Computer Science Canada

G A Y Marriage

Author:  Martin [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  G A Y Marriage

I got in an arguement about this with someone today. What are your opinions on the topic?

Author:  Mazer [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 6:42 am ]
Post subject: 

Haha. I was at work once when someone said something along the lines of "Did you hear? Same sex marriages are legal now."
I was about to reply with my standard derogatory "Man, that's so gay" comment until I realised how redundant it would be.

But still... well, I'm sure you know where I stand (far away from naoki).

Author:  templest [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:22 am ]
Post subject: 


That just made my day. Very Happy

Author:  SuperGenius [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:55 pm ]
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I see the point that the gay rights people are trying to make... but if we concede to it then what will happen if something like a man-boy love group comes out and demands rights too? Where do we draw the line of acceptability?

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

I bleivle they should have the same rights to mary as any one eltes. If the churchs dont like it, good for them. they just dont have to mary them in there carch, the main debate is about recozing the marage from the point of the goverment.


but if we concede to it then what will happen if something like a man-boy love group comes out and demands rights too? Where do we draw the line of acceptability?

That is the dumested thing i have ever hured, you are comapering gay marage to some petiafile thing wtich has nothing to do with each other. In maryage there is an agement from both sides to form a legal union, i dont see how you get petialfie out of that, that is like saying b/c normal margaes are alowed man-girl love groups could come out and demand rights, witch makes no scecen.

Author:  rizzix [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

actually the whole debate is not around concept but more around the word marriage. marriage has a very specific and special meaning in the church. the church argues to call it a union or something ,, anything instead of marriage. cuz calling it marriage is just mocking the church

and i agree it dosent make sense. LOL

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 3:30 pm ]
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While i say screw what the cruch whonts/thinks this should be about the deftion of marriage in trems of goverment and legal issues. The cruchs can be as perguisted as they whont but they should keep it in the confies of there curch.

This whould not even be an isues if the curch side somting like "black" poleop could not get maried, poleop whould not alow it and it whould be unthinkable for them to come up with somting like that. The curch (and some other crazy poleop) just needed a new gorup that is not as visable to mess with so they picked gays. (no office to black poleop intend just using it as an example)

Author:  SuperGenius [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:17 pm ]
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I resent you dumping on my opinion Dan, because I feel that it is a valid point. I was in no way, shape or form saying that homosexuals as a group are deviant pedofiles. What i meant to convey was that any change in law should be carefully considered, beacuse it could set a dangerous precedent.

Author:  Dauntless [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Marriage is generally seen as a institution created by religion as a formal binding of man and woman. For the purposes of reproduction (no sex til after marriage). Nowadays, marriage entitles tax breaks and stuff, I think.

So, we can argue against marriage from a couple ways;
1) Marriage is typically to reproduce. No sex until marriage. If a man and a man can marry to not reproduce, ditto for a woman and a woman, ditto for a man and a machine or a man and a dog. Yeah, nowadays with science you can reproduce with a man and a man's genes, and vice versa, but in that case, the only reason you're getting married is to a) be recognized as a lifelong relationship, b) for tax breaks.

Which brings us to
2) If gays can get married people tax breaks for being married even if they're not gonna have children, why not just give them married people tax breaks without them getting married. Why not just take away married people tax breaks; I'm sure that's not why people get married anyways.

And, if they just want to be recognized as life partners,
3) Why not create a new designation rather than marriage? An agnostic gay marriage. Since marriage is heterosexual, why not make it some new catchphrase that the press will think up. Maybe linkage. So gay people get linked, straight people get married.

On the other side of the ball, we can argue that
1) Gay couples may not themselves be able to reproduce without science, but then again neither do some straight couples. Also, being unable to reproduce, they may decide to adopt some children that need adopting.

Opposing that, we may say that gay people will raise their kids all messed up, and suddenly we'll be a nation of gay people.

Conversely, even unmarried gay people can adopt.

I just argued it out as much as I could, so people don't cover stuff that's already obvious and covered.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:

1) Marriage is typtically to reproduce. No sex until marriage. If a man and a man can marry to not reproduce, ditto for a woman and a woman, ditto for a man and a machine or a man and a dog. Yeah, nowadays with science you can reproduce with a man and a man's genes, and vice versa, but in that case, the only reason you're getting married is to a) be recognized as a lifelong relationship, b) for tax breaks.

then should poleop who all ready have childer not be alowed to mary or poleop who do not plan on having kidds?


2) If ***s can married people tax breaks for being married even if they're not gonna have children, why not just give them married people tax breaks without getting married. Why not just take away married people tax breaks; I'm sure that's not why people get married anyways.

i blive your taxs go up and not down when u marrie, not a tax break......


And, if they just want to be recognized as life partners,
3) Why not create a new designation rather than marriage? An agnostic *** marriage. Since marriage is heterosexual, why not make it some new catchphrase that the press will think up. Maybe linkage. So *** people get linked, straight people get married.

then why not recalsife what a person is my race? so only white poleop are poleop and others are some other designation?

it just dose not work like that, this is not the curchs desion it is marriage in the eyes of the govement not what evere god you belive or do not belvie in.


Opposing that, we may say that *** people will raise their kids all messed up, and suddenly we'll be a nation of *** people.

that is just wrong what u are saying there, by your reasing there, there should be no gay poleop b/c all the parenets where starti. There is no evidence that says gay poleop rases gay kids or starite parsnts raise startie kids.

Author:  valor [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:35 pm ]
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gay marriage is just wrong actually it is disgusting wrong....

Author:  jonos [ Mon Jun 21, 2004 10:54 pm ]
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I agree with gay unions, but not gay marriage - for religious reasons.

And please, stop it with this "gay rights" thing, because gay people have all the same rights as heterosexual people do - can heterosexuals marry people of the same sex? No, so we all don't have that right.

And Dauntless is right - calling a gay union a marriage IS an insult to the church. Where do you think the concept of marriage came from? I also don't think that a party in power or the courts should settle this. This is something that will affect all Canadians and will have a great impact on our society, so I think that Canadians should decide this with a referendum (or at least a Commons vote). Many people in support of same-sex marriage don't agree with this because they know that most Canadians don't agree with it.

Many people don't agree with it also for non-religious reasons. One could compare it to common-law marriage when it first began to become generally accepted by society. Now, common law marriage has helped raise the divorce rate, the number of single parents, family abuse, etc. This happened because society did not know how great an impact common law marriage would make. It is the same thing with gay marriage. This could be the deciding factor in whether humans are to survive. It sure doesn't help an already declining birth rate.

Gay people have been living together for a long time, but to want marriage is just an insult to traditional institutions and the church. People in support of it should not go and slander marriage just for "equality". They should call it something else. And marriage is not just a word - it's a concept, and that also should not be changed.

This has nothing to do with homophobia, so you left-wing zealots can stop with that because it's not appreciated.

