Computer Science Canada

How to use whatdotcolor in my program? and should i?

Author:  vagyb [ Mon May 24, 2004 6:54 pm ]
Post subject:  How to use whatdotcolor in my program? and should i?

um.. here is my program and i was wondering i should use whatdotcolor for colision detection, and if yes, how exactly :S cuz i real the tutorial and can't imagine how i would use it here


Author:  LiquidDragon [ Mon May 24, 2004 7:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yes you could use whatdotcolor

You just need to have the whatdotcolor at the front of the ship. If it doesn't equal black than it crashes.

if whatdotcolor (shipX + 2, shipY div 2) not= 7 then
end if

Just make something like that. I think that should work

Author:  guruguru [ Mon May 24, 2004 7:04 pm ]
Post subject: 


if whatdotcolor (x value just before front of ship, y value of ship) == black then
    change position of all asteroids
end if

THat's a quick way. Make your code better... its really messy... look at my post in your old topic.

Author:  vagyb [ Mon May 24, 2004 7:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

ah damnit it doesn't work :S. so far i just painted the front of the ship red so its easier, and the front of the rocks yellow. and this is the code i used


  if whatdotcolor (boulder1X, boulder1Y) = red then
    elsif whatdotcolor (boulder1X, boulder1Y) = red then
    elsif whatdotcolor (boulder2X, boulder2Y) = red then
    elsif whatdotcolor (boulder3X, boulder3Y) = red then
    elsif whatdotcolor (boulder4X, boulder4Y) = red then
        locate (20, 10)
        color (white)
        put "crash"
    end if

and so far its not working :S could someone tell me how i can change it plz.

Author:  guruguru [ Mon May 24, 2004 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 


if whatdotcolor (boulder1X, boulder1Y) = red or whatdotcolor (boulder1X - 1, boulder1Y) = red or whatdotcolor (boulder2X - 1, boulder2Y) = red or whatdotcolor (boulder3X - 1, boulder3Y) = red or whatdotcolor (boulder4X - 1, boulder4Y) = red then
        locate (20, 10)
        color (white)
        put "crash"
end if

Make it into one big if statement because the screen would only clear when the fourth boulder was colliding. And you want the pixel just in front of the boulder. Otherwise, you would always be testing to see if the color of the actual boulder = red, which it never theoretically should be.

Author:  vagyb [ Mon May 24, 2004 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

i did that but it doesn't work :S, all i did was paint the front of the ship red is that rite? but it doesn't stop...

i think the problem is that i added the red color in paint in front of the ship but the color red in paint doesn't match up wit the color of red in the turing code. or i am wrong.
