Computer Science Canada mac kills my inner child |
Author: | greenapplesodaex [ Tue May 18, 2004 5:45 pm ] |
Post subject: | mac kills my inner child |
for those of you who have not seen this, take a look for those of you who have seen this, watch it again after editing sorry, i got excited, the link, as Paul Bian said, is enjoy p.s. turn on your speaker or other wise it wont make sence untill he picked up the mac and kicked it |
Author: | Paul [ Tue May 18, 2004 6:24 pm ] |
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damn it u! post the damned link! or is it this one? |
Author: | Mazer [ Tue May 18, 2004 6:25 pm ] |
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I think he may have meant to post that link in the other topic. In which case... it was boring up until he drop kicked the iMac. |
Author: | Paul [ Tue May 18, 2004 6:35 pm ] |
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hehe, I like the idea of wrestling and boxing with ur computer, its what I use to do with my win 98. |
Author: | Amailer [ Tue May 18, 2004 6:47 pm ] |
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that guy is full explaninng a windows ![]() *goes and tries to post it on* |
Author: | jonos [ Tue May 18, 2004 7:30 pm ] |
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Still makes me want an Apple computer. Was that made by apple? |
Author: | Dan [ Wed May 19, 2004 12:36 pm ] |
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ROFL, that was so funny. I hate mac so much, i dont care what poleop say but when you can not pic what computer you whont in your own dam computer there is somting wrong. It all has to be made by dam appel, they are therying to make a bigger monpoly then M$. The only difference is they are just not good at it ![]() |
Author: | templest [ Wed May 19, 2004 3:19 pm ] |
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Quote: I hate mac so much, i dont care what poleop say
Surely you mean the company, and not OS X. ![]() Sounds to me like a rant made my some Microsoft Zealot. "Windows' BSOD Kills my inner child". That'd be more like it. OS X 10.3 is pretty fucking good, I've used it, and had no problems. But that's just me. |
Author: | Dan [ Wed May 19, 2004 3:23 pm ] |
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While the os is desined to only run on the mac, so it realy is just as bad as the company. At least when i get made at my windows install i can format and put a diff os on it or take the parts from my comp and use it in a diffrent one. Alougth i do know that some poleop have made an emulator for windows that will alow mac OSs to be run on a PC, that is still not the point. The company is mover evil then M$ and that is prity dam evil. |
Author: | templest [ Wed May 19, 2004 3:29 pm ] |
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Quote: At least when i get made at my windows install i can format and put a diff os on it or take the parts from my comp and use it in a diffrent one.
Who says you can't do that on mac PC's? hint: There's tons of guides online that show you how to replace stuff on Mac's too. I personally think that OS X 10.3 is more stable than Windows. I say OS X 10.3 because 10.1 WAS unstable. But try it out some time, Get an ISO from eDonkey. You'll see. If it doesn't crash in the emulator, It must not crash in the real thing. At least not as much as Windows. |
Author: | Dan [ Wed May 19, 2004 4:37 pm ] |
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The emulator for it is so buggy alone that it whould not show much. Any how it is the idea behind it more then how good the OS is. For example there is no way i will ever uses M$ new os longhorn when it comes out b/c of some of there new ideas on how to deal with media. I looked at and did not see any OS for mac that where not mac OSs, alougth there was that PC emulator but i do not consider that to be an OS but rather an app runing on a OS. I am not saying that winodws is better then OS X or the other way around. All i am saying is that windows is not making there OS to only run on comps they make. Now