Author:  Catalyst [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:18 am ]
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call it whatever you like, but it boils down to receiving the same rights and privileges that a heterosexual couple (married) would receive

Author:  Martin [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 12:36 am ]
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This post was worth starting just to see Dan's various interpretations on the spelling of the word 'church.'

As far as gay marriage goes, it is about rights, not about whether or not it is an insult to the church. We cannot rule our society based on the beliefs of a single religion, however dominant it is in our society.

When a couple gets married, they gain rights because of it. I'm not sure what they are, but they are definately there. It does not have to be a marriage through the church.

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There's this illusion that homosexuals have sex and heterosexuals fall in love. That's completely untrue. Everybody wants to be loved.
~Boy George

I like my beers cold and my homosexuals flaming!
~Homer Simpson

Author:  jonos [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Our society should not be based on one religion, yes, but it is not. Almost all religions disagree with it, and the Christian ones that do support it are losing more than half their members because of it. Give them equality, but not a marriage. That is an insult and debasement of the traditional concept of marriage started by the church. Call it a union and most would be happy, but not a marriage. Just because some of you may not believe in it, doesn't mean that you can totally disregard it - as Dan has been saying to me about communism and whatnot.

Calling a gay union marriage is like calling a first person shooter a third person shooter.

Author:  Blade [ Tue Jun 22, 2004 11:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: G A Y Marriage

Darkness wrote:
I got in an arguement about this with someone today. What are your opinions on the topic?

its funny that this comment lead to a totally different conversation about gay marriages... what =/?

Author:  Martin [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 12:46 am ]
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What's funny is that 11 different people have posted on this thread and my poll only has 6 votes!

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 2:04 am ]
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jonos wrote:
Our society should not be based on one religion, yes, but it is not. Almost all religions disagree with it, and the Christian ones that do support it are losing more than half their members because of it. Give them equality, but not a marriage. That is an insult and debasement of the traditional concept of marriage started by the church. Call it a union and most would be happy, but not a marriage. Just because some of you may not believe in it, doesn't mean that you can totally disregard it - as Dan has been saying to me about communism and whatnot.

Wow jonos in my option you have reached a new low with the coments. 1st of all saying that almost all religions disagree with it is the most ingorent and baised thing i have ever hured you say. And the line about give them equality but not marrige makes no scecne what so ever. Thats like saying give <insrte minmory name here> equality but not freedom (ie they are slaves). The comic posted makes a good point, no matter how you put it, it is desrimation agested them for being gay. This issues should not be desided by a potical party or voted on, it is clear in our human rights laws that they should be alowed to and thats why the courts have ruled in there favore in the past. This isuses should not invale relgion at all, the isues is about them be marired realting to the govemnts defftion of marige. If you dont like it being called that, to dam bad. Just becuse there are regions that oppsose it should not effect poleops rights. Also when you say i side "Just because some of you may not believe in it, doesn't mean that you can totally disregard it" you are taking it totaly out of context. I side that you can have a diffrent option i did not say that you could not totally disagrage with it b/c totaly disagering with somting is an option.

Also this crap about chaging the name of it for gays is just wrong. it is like saying that the word person is only for white poleop and that every one eletes is tekcally a person but we will not call them that. Talk about history reapting it's self, it is like thess poleop have to come up with a new group to be perguised agested every 10 years.

Also poleop keep saying how much this desion will effcte every one, and the truth is it will only effect gay poleop since it is about there right to marrie. What i am trying to say here, is that there should be no reason for you to be so aggested it, it is not messing with your rights only giving other poleop equal rights that you all ready have. It is not going to rune the world if gay poleop can marrie and diespite what some poleop may be saying i dont think the world will end and we will all go to hell if they can. The only way this realy effects the avg person is that it will relfect on how poleop see Canada. Do you whont to show the world that Canada is a bunch of perguisted bigets who so unmulty curtlare that they make laws based on one reglion or do we whont to show the world that Canada is true to it's clames of mulity curltaisume?

Author:  Dauntless [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 4:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is it really different if gay marriage is called linkage and straight marriage is called marriage if they have the exact same benefits anyways? You have a bias yourself, since we know you don't like organized religion. Well, why not just change the wording so that we satisfy the church? Compromise is how we get things done in democracy. Its when people are at one end of the spectrum, either unyielding or completely appeasing, that things end up going badly.

So gays get linked, and straights get married. We already call them gay people, and straight people are called straight people... The argument that changing the word for gay marriage to suit gay people is in any way similar to changing the word "person" to define people of caucasian descent isn't valid. If the problem is that churches don't want gay people recognized as married couple, we'll exploit the loophole and call it something else. Maybe they'll make a gay church where they can get linked.

Maybe if we had some gay people on we could get their input. Where's that Maverick these days anyways? Razz Just kidding.

But I don't see any problem with just changing the wording. If they get the same benefits, then what's the problem? It's not like slavery where black people are people but don't get the same benefits.

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:20 pm ]
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Dauntless wrote:

But I don't see any problem with just changing the wording. If they get the same benefits, then what's the problem? It's not like slavery where black people are people but don't get the same benefits.

It's not about the rights it is about the princaple of the thing. As i side "Do you whont to show the world that Canada is a bunch of perguisted bigets who so unmulty curtlare that they make laws based on one reglion or do we whont to show the world that Canada is true to it's clames of mulity curltaisume?". how we treat our minoirys will relfelct on how poleop see this conotry and it will also show wthere we auacly belvie in the stuff was say about equaity.

Author:  Dauntless [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

We can either take baby steps or take none at all; it shouldn't be too hard to swing the majority of Canadians to either totally pro or anti gay marriage, but if we made concessions to either side step by step, we could get something everyone likes. If we take a hardline now, it could either be completely introduced or completely defeated.

As for multiculturalism, Indians, for example, don't get married at Catholic churches. Jewish people don't get married at them either. They have their own places of worship. Is that somehow un-multicultural since we allow them to have their own and not have one big happy melting pot church? If the issue is that the government should force Catholic churches to allow gay marriages, that's not really up to the government. If the issue is whether or not to recognize gay marriage, then why not just change the language? I'm sure each culture has a different name for it, and the English translation to 'marriage' is just a relation and not an equation. If you want to make it multicultural, gays are a culture aren't they? Each culture has its own term for marriage. We can't force any religion to recognize gay marriage. They can and do have their own culture, so they should get their own term too.

If it's just a matter of "principle" and you're opposed to it just because of that, how would it look if all Canadians were like that? Canadians denied gay marriage because they had to have all or nothing, as a matter of principle. It'd look immature or devious. Maybe people would think that it was just an excuse not to have gay marriage. I don't think there can be a concrete answer. No one side can have everything they want.

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:

As for multiculturalism, Indians, for example, don't get married at Catholic churches. Jewish people don't get married at them either. They have their own places of worship.

But they still can get married in threms of the govemnts defition, witch is what this issue is about.

