a whole semester. A complete waste of time and a credit.

Author:  the_short1 [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 10:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

from 3 extra credits... to two... bummer

Author:  templest [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Genesis wrote:
If you choose not to take religion at a catholic school, you'll still get your Ontario Secondary School Diploma, providing you have all of the other required classes, but you simply wont be able to participate in the graduation ceremony. So, if you don't take religion, you don't walk across the podium. (This is how it is at my school anyways.)

Although the schools don't tell you that. They EXPECT you take religion, and good luck trying to drop it, your guidance department will give you hell.

And it's not half an hour each day. It's an actual class. For a full period every day, for a whole semester. A complete waste of time and a credit.

Indeed. I have the quarrel with my school, here's the deal: They are accepting students who are not catholic, yet religion is a required class, meaning "no religion" = "no graduation". Isn't this violating some sort of law? They're, in a way, forcing catholicism on the students, by cleverly replacing the name with "World Religion" and saying it's a class to help people become more "multi-cultural"; Too bad they only spend approx. 2 - 3 weeks on buddhism, a week on Islam, and the rest is christianity, hardly multi-cultural. And what they teach about those religion, obviously gives out the impression that they're only mildly teaching these so as to avoid any complaints from athiest students. I knew more about Sidhatha Gautama than the teacher, and I can safely say I'm not that big on religions, and to top it off, my teacher is a nun. Confused

Religion is a waste of time, and a waste of a credit. To me, religion is just like one huge RPG like D&D that one day got out of hand and has since turned into a wide-scale played game. I don't need to lose four of my credits just to learn how to play DnD. Rolling Eyes

EDIT: I'm not a religious person, nor will I ever be, and that's my point. Religion should be an optional course, for people whom willingly accept it, I willingly don't. But whatever; I asked guidance, and you can avoid taking religion classes, only if you can provide the adequate paper-work. But get this, you need to prove that you are of another religion, indeed, so if you are an athiest, and can provide no paper work that you're of another religion, they make you take it anyways, because they don't have a set of moral beliefs impeding them from taking that class. Meaning, to avoid taking religion, you have to be religious? Awsome, oh, and if your parents are catholic, even though you're not, say goodbye to that exception.

Author:  Mazer [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:35 am ]
Post subject: 

So why is it that you are going to a catholic school?

Author:  templest [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Sadly, it's the only school I know of in London that offers grade 12 programming and engineering. Confused

EDIT: There's others, but all catholic, and this one's the closest.

Author:  Mazer [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow. That's weird, sorry to hear that. From what I hear, World Religion at Massey isn't bad. They went to see Matrix: Reloaded as a field trip. Though, I had a unit of Religion in my World Geography class, and it sure sucked. We only spent about a day on Christianity, and it just seemed to me that they focussed on Islam and stuff in an attempt to not seem bigotted against those people after Sept. 11. But maybe I just overthink it.

Author:  Cervantes [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 8:13 am ]
Post subject: 

the_short1 wrote:
i like gym..i judt dont like having to do it in winter and / or spring


that's the best time to take it! That way, you get exercise daily when it's hardest to get it. No one wants to run outside in the winter, and you can forget biking. this way you can do your own physical activity in the warmer months and get exercise in the gym during the winter.


GR 11
Enriched English
AP Math
Physical Geography
Phys. Ed
Music (theory & music history included)
Repetoire (straight playing, after school)
Comp Sci

Author:  Dan [ Wed Aug 18, 2004 12:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

templest wrote:

Isn't this violating some sort of law? They're, in a way, forcing catholicism on the students, by cleverly replacing the name with "World Religion" and saying it's a class to help people become more "multi-cultural"; Too bad they only spend approx. 2 - 3 weeks on buddhism, a week on Islam, and the rest is christianity, hardly multi-cultural.

Ya it is to bad, but no law agested it b/c it is not a public school and i owned by the catholici school borad. Athougth i think all region based schools should be baned or at least the govement should not fund them in any way. I mean they have enougth problems with the public schools they do not need to wast money on schools that are perjuiced agested every region but there own.

Author:  Genesis [ Thu Aug 19, 2004 3:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Actually, world religions wasn't that bad of a class. I learned a fair bit. And there wasn't too much focus on catholicism, although it was one of the units.

And ya, I still don't see how the government can fund catholic schools, yet not muslim schools, or jewish schools, or whatever. Schools biased towards any religion should be eliminated.