linux has somting going for it free and open sorce, could you ask for more? Also since i am ranting about evil OS companys, i whould like to talk about longhorn. longhorn (M$ new os that is coming out in like 2006) is going to have specishal "meaid right magment" stuff built in to it, witch means that this thing is going to be keeping track of all your songs a videos to make shure you not stealing them. If that is not enogth, every file u make, modfly, copy or send to some will have info about your computer encode in to it so M$ or any other comapy that know the format can find out where the file has been or who has hade it or made it. So, so much for perivey rights online. Also M$ whonts to chage hotmail so it uses there new e-mail foramt that will only alow hotmail users to recive e-mail from poleop using this format. M$ has been trying to get other prodvers to sing up for this under the idea that it will stop spam, but realy it will just stop poleop from being anyomuse in e-mail and will alow M$ to chagre money for e-mail. M$ could care less about spam, in fact you can pay M$ and they will send spam e-mails for you to all the hotmail users or put your adds on the msnm. Just think what will hapen if M$ takes apples ideas of making there OS hardware depended and start making there own hardware. Then other then linux there whould be no stoping them, they whould own all most all of the net and almost all computers, OS and e-mail. This is why linux is good, it is open sorce so you can see if there is anything evil in it and if there is u could fix it. We need to keep our freedom intackt and keep the net a free place. |
Author: | templest [ Wed May 19, 2004 5:22 pm ] |
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Bleh. Here's the thing: OS X is for Macs, if you can afford one, use it. You won't regret it. If you don't want to, stick with Linux|BSD|*nix|Darwin x86 ( ![]() Quote: I looked at and did not see any OS for mac that where not mac OSs,
If you mean that there is no other OS for Mac PC's other than OS X, you are wrong. Just do a quick google and see for yourself. Linux has most defenetly been ported to PPC by lots, including RedHat, Mandrake, Gentoo, Debian, ect. So I don't think that was your point, but w/e. |
Author: | Dan [ Wed May 19, 2004 6:31 pm ] |
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I ment the only OS on that site where mac only OSs. I know there have been verson on linux for mac, but why? I whould rather spend money on a good pc or laptop witch i can mod with parts that i dont have to buy form one comany and i can easly put OSs that i whont on it. Face it mac was made for the mac OSs while PCs are made to run a wider verity of them. And it is more of an ehtical isues then a how good the system is, i dont whont to sport a comany that whonts one OS and one hardware desing witch are both made by them (i know there are more the one mac hardware desing, what i ment is that they make the desging and not some one eltes). |
Author: | templest [ Wed May 19, 2004 6:47 pm ] |
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Quote: Face it mac was made for the mac OSs while PCs are made to run a wider verity of them.
Did I say otherwise? Nope. Read my previous message. Quote: Bleh. Here's the thing: OS X is for Macs, if you can afford one, use it. You won't regret it.
to be a bit more exact: Quote: Bleh. Here's the thing: OS X is for Macs...
And Macs, being made by the same company, would tend to make an OS as less generic as possible, and if they need to tweak the hardware to make the software work? So be it. That's a perfectly true statement, Mac's where made for the Mac OS. I don't think they make the hardware for anything else but to run their own operating system. I was just pointing out that if you decide to purchase a Mac, and later down the road thought that gentoo was worth fiddling with, you have that option, and are not just tied to just using OS X. ![]() edit: Quote: (i know there are more the one mac hardware desing, what i ment is that they make the desging and not some one eltes).