Dauntless wrote:

If the issue is that the government should force Catholic churches to allow *** marriages, that's not really up to the government.

and thats why it is not the issue! the issue is them geting married in therms of the govemnts deftion and has nothing to do with the curches.

Dauntless wrote:

If it's just a matter of "principle" and you're opposed to it just because of that, how would it look if all Canadians were like that? Canadians denied *** marriage because they had to have all or nothing, as a matter of principle. It'd look immature or devious. Maybe people would think that it was just an excuse not to have *** marriage. I don't think there can be a concrete answer. No one side can have everything they want.

That makes no scecn, how whould it be a bad thing to give them rights? And there is a concrete answer, witch is every appernt if you are not basied by relgion. Can you even give one reason why it whould be a bad thing that is not "b/c curchs dont like it"? I dont think you can, b/c it has no negitive impack other then on the homphobic poleop (alougth it will give them somting to compain about till they find a new minority to go affter.). As i see it there is almost not diffence betwen this issue and thous perciding it like selvary of black poleop and womens rights other then the right and the minoiry gorup in question. It is just as wrong as it was for thos cases and i bet poleop debated thous cases like this and side that "there is not right awser" then too, but if you look at it from the perspcitve of today it is wrong as it gets (unless you are agested thos minortys too).

Author:  Martin [ Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Even in a society composed entirely of members of a single religion, religion should not be part of the government.

In the 1500s, they had this thing in which God was on the side of the person who was right. So, should two people get in a legal arguement, instead of courts they just dueled to the death. God, of course, made sure that the survivor was the honest one.

Author:  TheZsterBunny [ Thu Jun 24, 2004 7:30 am ]
Post subject: 

y'know, its funny that the word gay has been censored in this topic.

In my opinion, the whole reason gay marriage is not being allowed by the church is because of a fear of change.

Ultimately, this fear of change and the unknown can be found in almost every major aspect of our civilization (i.e. Great wall of china - kept foreigners out, holocaust - stamp out the people different from us, cold war - they have a different social system).

We see that the church (and by church, i mean all major religeons) is founded upon strict rules so that, overtime, they do not shift beliefs or customs. It is important, that if you want to keep your idea flowing, it does not get corrupted.

The Bible states specifically "man shall not lie with man" (paraphrased), and this has been looked and interpreted to mean "no homosexual relations". I believe that the purpose of this quote is to force the gene pool to continue on.

Today, with a population growing far too quickly, these rules are not necessary. We do not need to restrict the rights of the individual at the cost of sacrificing the group. fifteen million homosexual couples would not even put a dent into the next generation. Its different. Whereas we used to have thousands of villages (all scared of each-other) with only 20 people in them, we have a city with almost a quarter of a million people in it, all different in almost all aspects of their culture/race/background.

We have become a more understanding and tolerant race (generally) over the last 5000 years. We do not need to have the fear of monsters, or 16ft invaders from the north, we have the technology, and the right frame of mind to deal, and even mingle with aliens (not from space).

But back to the issue of gay marriage.

The church forbids it because of a fear of dying out. In every case, the survival of man (as a whole) must take priority over the happyness/rights of a man (as an individual). (This makes me wonder about the whole celibacy policy for priests; aren't you systemically killing off your most spiritual genes?)

So, why call it a marriage, and not a union? Because a marriage has a certain degree of respect, and a union does not. Consider, if you were married (hetro) and another couple got married (homo), would that make your marriage (hetro) any less? does it demean your marriage? I think not.

And in response to dauntless: yeah, everyone naturally feels more at ease with people like themselves. different ceremonies, cultures, beliefs, and customs all contribute to where someone chooses to marry. If you grew up as one culture, and stayed that way, your entire life, you would develop attachments to the community, and grow accustomed to the day-to-day ceremonies practiced at your place of worship.

personally, i believe that there is nothing wrong with gay marriage, and feel that it should not be treated differently at all from normal marriage.

*whew, long post*


Author:  Dan [ Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

TheZsterBunny wrote:

We see that the church (and by church, i mean all major religeons) is founded upon strict rules so that, overtime, they do not shift beliefs or customs.

not all religenons are founded upon strict rules, just most of them Rolling Eyes


The church forbids it because of a fear of dying out. In every case, the survival of man (as a whole) must take priority over the happyness/rights of a man (as an individual). (This makes me wonder about the whole celibacy policy for priests; aren't you systemically killing off your most spiritual genes?)

i realy dont think having gay poleop whould indarger the human rance at all, and making it so they can get marired whould have not effect at all b/c they are all ready gay. Also even if every person in the world was gay, i think we whould still countion by use of cloning and other means. I whould not be too shure of what the bible intended by that pasage, it is very hard to be shure of it's meaning in any passage b/c it has been tranaled and rewriten so many times.

Don't get me wrong tho, i aggerage with all the other things you say, like how our socity is becoming more talerent of poleop and how this should just be an exstion of that.

Author:  Dauntless [ Thu Jun 24, 2004 5:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Why does it matter if the wording is changed or not? Isn't that just being stubborn? The government would recognize that the couple is legally bound.

The word marriage is a RELIGIOUS term. It comes from religion. Even atheist people get married, but it is marriage because it is heterosexual. Religion invented it. Marriage is the coupling of a man and a woman.

On another note, denying gay marriage is not like slavery. Freedom is a necessity. Gay marriage is a freedom. But in this case, isn't it just a fight for the freedom to have it called marriage and not something else? Think about it. If slaves had all the rights that white people did, do you think that would be a victory for the freedom movement?

I don't get it...if your only problem is with the wording...

Let's say the government recognizes unions: the straight type is called marriage, the gay type is called linkage. "They still can get coupled in threms of the govemnts defition, witch is what this issue is about."

Author:  Dan [ Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:13 pm ]
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It is about the princalpe of the thing, and poleop will still have issuse with gay "likeage" just b/c they are homaphobic witch is the drving force behind all the anti-gay margire crap.

If they are going to call it somting eltes, then i say they chage the name for every marige in trems of the goverment. So both start and gay unis whould be called likeage or w/e with the gorment and the churchs can do w/e crazy carp they whont.

Also there are some churchs that do marrie gays so i don't think the argment of "it is insulting to the church" is vaild.

Also no one who is agested gay marrie has yet to post any reason why it is a bad thing other then "b/c the chruchs don't like it. That is like saying we should not have any laws b/c the crimanls don't like it.

Author:  TheZsterBunny [ Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:29 pm ]
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Clarification: Homosexual people themselves did not pose a threat to society, it was the lack of another generation (if they were to marry hetro) which would harm the smaller communities (of 20 people, rather than 250 000).

Dauntless, as opposed to america, canada does not have a seperation of church and state (thanks, quebec). This is the reason we have organizations like 'the greater essex district catholic school board' which are paid for by tax dollars.