Author:  templest [ Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Genesis wrote:
Schools biased towards any religion should be eliminated.

I dissagree. Although everything previous you said to this, I do agree with, this point I certainly do not. I say if you are a serious religious family, and so are the children, then they should be allowed to live / grow up around the people that they can identify with. Take muslims for example, in any public school there will be some racism going on, this cannot be eliminated. And that will hurt the self-esteem, ect, of these children. (I'm talking elementary, this doesn't go on, at least not in my, highschool). A solution, is to grow up in an environment that embraces, and nurtures your religion, not descriminates it. Since in Highschool people tend to be a bit more mature regarding religions, there's not so much of a problem there. For example, all the muslims I know go to their own elementary, but never highschool... I guess it's just while their minds are still fresh, and they don't want people / society to warp their minds about their own religion until they know it all for themselves and can make an informed decision.

Yes, funding should be cut off from all religiously enclined schools. My belief is that since this has been going on from the olden days, when everyone was a catholic here, and it's sticked as tradition. But let's face it, this is just getting descriminatory. If you come to our city, you'll notice that my school is in all honesty the more architectually advanced school and well funded, where'as if you go to the public highschool, well, like I said... only catholic school here can afford anything relating CompSci.

I say public schools should be the schools that are funded, and nothing else. Any other religiously biased schools should be concidered private schools and stricken from the bill. Public school are just that, public schools. Catholic schools are not, hell, they don't even accept non-catholic students as well, jews pay taxes too, they're in part paying for those catholic schools, so why cant their kids go? Confused

Author:  Dan [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:54 am ]
Post subject: 

templest wrote:

I say if you are a serious religious family, and so are the children, then they should be allowed to live / grow up around the people that they can identify with.

Oh yes lets help poleop grow up right by sergating them from the other kinds of poleop around them and incealting them form the outside world. We whould not whont to exposied them to any other kind of relionge b/c that could....dare i say it....lead to free thougth Shocked . And every one knows free thougth is a bad things, once poleop can think for them sevels you never know what could hapen, they could from there own options about things and not flow the region any more and then there whould be no more contrl over them and w/o conotrl over our mindless zoblies we will be realy screw.

templest wrote:

Take muslims for example, in any public school there will be some racism going on, this cannot be eliminated. And that will hurt the self-esteem, ect, of these children. (I'm talking elementary, this doesn't go on, at least not in my, highschool).

Of corse why did i not think of this!!! the suotion to rasiciums is to take every racie and regiong, make them have there own schools/towns/citys and never let them see each other. I am shure segeration of the population will lead to less racisume and more understanding, just as long as every one but my race/reglion stasy 100km away from our schools, house, towns or any other public place there is.

(berak in carcasume for a sec) Racism can be eliminated in the world but the aweser is not to serpate every one, it is in fact the opist. If we expoised childern to the consceps of other racis and regions with an understanding that it is a good thing that poleop are difrent and not to fear poleop who are difrent or dislike them the problem could be sloved. But with reglions peraching that every one who is not in there relgion is a siner and going to hell it makes that realty hard to acoplish.

templest wrote:

A solution, is to grow up in an environment that embraces, and nurtures your religion, not descriminates it.

Should that not be all of socity and not just a segerated part of it? I think that this segeration of poleop is acualty also the casue of the rasisum and pergsiume. The more u try to hind form it by keeping your self around just your own kind the worse it gets. That whould just be fueling the fire.

templest wrote:

Since in Highschool people tend to be a bit more mature regarding religions, there's not so much of a problem there. For example, all the muslims I know go to their own elementary, but never highschool

Odd, it seems to be complet difrent from what i have seen. people in highschool may be more mature regarding religion but that seems to stop them from teasting and then going to the down right hating witch leads to far worse things.

templest wrote:

... I guess it's just while their minds are still fresh, and they don't want people / society to warp their minds about their own religion until they know it all for themselves and can make an informed decision.

Yes, b/c serpating them from every other region and race whould be be gving them a basied picteacher of the real world at all. I am shure they will not be given a one side view on ther relgion if they are compley emrseted in only theres and around poleop that only flow it and have no difrent views. This is a good way to bring up mindless zombies for your region whould not whont to get in to the wrong crowed of thos pesky free thinkers and there hole open mindedness.

templest wrote:

Yes, funding should be cut off from all religiously enclined schools. My belief is that since this has been going on from the olden days, when everyone was a catholic here, and it's sticked as tradition. But let's face it, this is just getting descriminatory. If you come to our city, you'll notice that my school is in all honesty the more architectually advanced school and well funded, where'as if you go to the public highschool, well, like I said... only catholic school here can afford anything relating CompSci.

