Computer Science Canada

Decimal > Binary

Author:  Blade [ Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Decimal > Binary

for school i'm supossed to make a program that converts decimal to binary... and vice versa... could someone suggest a method to do this?

Author:  void [ Mon Apr 07, 2003 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

i'd use a loop to check to see what the largest power of two is that can go into the enterd number....(like if num_entered <2**a(where a is now 5) then largest_power:=a-1..end if and exit loop) and then its simple to just chek, display a 1 or 0 and for the binary to decimal...well...try loading the number as a string...then doing a check on it...find out how many numbers are in it...thats the largest power of two to multiply by...then you use a for a:1..lenght(binary_number) and check for what place all the ones are in and while your doing that....every time there is a one..then decimal_number:=decimal_number+2**a other wise do the hokey pokey Razz) i hope that helps you some what..

Author:  Dan [ Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:48 pm ]
Post subject: 



var num: int

put "put  in  a  num: "..
get num
put ""
put intstr(num,0,2)

the intstr comand can cahge the base of the int being sent in to it. in thiis case it chages it to a base of 2 or binaey.

this method whode not be good for a school progject becuse it is not grat progaming and techers dont like it becuse it dose not giive them a lot to mark Laughing

for more help on intstr look it up in help in turing...

Author:  Asok [ Mon Apr 07, 2003 11:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

dan you owned that assignment! Smile

Author:  Prince [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:52 am ]
Post subject: 

heres how i did it


function getBinary : int
    var bin_num : int
        put "Enter a number in binary form -> " ..
        get bin_num
        exit when bin_num >= 0
    end loop
    result bin_num
end getBinary

% ---------- Main ----------

var binary, decimal, digit, temp, x, sum, ibinary : int
sum := 0
x := 1

binary := getBinary
ibinary := binary

    digit := binary mod 10
    binary := binary div 10
    temp := digit * x
    x := x * 2
    sum := sum + temp
    exit when binary = 0
end loop

put ""
put "The decimal equivalent of ", ibinary, " is ", sum

complete with a function Very Happy (impressive isnt it.. lol)

Author:  Blade [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:00 am ]
Post subject: 

lol, yea... thx... whats the loop for in the function?

Author:  Asok [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

because it handles it one digit at a time so it needs to loop it

Author:  Prince [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

well actually the one in the function jus makes sure that no idiots run it a start typin away negative numbers (tho i now realize there r idiots who'll enter non-binary numbers Shocked )... but good job on explainin the second loop asok

Author:  Asok [ Tue Apr 08, 2003 11:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

ohh... the loop IN the function. meh, I'm tired.

Author:  Blade [ Wed Apr 09, 2003 12:16 am ]
Post subject: 

i honestly didnt think there would be anyone stupid enough to try to do that.... (enter negitive numbers)... but anotheer way to handle it would be to use natural variables...

Author:  Asok [ Wed Apr 09, 2003 12:50 am ]
Post subject: 

well technically -101 is still the binary equivalent of -5 so you can get negative numbers in binary