And it is not so much the wording of the contract, it is the respect that the word 'marriage' brings, not the actual meaning of the word. Inventing a new word for homo-marriage would not bring the same amount of respect, and would allow corporations (insurance, law, automotive) to exclude homosexual couples in contracts.

Also, inventing a new term for a homosexual long-term relation is demeaning. If a homosexual couple gets married, who is to say that my love for my wife (not yet, ofcourse) is greater than the love between the homosexual couple?

I'll leave you with that question.


Author:  Dan [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Also to add on to what TheZsterBunny side, if the marrige is sposted to be a regiones thing...right now any startie couple can get married wthere they are totaly agested the relgion or not but gay poleop who may be extreamly relgiose can not, dose that seem fair at all?

Author:  TheZsterBunny [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 7:24 am ]
Post subject: 

It is completely injust.

About a year and a half ago, I watched this documentary on gay orthodox Jews.

imo, orthadox judiasm is one of the least flexible religeons, and to be a homosexual, you would get the equivalent of excommunication.

so these guys (and girls) told us about their trouble; how they wished to remain jewish, and how they wish to lead happy lives with their partners.

it was pretty moving, if anyone else has seen it, please post.

Dan, because a marriage is recognized by almost every institution, we can argue that it has superceeded religeon, and is now a part of our culture. Even athiests view unwed mothers with animosity.

The actual marriage ceremony is religeous (every culture does it differently) but it means the same thing in the laws, and they all sign official marriage certificates.


Author:  Dauntless [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 3:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Where did the expectation that there be love come into the equation? In the marriage vows. Who wrote the marriage vows? The church. Why should the amount of love affect what we call the union? So basically, the gold digger's union should be called the...parasitic union? The suckage? One thing doesn't change in marriages; it is always between man and woman.

Atheist and people against religion get married. It is heterosexual. Marriage is heterosexual. There is no necessity for it to change. Just principle? Why not have the government recognize it as linkage, and gay people can call it marriage all they want. Everyone else can too. What's the big deal? Bulling against that notion is pigheaded.

I already said that if the gay couples get the same recognition under the law, the same rights, just a different term, what's the difference? Classification is not always racism. Calling someone Chinese is not offensive.

If they are going to call it somting eltes, then i say they chage the name for every marige in trems of the goverment. So both start and *** unis whould be called likeage or w/e with the gorment and the churchs can do w/e crazy carp they whont.

That's ridiculous. Why would they need to do that? Just like straight and gay, marriage and linkage would both be recognized. If they have the same rights regardless, what's the problem? Gays are not ashamed and do not have to be ashamed of what they are.

This is the reason we have organizations like 'the greater essex district catholic school board' which are paid for by tax dollars.

Paid for by tax dollars, sure. Public schools are paid for by tax dollars; some your parents, some public. Maybe even all your parents. Let's assume so. The parents of Catholic students must pay more taxes to put their kids in the Catholic schools. Not exactly separating church and state, but it's not like we are paying for their ride.

Also no one who is agested *** marrie has yet to post any reason why it is a bad thing other then "b/c the chruchs don't like it. That is like saying we should not have any laws b/c the crimanls don't like it.

That's not like saying we shouldn't have any laws because the criminals don't like it. Where is the connection? The church does not support gay marriage because they are against gay people. Laws are a positive thing to protect us against negative things. Having gay marriage isn't necessarily a positive thing. The church isn't necessarily a positive thing.

I suggested gay marriage is not proper because marriage, by definition, is between a man and a woman.

Why should we allow gay marriage? I just want to say I'm not for or against it, I just wanted to argue for the other side. Why should we allow it? It's not like we'll have bastard children as a result of premarital gay relations. Gay people want to be married like everyone else? Marriage is for lifelong companionship. Marriage was for survival. Marriage no longer is for survival. Marriage is for the sake of procreation without people looking down on you. People who get married but don't have children don't really need to be married.

Gay people may want the sentiment of being bound by law; they may like the statement that they are now in it for life. They can get that through linkage right? Once the government recognizes that they are linked, they can get divorces, get the honeymoon suite, put "Just Linked" on their car.

You people put down a Federal Gun Registry that saves lives, like it or not. Yet you have no problem with throwing around legislature that is more or less for sentimental reasons really. If you just called it linkage and settled it there, we could see how things go. The problem is with you hardliners who want all or nothing.

Author:  Dan [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:

That's not like saying we shouldn't have any laws because the criminals don't like it. Where is the connection? The church does not support *** marriage because they are against *** people. Laws are a positive thing to protect us against negative things. Having *** marriage isn't necessarily a positive thing. The church isn't necessarily a positive thing.

so you are saying we should ban churchs....hummm, sounds like a plan lets do it. Whould slove so many porblems in the world and evey one whould be happy. Best idea yet!

Dauntless wrote:

I suggested *** marriage is not proper because marriage, by definition, is between a man and a woman.

May be by your definition and some churchs and homphobic poleop but there are churchs who say marriage can be btween any 2 poleop and marrie gay poleop.

Dauntless wrote:

Why should we allow it? It's not like we'll have bastard children as a result of premarital *** relations. *** people want to be married like everyone else? Marriage is for lifelong companionship. Marriage was for survival. Marriage no longer is for survival. Marriage is for the sake of procreation without people looking down on you. People who get married but don't have children don't really need to be married.

Who are you to say what marriage is for?? i think that is soley in the option of the poleop geting married. Also by that stament whould it not mean poleop who can not have chileder and are starte should not be able to get married?

Dauntless wrote:

*** people may want the sentiment of being bound by law; they may like the statement that they are now in it for life. They can get that through linkage right? Once the government recognizes that they are linked, they can get divorces, get the honeymoon suite, put "Just Linked" on their car.

the dsoe not make much sceen, if they whonted it for sentiment they they whont to be married not "linked"

Dauntless wrote:

You people put down a Federal Gun Registry that saves lives, like it or not. Yet you have no problem with throwing around legislature that is more or less for sentimental reasons really. If you just called it linkage and settled it there, we could see how things go. The problem is with you hardliners who want all or nothing.

what???? Any how this is a complty diffrent issue then the gun registry, and i dont even think it should be the goverment that is making it legislature. It should be desided by a cournt of law stricky flowing the human rights laws (witch i think it was and they desided to alow it, but some crazy poleop are aplieing it or somting.)

Also you still have made no points on how it whould be a bad thing other then saying your deftion of marrireg wtich is compley relavtie to who you are. And it is totaly like saying there should be no laws just becuse crimals don't like it. If churchs side they did not like black poleop or somting whould we make laws agested them? (now a days hopfuly not, but they did during the years of salvery in the U.S.)

Author:  SuperGenius [ Fri Jun 25, 2004 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:
I suggested *** marriage is not proper because marriage, by definition, is between a man and a woman.

They're changing that now, but yes, it was until very recently, but this kind of argument is no good because of numerous examples, one of them being that the definition of a person used to exclude women. Also, the definition of a citizen used to exclude forigners, slaves, women and minorities. So to say that something is wrong because it does not fit with the definition of a concept is highly narrowminded and biased.

