import java.awt.*;
import hsa.Console;
import java.math.*;
public class Final_Project
static Console c; // The output console
static Question [] Questions; //The output questions
static int qln;
//array for the questions
public Final_Project ()
qln = 38;
//15 questions in the array
Questions = new Question [15];
//reads the file with the questions.
public static void ReadFile1 (String fileName)
String line, atext, aright; //text from the file, used to read and output the information.
BufferedReader input;
boolean bright;
int pos;
//file reader
line = "";
input = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (fileName));
for (int v = 0 ; v < 15 ; v++)
line = input.readLine ();
Questions [v] = new Question ();
Questions [v].text = line;
for (int b = 0 ; b < 4 ; b++)
bright = false;
line = input.readLine ();
pos = line.indexOf (";");
atext = line.substring (0, pos);
aright = line.substring (pos + 1);
//checks for the answers
if (aright.indexOf ("t") == 0)
bright = true;
Questions [v].answers [b] = new Answer ();
Questions [v].answers [b].text = atext;
Questions [v].answers [b].right = bright;
line = input.readLine ();
} //if there is no file with that name
catch (FileNotFoundException exs)
c.println ("Unable to find file");
} //input output exceptions
catch (IOException exss)
c.println ("Moo");
c.println (exss.getMessage ());
//adds a delay
public static void delay ()
for (int counter = 1 ; counter < 99999 ; counter++)
double a = Math.PI * Math.PI;
//openning screen
public static void openning ()
int x=0;
int y=0;
for (int i=1;i<800;i++)
Font font3 = new Font ("Ariel", Font.BOLD, 30);
c.setFont (font3);
c.drawString("Who wants to be a millioner...",150,200);
c.println("Press any key to continue");
char ch;
Font font3 = new Font ("Ariel", Font.PLAIN, 15);
c.setFont (font3);
//draws the tables
public static void draw ()
//game graphic
// c.setColor(Color.yellow);
c.setColor (Color.gray);
c.fillRect (0, 0, 20, 424);
c.fillRect (0, 405, 650, 20);
c.fillRect (0, 0, 625, 20);
c.fillRect (620, 0, 20, 424);
c.fillRect (420, 0, 20, 424);
c.fillRect (0, 280, 420, 20);
c.fillRect (0, 350, 420, 10);
c.setColor (Color.gray);
c.fillRect (215, 280, 10, 400);
//sets the font
c.setColor (;
Font font2 = new Font ("Times new roman", Font.PLAIN, 15);
c.setFont (font2);
//draws the money
c.drawString ("$1000000", 490, 70);
c.drawString ("$500000", 490, 90);
c.drawString ("$250000", 490, 110);
c.drawString ("$125000", 490, 130);
c.drawString ("$64000", 490, 150);
c.drawString ("$32000", 490, 170);
c.drawString ("$16000", 490, 190);
c.drawString ("$8000", 490, 210);
c.drawString ("$4000", 490, 230);
c.drawString ("$2000", 490, 250);
c.drawString ("$1000", 490, 270);
c.drawString ("$500", 490, 290);
c.drawString ("$300", 490, 310);
c.drawString ("$200", 490, 330);
c.drawString ("$100", 490, 350);
//draws the question and the answers in their right boxes
public static void showQestion (int index)
int rowCount, p1, p2, y;
float rows;
String row, Qtext;
y = 100;
Qtext = Questions [index].text;
while (Qtext.length () > qln)
row = Qtext.substring (0, qln);
c.drawString (row, 40, y);
y += 20;
Qtext = Qtext.substring (qln);
c.drawString (Qtext, 40, y);
//draws the possible answers
c.drawString (Questions [index].answers [0].text, 80, 325);
c.drawString (Questions [index].answers [1].text, 290, 325);
c.drawString (Questions [index].answers [2].text, 80, 390);
c.drawString (Questions [index].answers [3].text, 290, 390);
//main program.
public static void main (String [] args)
boolean exitLoop = false;
int m = 0;
int completed = 0;
String finalMsg;
c = new Console ();
Final_Project fp = new Final_Project ();
openning ();
int start, answerq;
for (;;)
//start menu
c.clear ();
c.println ("******Welcome to who wants to be a millionare******");
c.println ("Good luck playing");
c.println ("1) New game");
c.println ("2) Rules");
c.println ("3) Exit");
start = c.readInt ();
if (start == 1)
c.clear ();
//reads the file that contains the questions
fp.ReadFile1 ("questions.txt");
//will read the file until its empty
while (!exitLoop)
c.clear ();
fp.showQestion (m);
fp.draw ();
answerq = c.readInt ();
if (IsBetween (answerq, 1, 4))
Questions [m].userAnswer = answerq - 1;
exitLoop = !Questions [m].rightAnswer ();
if (Questions [m].rightAnswer ())
completed += 1;
m += 1;
if (m == 15)
exitLoop = true;
//if all 15 questions are done you get a special msg else theres no msg.
finalMsg = "no msg";
if (completed == 15)
finalMsg = "Congratulations! You got it!\nYou won $1000000.";
//checks how many questions the user answered and if he has the unburned amount
else if (IsBetween (completed, 0, 4))
finalMsg = "You answered right " + completed + " questions.\nYou won $0.";
else if (IsBetween (completed, 5, 9))
finalMsg = "You answered right " + completed + " questions.\nYou won$1000";
else if (IsBetween (completed, 10, 14))
finalMsg = "You answered right " + completed + " questions.\nYou won$32000.";
c.clear ();
c.println (finalMsg);
else if (start == 2)
//game instructions
c.println ("There are 15 questions,each question has 1 possible answer\nThere are two unburnned amounts which are 1000 and 32000.\nHave fun playing");
char readchar;
readchar = c.getChar ();
else if (start == 3)
//Exit sequence
c.println ("Thank you for playing who wants to be a millioner, press any key to exit");
char chara;
chara = c.getChar ();
c.clear ();
} // main method
//check where the number is
public static boolean IsBetween (int Num, int l, int m)
if (Num <= m && Num >= l)
return true;
return false;
} // Final_Project class