Can't argue with that, public funding should go to....get this...public schools.

templest wrote:

I say public schools should be the schools that are funded, and nothing else. Any other religiously biased schools should be concidered private schools and stricken from the bill. Public school are just that, public schools. Catholic schools are not, hell, they don't even accept non-catholic students as well, jews pay taxes too, they're in part paying for those catholic schools, so why cant their kids go? Confused

This is part of the reason why i do not like relgiose schools. In our socity there should be no origarstions that can discrigate agested any group. So i should be able to join any catholic school while being any relgione wthere it is funed or not. Relgion and racie should not be an issues in education. Shure reglion is good, it helps to define us and make us difrent but i do not see how it has a place in education the way it dose now.

Also i another reason why i do not like the idea of relgione based schools is that i do not like the idea of priveate schools. I think education should not be based on how much money you have or your social statuse. Now poleop say that they need private schools b/c there eduaction lvl is better but that should not be the case. the govemnt should put the money in education that is need and there should be no private schools. And if they also do not funded relgiose schools (witch they should not as eraly ranted about) that whould make them perviate schools that discrinated and should be shut down for both reasons.

P.S. sory about some of the flaming there but this is a subject i have strong fealings on.

Author:  the_short1 [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

holy shit .... the rant masta templest just got his ranting ass kicked by dan.... holy shit

yea.. children that grew up with other religions and cultures aroudn them are more acustomed to and used to it and therefore their far less racist...

totally agree with that and i know it for fact..
4yo white kid playing with 4yo black kid all their childhood... by the time they are our age they will have respect and all for blacks and wouldn't be racist...

other then that i didnlt rad the resyt cuz its so dam HUGE!!`

Author:  templest [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

the_short1 wrote:
holy shit .... the rant masta templest just got his ranting ass kicked by dan.... holy shit

yea.. children that grew up with other religions and cultures aroudn them are more acustomed to and used to it and therefore their far less racist...

totally agree with that and i know it for fact..
4yo white kid playing with 4yo black kid all their childhood... by the time they are our age they will have respect and all for blacks and wouldn't be racist...

other then that i didnlt rad the resyt cuz its so dam HUGE!!`

Watch your mouth. I haven't bothered to reply because that post is too long for me to read. Confused

Author:  Martin [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 4:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

The entire reason that there are catholic schools is because of voters. We live in a society where Catholics make up a large portion of the voters. If one party chooses to stop funding Catholic schools, another party will just say that they will continue to fund them, and the first party will lose a number of its voters. The same thing is actually happening with the Muslims right now, although I don't know all of the details, a bit of googling would find you some information.

I don't mind catholic schools for two reasons: skirts Wink and the elimination of competition. Let's face it, the majority of Catholic schools suck ass. Universities think that they are a joke, so it eliminates a whole bunch of people from the competitive market.

Author:  the_short1 [ Fri Aug 20, 2004 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

so true... sooo true..

100% of girls wearing skirts ... nice stuff....

srry templest... u 99% of the time win all rants.. hence.. u rant masta..

but... dan got it this time..

yea... i doubt any voters want to deal with that situation so they just leave it like it is..

Author:  templest [ Sat Aug 21, 2004 12:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Darkness wrote:
I don't mind catholic schools for two reasons: skirts Wink and the elimination of competition. Let's face it, the majority of Catholic schools suck ass. Universities think that they are a joke, so it eliminates a whole bunch of people from the competitive market.

you're lucky... most of the hot girls here mainly wear pants... fûcking shit. Confused

And if I could go to a public school and get my four wasted credits back, I would. But like I said, only Catholic schools in London offer grade 12 compsci, and come to think of it... only my school offers aviation in all of London; and if I recall correctly, it's the only one that uses Windows XP on all the comps (besides library); as opposed to the other schools which are using what, Win95?

Author:  Martin [ Sat Aug 21, 2004 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Mine's using Windows XP, Windows 2000, various versions of Unix and Linux, OSX...then again, it is University of Waterloo Laughing Laughing

Just keep your marks up and you'll be fine.

Author:  the_short1 [ Sat Aug 21, 2004 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

my highschool (korah) has one full lab of xp compouters.... rest are all NT..