Author:  Dauntless [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Equality for the sake of equality. I wonder if that will lead to anything big in the future. If you want true equality, where do you draw the line? Why don't we let family members marry too?

Anyways, saying that black people were not defined as people isn't exactly a strong argument either. It takes care of my argument that we should model the law around the definition. But gay marriage is arguably less important that the freedom of an entire race. I don't believe there was any opposition to black marriage.

Also..I did not say it was wrong. I said that it is not marriage. So we should not allow gay marriage.

the dsoe not make much sceen, if they whonted it for sentiment they they whont to be married not "linked"

Dan, I said what they wanted the sentiment of. They wanted the sentiment of being bound by law. Please at least take the time to read my points.

what???? Any how this is a complty diffrent issue then the gun registry

I was just saying how people complain about federal money being wasted on something that is useful and in use, when they don't care about federal time (and possibly a respectable government, given that voters will vote depending on the promises made) being wasted over something that can be resolved just by changing the wording.

Author:  Dan [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:
Equality for the sake of equality. I wonder if that will lead to anything big in the future. If you want true equality, where do you draw the line? Why don't we let family members marry too?

shure, i got no problem with that. If they whont to marry there own family why not, it dose not cosern me at all.

Dauntless wrote:

Anyways, saying that black people were not defined as people isn't exactly a strong argument either.

i think it is a very strong argument and a gr8 point.

Dauntless wrote:

It takes care of my argument that we should model the law around the definition. But *** marriage is arguably less important that the freedom of an entire race.

It is extrmemy impornt, it is dicktaning the rights of an minnority. No matter what thous rights are it still is imporntent. How could it not be important when you are messing with human rights?

Dauntless wrote:

Dan, I said what they wanted the sentiment of. They wanted the sentiment of being bound by law. Please at least take the time to read my points.

i did and you are missing the point, i am saying that they whont to be mairred in law not linked in law.

Dauntless wrote:

I was just saying how people complain about federal money being wasted on something that is useful and in use, when they don't care about federal time (and possibly a respectable government, given that voters will vote depending on the promises made) being wasted over something that can be resolved just by changing the wording.

So you are saying human rights are not imporntent?

Author:  Dauntless [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 5:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Human rights is one thing, being married for the sake of being married is another. Human rights can be achieved with any union, not just marriage. Human rights can be achieved with linkage.

Of course you would support incestuous relationships. Where do you draw the line? Human-machine marriages? Human-animal marriages? We can change the definition as much as we want. I'm sure there's diehard animal rights activists who believe that their animals deserve to be equal to people. And I'm sure they'll also use the argument that so-and-so years ago, there was a time (shocked look) when black people weren't considered people. People can't be free to do everything. Protecting the rights of the minority is important, but we HAVE TO DRAW A LINE. Just like we can't get rid of laws. Criminals are a minority. So are pedophiles. You can't have absolute freedom.

Canada has been protecting the minority rights for a long time, not always with a perfect record. They did as GREAT job with Quebec; that minority definitely gets its needs satisfied, and more. They did not do a great job with Native Americans.

Can you give me a reason other than "gays want to be married, not linked"?

Furthermore, I don't think you can say what they want. They want to be married in law, not linked in law? Maybe they just want to be recognized by law. Maybe they wouldn't object to being linked by law. I don't agree with your argument here, because it seems like what anti-abortion activists are like. Most abortion activists are men. How can they speak for women? Same goes for gay rights activists. In this case and point.

Author:  Dan [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:
Human rights is one thing, being married for the sake of being married is another. Human rights can be achieved with any union, not just marriage. Human rights can be achieved with linkage.

i think human rights and being married for the sake of being married is the same thing in this case. And it is not the same.

Dauntless wrote:

Of course you would support incestuous relationships. Where do you draw the line? Human-machine marriages? Human-animal marriages?

i have no issues with any of thos, also long as it dose not hurnt any one eltes of mess with there rights it is all good. It dose not effect any one eletes but the poleop invaled if some one whonts to marry an animal, machine or anything eltes.

Dauntless wrote:

We can change the definition as much as we want. I'm sure there's diehard animal rights activists who believe that their animals deserve to be equal to people.

Why not? what makes us any better then animals? only diff is that we are smarter....or are we, you dont see anumals massively killing off there own kind or messing over the erath.

Dauntless wrote:

People can't be free to do everything.

Hey as long as it dose not effect another persons freedom or hurnt them i say they can.

Dauntless wrote:

Canada has been protecting the minority rights for a long time, not always with a perfect record. They did as GREAT job with Quebec; that minority definitely gets its needs satisfied, and more. They did not do a great job with Native Americans.

if they did such a gr8 job with quebec why do alot of poleop there still whont to leave canada?

Dauntless wrote:

Can you give me a reason other than "***s want to be married, not linked"?

Yes, and i have many times b4. Making it somting eltes makes the speration btwen the two sides gr8er and is only futter deviding poleop in the gorups based on some dum thing. Also it is the princaple of the thing, there is no reason why they should not be alowed to get married and have it called married. And making it called somting eltes based on wthere they are starit or gay is cleary perjuisecied and hompohiobc.

Dauntless wrote:

Furthermore, I don't think you can say what they want. They want to be married in law, not linked in law? Maybe they just want to be recognized by law. Maybe they wouldn't object to being linked by law. I don't agree with your argument here, because it seems like what anti-abortion activists are like. Most abortion activists are men. How can they speak for women? Same goes for *** rights activists.

And you can?????

You are the one who brongth up the point that it whould be the same to them 1st.

Just let poleop be free man, if it dose not hurnt any one there is nothing wrong with it and should not be wrong.

Author:  Dauntless [ Sat Jun 26, 2004 10:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:

Canada has been protecting the minority rights for a long time, not always with a perfect record. They did as GREAT job with Quebec; that minority definitely gets its needs satisfied, and more. They did not do a great job with Native Americans.

if they did such a gr8 job with quebec why do alot of poleop there still whont to leave canada?

Are you kidding me? Are you a robot? You definitely don't get sarcasm at all. They didn't do a good job with Quebec, since Quebec as a minority gets better than equal treatment.

Well. I can't argue with you. You're not gonna waver. If you're for marriages between your 8-year old daughter and some 40-year old guy because your daughter thinks she's in love, nobody's really getting hurt eh? Freedom!! What a NOBLE concept. Don't forbid your kids to get married early and often, freedom is what its all about. How can you be so idealistic? Well, I hope you have kids. The police won't stop them when they do some drugs and have sex in the middle of a schoolyard. Everyone can have sex, at any age, as long as they know that they are free to. Why not just let everyone drive a car too? People shouldn't hafta go to school either.