You know what apple's after? Market Share *shock*. Don't forget that the reason BECAUSE there are so many different companies producing x86 PCs is because IBM was sloppy with their patenting/copyrighting and managed to leave some room for other's, uhh... compaq?, to reverse engineer (or whatever it is they did) their PC's and reap those benefits. If that wouldn't have happened. We'd be seeing the exact same thing on both side's of the table. Apple Computers just happened to be a bit more good at protecting their stuff. |
Author: | Dan [ Wed May 19, 2004 7:01 pm ] |
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LOL, you are totaly missing the point so i will just drop it here. Go on to your world of one OS, one computer manfiuture and haivng pericery rights and open sorce going the way of DOS. |
Author: | templest [ Thu May 20, 2004 2:24 pm ] |
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wow, I typed a huge reply to what you said and apperantly the school's network didn't put it through, for fucks sakes. You can have this one. I'm not typing all that shit out again. In short: OS X is amazing but only for Macs due to Apple's Mac monopoly. If you can afford it. Go ahead, Macs are great. Mac-bashing from your point of view is like saying "Don't buy NetMD Walkmans because you have to use Sony's own Disks to play it, you can't buy them from other companies". Or like saying "Sony memory sticks are useless because you can only use them on other sony products". I like OS X, I dished out $4k for my PowerBook, I like it. I'm going to keep it. The End. |
Author: | jonos [ Thu May 20, 2004 5:04 pm ] |
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"You can go your own wayyyyyyy" "Go your own wwwaayyyyyy." |
Author: | Dan [ Thu May 20, 2004 6:34 pm ] |
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templest wrote: Mac-bashing from your point of view is like saying "Don't buy NetMD Walkmans because you have to use Sony's own Disks to play it, you can't buy them from other companies". i whould not buy one, why get somting that can only paly sonys media when u could get a cd player or an mp3 player? |
Author: | templest [ Fri May 21, 2004 6:52 am ] |
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"Why buy a Playstation if you can only play Playstation games? That sucks, if I buy a PS2, that means I'm going to have to buy games specially made for a PS2, when I can just get a PC and have access to more games than a PS2 will ever have." That's what your argument sound's like, shmeh. ![]() EDIT: Jonos, I love the sexy red "X" you have as an avatar. It suits you well. ![]() |
Author: | Dauntless [ Fri May 21, 2004 8:10 am ] |
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Well, what's wrong with that argument? If you could only get one or the other, wouldn't that make sense? You're implying that people have 1 Mac and 1 PC, which is the case with most people who have a console and a PC; they have both, not one or the other. |
Author: | templest [ Fri May 21, 2004 8:47 am ] |
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Quote: You're implying that people have 1 Mac and 1 PC, which is the case with most people who have a console and a PC; they have both, not one or the other.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() But DANS argument is that he wouldn't but a NetMD walkman anyways because it's only compatible with NetMD Mini-Disks. My opinion is THAT you can very well purchase the NetMD walkman because it's kick-ass, even though you have a diskman lying around.They're not compatible, but so what? |
Author: | jonos [ Fri May 21, 2004 3:13 pm ] |
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What the fuck, I seem to not have an avatar. ???? |
Author: | templest [ Fri May 21, 2004 4:37 pm ] |
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it appears so. |
Author: | Dauntless [ Fri May 21, 2004 8:28 pm ] |
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But this thread was about Macs vs, PCs... Besides, what I said still stands.. |
Author: | templest [ Sat May 22, 2004 2:19 am ] |
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You can believe whatever you want to, I just ask you to respect mine like i do yours. now stfu. besides, what's the point in arguing about which one is better? Those who buys Macs will swear by them, so do Linuxers with their distro's, Microsoft Zealots with Windows, ect. Macs are different. You don't like the change? Stick with your Windows/x86. That's how simple it is. |
Author: | Dan [ Sat May 22, 2004 12:47 pm ] |
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templest wrote: Macs are different. You don't like the change? Stick with your Windows/x86. That's how simple it is. What about linux that is prity diffrent and not evil. And to me it makes alot more scence to get a PC then a PS2, u can play PS2 games on the PC with a good emulaor. Also the PS2 has a point and not counting the emulaor could do things the PC could not but a PC dose everything a MAC dose but it is more combialte with other things.... |
Author: | templest [ Thu May 27, 2004 9:43 am ] |
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nooo shit. It's a thing of preference. Why the hell do you think X-Box and PS2's are such a huge market? Why do so many people own these when you can do just as much with a regular PC? Because they want to. Same goes for Macs. Sure, you can't code PHP website's with an XBox, and you can't download and play Warcraft III on a PS2. But what it's for, and what it has is enough reason to buy it. Same with Macs, they can't do everything. But what they do, they do it well, and people that can afford it, will get one. |
Author: | Dan [ Thu May 27, 2004 3:33 pm ] |
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templest wrote: and people that can afford it, will get one.