None of these things hurt anyone else personally. Do they weaken society on the whole? Yeah. And for someone who cares how other countries will view us..How do you think freedom within your boundaries will make them view us? Canadians are free to do anything that won't hurt anyone else. How do you enforce "won't hurt anyone else"?

You want freedom? Look at Jamaica. Jamaica has legal marijuana. Has "the novelty" gone away? I don't think Jamaica had a decline in marijuana smoking once it went legal. Idealism is dangerous.

Author:  Dan [ Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:11 am ]
Post subject: 

If you're for marriages between your 8-year old daughter and some 40-year old guy because your daughter thinks she's in love, nobody's really getting hurt eh?

Funny thing is that is leggal but gay marriages are not.


Freedom!! What a NOBLE concept.

it realy is, GO FREEDOM!!!!


Don't forbid your kids to get married early and often, freedom is what its all about. How can you be so idealistic? Well, I hope you have kids. The police won't stop them when they do some drugs and have sex in the middle of a schoolyard. Everyone can have sex, at any age, as long as they know that they are free to. Why not just let everyone drive a car too? People shouldn't hafta go to school either.

While you exmaple there kind of invales some one geting hurnt and i side as long as no one gets hurt. But i say yes, let them as long as they fully know what they are geting in to and dose not reslut in any one geting hurt. If poleop don't whont to go to school they should not have to, we need some one to pump gass and work at fast food places. drive a car at any age, shure as long as they can pass the road tests and reach the break. Sex at any age, some conotrys all ready have no laws on what age poleop can have sex at and they are not falling appernt. If they whont what they are doing whont it, and no one gets hurt why not?


None of these things hurt anyone else personally. Do they weaken society on the whole? Yeah. And for someone who cares how other countries will view us..How do you think freedom within your boundaries will make them view us? Canadians are free to do anything that won't hurt anyone else. How do you enforce "won't hurt anyone else"?

hosty i whould see canada as a better place, society should not stand in the way of fredom. Gvoerment is just to help us work on thing as a gorup and to keep poleop from huritng each other and it should stop there. Fredom is one of the most import things and should thake persenced over most other things.


You want freedom? Look at Jamaica. Jamaica has legal marijuana. Has "the novelty" gone away? I don't think Jamaica had a decline in marijuana smoking once it went legal. Idealism is dangerous.

look at jappan, they have no laws of age at wich poleop can have sex like her and in fack some teenage grils there are enocrged to "expore" the sexuality. This even rages to having sex with older men for money and other things. And do you see jappan falling aprt? no.

And about jamaica i don't get your point, i dont think the idea was to make a decline in marijuana smoking. Also i think it should be legial as long as they dont driver or anything when high.

Author:  Dauntless [ Sun Jun 27, 2004 12:26 am ]
Post subject: 

See, its easy to champion your ideals when you don't have to deal with the realisms of how to regulate it. Hell, even today drivers who pass their road test aren't guaranteed to be good drivers. They just hafta be able to act differently for 15 minutes. Then they can drive like they do.

And a marriage between an 8-year old and a 40-year old is not legal in Canada.

Why not. It sure is easy to argue for your side when all you have to ask is that.

I for one wouldn't want my daughter to have sex with all kinds of guys. At any age.

The reason those countries aren't falling apart is because that is again, a minority. The majority is forced to take on the irresponsibilities of the minority; when some dickhead is too stupid to do anything in high school and sleeps around, has 5 bastard kids and has nothing to support them with, he'll get his welfare and live scot free. Too much sex= bad. Society will also have to take on the burdens of the teen mothers who get pregnant young because society doesn't look down on kids who sleep around at an early age. No, we don't see Japan falling apart. But are they any closer to solving their social issues? No.

Think about reality when you're pursuing your ideals. Try arguing the other side for a second.

As for marijuana legalization; say we legalize all the drugs for the sake of freedom. All drugs are ok, as long as you're not under the influence in public or while driving. How are we supposed to test for all those? Step out of the car. Now walk the line. Let's look at your eyes. Now please give me a blood sample and urine sample.

If you honestly think your total freedom isn't going to hurt anybody, think again.

Author:  Martin [ Sun Jun 27, 2004 3:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Is it worth restricting it if it is only a matter of the word? What difference does it make if it is called the something else when it means the same thing.

Also, making new words for people brings up more unneeded discrimination. If linkage is what they would call gay marriage, then it becomes something that is linked (no pun intended) to gay people, instead of just a couple.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:
See, its easy to champion your ideals when you don't have to deal with the realisms of how to regulate it. Hell, even today drivers who pass their road test aren't guaranteed to be good drivers. They just hafta be able to act differently for 15 minutes. Then they can drive like they do.

Then the problem is with the test and not the age group. I realy don't see the problem if they are good drivers.

Dauntless wrote:

Why not. It sure is easy to argue for your side when all you have to ask is that.

may be that is b/c it is true. Why not, if it dose not hurt any one?

Dauntless wrote:

I for one wouldn't want my daughter to have sex with all kinds of guys. At any age.

that is up to you, i am just saying it is not the place of the goverment to make such laws and desions.

Dauntless wrote:

The reason those countries aren't falling apart is because that is again, a minority. The majority is forced to take on the irresponsibilities of the minority; when some dickhead is too stupid to do anything in high school and sleeps around, has 5 bastard kids and has nothing to support them with, he'll get his welfare and live scot free.

i don't understan your point, in some of thess countrys it is not the minority gourp that has thess ideals but rather the majority. And i don't think it works quite like that in realty.

Dauntless wrote:

Too much sex= bad.

what is you bases for that?

Dauntless wrote:

Society will also have to take on the burdens of the teen mothers who get pregnant young because society doesn't look down on kids who sleep around at an early age. No, we don't see Japan falling apart. But are they any closer to solving their social issues? No.

Aucaly they are, but that is another debate. But they are deftaly not futher away.

Dauntless wrote:

Think about reality when you're pursuing your ideals. Try arguing the other side for a second.

i am, i just don't think we share the same ideas of what realty should be. Or may be we don't see realty in the same way?

Dauntless wrote:

As for marijuana legalization; say we legalize all the drugs for the sake of freedom. All drugs are ok, as long as you're not under the influence in public or while driving. How are we supposed to test for all those? Step out of the car. Now walk the line. Let's look at your eyes. Now please give me a blood sample and urine sample.

Hey they have been doing it with alchole for how long now?

Dauntless wrote:

If you honestly think your total freedom isn't going to hurt anybody, think again.

Thinks again.........
nope still think total freedom in my defftion is good.

Author:  Dauntless [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Whatever. Obviously you're some sort of hippie anarchist. Canada will not be a nation of sex, drugs, etc if I have anything to do with it.

The problem is not the theory, it is the implementation. Laws regarding smuggling, underage drinking. We can SAY that we'll allow alcohol, but only for people over 18, but that doesn't actually happen. Testing for alcohol is one thing. Testing for every single drug is another. Laws that are as vague as "as long as you don't hurt anyone" are unenforcable, so basically useless. You think we should have no laws.

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye, or a child, or international respect.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 4:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:
Whatever. Obviously you're some sort of hippie anarchist. Canada will not be a nation of sex, drugs, etc if I have anything to do with it.

may be i am, and lets hope you don't. Twisted Evil

Dauntless wrote:

The problem is not the theory, it is the implementation. Laws regarding smuggling, underage drinking. We can SAY that we'll allow alcohol, but only for people over 18, but that doesn't actually happen. Testing for alcohol is one thing. Testing for every single drug is another. Laws that are as vague as "as long as you don't hurt anyone" are unenforcable, so basically useless. You think we should have no laws.

LOL, i did not say the only law should be "as long as you don't hurt anyone" i ment that should be the basise for what there should be laws on. We whould still need laws just none that limit fredom that dose not effet any one. And i don't get your point with alcohol there, i almost sounds like you are proving mine since we have laws for poleop under 19 but they still don't work.

Dauntless wrote:

It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye, or a child, or international respect.

I think we whould have more respected, but the loses an eye or child part dose not make any scecn. I side as long as no one gets hurt, if you lose one of thos some one is geting hurt.

Author:  Dauntless [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I already said; there's no way you can enforce your laws so noone gets hurt because of them.

And international respect; respected like Mexico is for its lack of a drinking age, respected like Jamaica for its legalization of marijuana, respected like countries that do not prohibit a sex trade or enforce an age of consent.

Either way, I'm done with this topic. It's all argued out. It's been fun.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jun 28, 2004 9:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dauntless wrote:
I already said; there's no way you can enforce your laws so noone gets hurt because of them.

Shure there is, why whould there not be?

Dauntless wrote:

And international respect; respected like Mexico is for its lack of a drinking age, respected like Jamaica for its legalization of marijuana, respected like countries that do not prohibit a sex trade or enforce an age of consent.

I whould rather have fredom then respect and i don't think thous conotrys problems come from the issues metioned.

Author:  Paul [ Tue Jun 29, 2004 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I still think Darkness is tubular.

Author:  templest [ Tue Jun 29, 2004 9:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Homosexuals are G@Y!

Author:  TheZsterBunny [ Fri Jul 02, 2004 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

yes. yes, they are...

whats your point?

Author:  Andy [ Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

well.. not all the time... a lot of them are so ungay that they suicide...

Author:  Dan [ Fri Jul 02, 2004 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

this is geting a litte to close to being perguidesed agested gay poleop so lets not let it go there ok? I don't whont any one to be offended.

Author:  jonos [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:30 am ]
Post subject: 


I whould rather have fredom then respect and i don't think thous conotrys problems come from the issues metioned.

Rather freedom than respect? A country cannot run efficiently or even at all if every citizen is free to do whatever they want. It's basically anarchy and only ignorant punks really want that.

Author:  jonos [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 


The church does not support *** marriage because they are against *** people.

Haha, this is not true. There are gay priests and bishops. But then again, it depends on the church - a Dutch Reform church would probably be against gay people, but the Catholic Church and the Presbyterian Churches are more against gay marriage than gay people. Even if some officials in the church are against gay people, that does not mean that the people are against gay people. The church IS the people.

Also, I'm interested what Jewish people think on gay marriage. I know that Jewish people vote predominately Liberal/Democrat so I'm curious.

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:19 am ]
Post subject: 


Rather freedom than respect? A country cannot run efficiently or even at all if every citizen is free to do whatever they want. It's basically anarchy and only ignorant punks really want that.

ha, i dont think u read many of my post b/c if u did i side fredom that thats not conflicted with others ferdom and rights. So it whould not be anarchy. And if it came down to picking fredom and anarchy over a upthing soicty like some poleop whont i whould glady go for the anarchy. And u are only ignorant if u are thinking in the short therm, and alougth it may seem like it to some poleop i am not. For example whould we ever have goten close to the destion power of the nucke w/o govment? nope. if it was all anarchy at least we whould not be mass killing poleop for dum reason like what conotry they belong to or there race. We whould be limited to only killing the poleop in the imited area and the odds are if u toke on more then 1 or 2 at the same time u whould get killed and not them. So i say bring on the anarchy if it means the end to such things as war and racsisum. U did not see the cave men nukeing japan now did u?

Author:  Maverick [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im against it. Marriage shulkd be between a man and a woman

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maverick wrote:
Im against it. Marriage shulkd be between a man and a woman


Author:  templest [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow, it looks like you guys had a competition to see who can shove the largest pickle, the furthest up eachother's assess. Shocked

I saw it on a T-Shirt once, I thought it was funny. I picture some hillbilly saying that, makes ya' laugh Laughing

Y'know, laughter? "har har"? That thing that happens when someone says something that makes you react as if getting tickled?

Personally I think this thread is completely rediculous and have therefor refrained from placing any intelligable post at all. My whole view is that religiously, yes, g@y marriages are completely wrong, you are the seed of the devil, you should be cast into the lake of fire, ect, ect, blah, blah, let's have sex? And politically there is no problem with it, let the f@gs have their fun, who are you to decide who should love who and what are "correct" marriages and "incorrect" marriages?

That's not going to change, and no amount of argument will change that, therefor: stating the feableness of this thread, and therefor: making me regret even wasting 3 minutes of my life to type this. Rolling Eyes

EDIT: And for those whom still have some sort of sense of humour left, here's a funny one:

"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" Laughing

Author:  Paul [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hacker Dan wrote:
Maverick wrote:
Im against it. Marriage shulkd be between a man and a woman


Well its his opinion, which is why he's against it...

and what is this "God" you speak of?

Author:  Dan [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

templest wrote:
Wow, it looks like you guys had a competition to see who can shove the largest pickle, the furthest up eachother's assess. Shocked

I saw it on a T-Shirt once, I thought it was funny. I picture some hillbilly saying that, makes ya' laugh Laughing

Y'know, laughter? "har har"? That thing that happens when someone says something that makes you react as if getting tickled?

What the heck are u taking about?

templest wrote:

Personally I think this thread is completely rediculous and have therefor refrained from placing any intelligable post at all. My whole view is that religiously, yes, g@y marriages are completely wrong, you are the seed of the devil, you should be cast into the lake of fire, ect, ect, blah, blah, let's have sex? And politically there is no problem with it, let the f@gs have their fun, who are you to decide who should love who and what are "correct" marriages and "incorrect" marriages?

What? are u for or agested this? And i do not think this thread is rediculous other then poleop could think that taking rights away from poleop is a good thing.

templest wrote:

That's not going to change, and no amount of argument will change that, therefor: stating the feableness of this thread, and therefor: making me regret even wasting 3 minutes of my life to type this. Rolling Eyes

What is not going to change? U mean this thread is not going to chage the issue in RL at all? May be so, but that is no reason not to depbate and discose things. I think that it is import to debate such things wthere it will chage things or not.

templest wrote:

EDIT: And for those whom still have some sort of sense of humour left, here's a funny one:

"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" Laughing


plz keep your homaphobic quotes to your self.

Author:  Dan [ Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Paul Bian wrote:

Well its his opinion, which is why he's against it...

and what is this "God" you speak of?

yes, but i whonted to know if his opinion had any fundation to it or if it was just ignonrice. Witch is what i think it is if u do not have any reasning behind it.

Also idk about this god person they talk about ether, he is news to me.

Author:  Andy [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 2:24 am ]
Post subject: 

Hacker Dan wrote:
plz keep your homaphobic quotes to your self.

i dun see how hes bein a homophobe

Author:  Maverick [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

templest wrote:

"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" Laughing

LMAO i heard that on a BET freestyle rap. Whered u hear it?

Author:  Dan [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

dodge_tomahawk wrote:
Hacker Dan wrote:
plz keep your homaphobic quotes to your self.

i dun see how hes bein a homophobe

how is it not?

Author:  Mazer [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: G A Y Marriage

Just to totally derail this thread (just kidding):
Darkness wrote:
I got in an arguement about this with someone today. What are your opinions on the topic?

I wonder if Darkness was originally by chance just throwing some random issue into the subject line and using the question in his post to actually refer to the poll topic. Confused

Author:  Paul [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Either way, he's definately tubular.... yep

Author:  Mazer [ Wed Jul 07, 2004 8:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was torn between tubular and gnarly (tied for lead at time of last post). I guess it'll be the lesser of two evils since I don't much like either.
"Tubular?" I'm sure Darkness satisfies the definition, but I don't want to know about it.
"Gnarly?" That just makes me think of the old tree that tried to eat the Hobbits in the Fellowship. Don't ask.

Actually, yes. Darkness certainly reminds me of a Hobbit munching tree. Gnarly it is.

Author:  templest [ Sat Jul 10, 2004 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol, dan... if you didn't understand what I just said before, then whoah, you um... heh, out of the fear of getting my account deleted, I won't go any further...

I'm just stating the obvious...

Politically, they have the right to marry whom they wan't.
Religiously, they are the incarnation of satan himself.

No one's opinion will change that. That's all they are, opinions. Making this thread useless to have in the first place. I am indifferent to the whole situation. I'm not a homosexual, so this topic is of no importance to me.

Author:  Martin [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 2:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's pretty ignorant. That's like saying "I'm not Jewish, so why should I care about the holocaust?"

Well, maybe not that bad, but you get the idea.

It's about rights, it involves everyone.

Author:  Maverick [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well they can get married if they want, theyre all going to hell anyway.[/code]

Author:  Paul [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

[/code] indeed...

Author:  Dan [ Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

ha, u poleop are so ego sentrick. That is asuming your region is even close to the "true" one (witch in my option there is no true one and they are all wrong). If u ask me saying that some one should/will go to hell for who they are sloe is 10000000000s time worse then they are. (alought 1000000000 * 0 is still 0, hummmmm)

Author:  Dauntless [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:34 am ]
Post subject: 

ha, i dont think u read many of my post b/c if u did i side fredom that thats not conflicted with others ferdom and rights. So it whould not be anarchy. And if it came down to picking fredom and anarchy over a upthing soicty like some poleop whont i whould glady go for the anarchy. And u are only ignorant if u are thinking in the short therm, and alougth it may seem like it to some poleop i am not. For example whould we ever have goten close to the destion power of the nucke w/o govment? nope. if it was all anarchy at least we whould not be mass killing poleop for dum reason like what conotry they belong to or there race. We whould be limited to only killing the poleop in the imited area and the odds are if u toke on more then 1 or 2 at the same time u whould get killed and not them. So i say bring on the anarchy if it means the end to such things as war and racsisum. U did not see the cave men nukeing japan now did u?

Man. What about all the other things that society has done, to argue the other side. Personally, I would like it if we didn't have to have jobs to earn a living, and we could just live off the fat of the land. Too bad we can't. But whether I'm for or against the point being argued, I'm always against a badly argued point.

If we didn't have society, we wouldn't have that many people that could be killed. Or rather, government. If you think back to the time when government was being developed, it was basically the result of your anarchy. Eventually, 1+1 became 2, and since 2 was bigger than the other 1, 2's society added 1's by force. And what's to say racism would be gone just because you have anarchy? Englishmen and Frenchmen were arch enemies simply because of their nationality. Racism has been around for a long time, and not just because of society, or government. If anything, organized society has lessened peoples' fear of culture, through intermingling of the races. Most people are xenophobes to some degree, but with society exposing them to all types, some saw there was nothing to fear. Anyways, what's the difference between a nuke kill a million people in one day and a billion people fighting each other everyday? Just as many people die. Definitely will not bring an end to war as we know it. It just means that as soon as one group gets stronger than another, it's going to take over. Obviously we did not see cavemen nuke Japan, but we also didn't see cavemen live to 40 either. We didn't see cavemen invent vaccines (which, by the way, I am sorta against), or develop medical techniques that save lives. We would not be able to feed the people of the world today without all the things that society has developed. Do you think Thomas Edison would have had time to invent things if he had to farm all day first? Or forage, or hunt food? It's because of society's infrastructure that we can get things done. It's us down below who don't have any power in the big picture who are frustrated at society's demands.

The people who were nuked at Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have never lived had it not been for the society that allowed them to. Is it better to have lived and died, than to have never lived at all?

That's a rhetorical question. Anyways, I'm against gay marriage because there's no use for it. There's no use really for straight marriage either. But marriage is marriage. In today's world, people almost reflexively go for new movements. If we want to satisfy the majority, I think we should give the g@ys what they want, just don't call it marriage.

Author:  Martin [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 12:39 am ]
Post subject: 

I also think sex changes are bad. God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Stevette.

Author:  Dan [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:17 am ]
Post subject: 

I ushely whould love to debate you two on such things, but can't we just let this topic die. I was hopfull that it whould affter not being replyed to in a month but u had to go and bring it back Evil or Very Mad

Any how that lame joke has been posted b4 Darkness, and i am quite shure there is nothing in the bible about sex chages. Wait a sec... i thought u did not belvie in god?

Author:  Martin [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know what I believe.

People can have sex changes if they hate themselves that much. Totally ruins their lives though.

Author:  Dan [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maybe but it is there lives to rune.

Ahharg, stop draging me in to this never ending debate.

Author:  Martin [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ahh Dan, what would I do without you?

You provide me with hours of entertainment. (and I mean that with the utmost respect, you commie bastard Razz)

Author:  Paul [ Tue Aug 03, 2004 9:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Damn straight, finally someone expresses their gratitude for Dan's contributions...

Author:  jonos [ Wed Aug 04, 2004 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Darkness wrote:

you commie bastard

Shocked [/quote]