I hope u mean poleop who like it and can afford it, will get one. |
Author: | templest [ Fri May 28, 2004 8:44 am ] |
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Quote: I hope u mean poleop who like it and can afford it, will get one.
Wow. Can you think of nothing else to say? Obviously that's what I meant. ![]() |
Author: | Dan [ Fri May 28, 2004 10:57 pm ] |
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Of corse i could, just that i do not whont to contion this debate any more. I guses i am just a big fan the free and open sorce stuff. Oh well at least mac keeps M$ pissed off and me laghing at all the mac jokes ![]() |
Author: | rizzix [ Sun May 30, 2004 2:15 pm ] |
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hmm... o well... i'd like to point out right now.. apple is trying to keep everyone happy. they currently have good relations with m$, the opensource UNIX/Linux and are working together to improve things.. speaking of which watch the WWDC thats comming soon. |
Author: | Dark Matter [ Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:19 pm ] |
Post subject: | Screw you all |
Hey! Leave Macs alone! You guys are all freaking retarded (apologies to people with learning disabilities). Mac rules, okay? Here's the real truth: Windows crashes, Mac doesn't. Macs are faster. I understand why you'd disagree, since the standard speed of a PC is 2.4 GHz and most Macs are only 1.25. Well, the truth is the Mac only needs 1.25 GHz. Since it's operating system uses only the most efficient files ever made, it doesn't take so long to load or bog down the processor. Windows, on the other hand, is so jumbled and frayed, that it needs more code, and more processes running simultaneously to "maintain" the operating system, which drastically slows down your machine. Mac is secure. Ever wonder why nobody writes antivirus or spyware removal software for the Mac? Because if they did, their software would only take up less than a megabyte. Apple computers are immune to all types of trojans (including spyware), and more than 99.9999% of all viruses ever written---and these malicious files are in the thousands. Windows, on the other hand, since it's just a cheap clone of Mac OS, is full of security holes, and isn't so lucky. In fact, a few months ago, even though I had Ad-aware installed and ran routine checkups, my computer was so full of spyware that: I couldn't use the internet because my screen would fill with the most annoying pop-ups ever, and my CD burner stopped working. My printer kept malfunctioning, and practically every spyware file I had ever deleted kept coming back. What if I had a major project due the next day, and I couldn't get it into class? Oh, I also got hit with a worm several months earlier and had to reformat the whole drive. I'd never have to worry about that with the Mac. Sure, it's more expensive, but it's worth it. At least I know it's going to work. One thing I love about the Mac is that you never have to defrag it, like you do with Windows. It always runs at top speed. To contradict that anti-mac film, I've found that Windows doesn't always shut down when you want it to. It gives me a message: "This program has stopped responding. It may be busy, waiting for a response from you, or it may have stopped running." If I keep trying to shut down, it freezes. Come on, I don't need that. On a mac, my files are always secure. Ever download a program on Windows and its icon appeared as a blank screen, and then you couldn't use it? Sound familiar? Never happens on the Mac, because the Mac works. As for gaming? Unfortunately, I have no argument. You win that one. But I have a console (PS2) for my games, and I just love it, because you can rent games, you don't have to install them, the console doesn't freeze, and it's faster. Believe me, I've tried gaming on a PC, and guess what? The graphics sucked, and it was slower than hell. In fact, I'm working on an asteroids game in DirectX right now, on a PC that's as good as they're going to get. The only frames I use are the ship, the bullets, Mars, and about 50 asteroids. If I have too many asteroids on screen at once, it slows down, because the crappy Pentium 4 processor can't handle that many polygons. It's really too bad that there aren't many games available for the mac, because the graphics would rock. All graphics pros do their work on a mac, for two reasons: Good graphics, fast reliable processor; and if they're working on something that requires that much work, they can't afford a crash. They need a computer that works. So, I accept your appology, and I can only hope you'll join me one day. Until then, I'm Mac and I'm proud. |
Author: | templest [ Fri Jun 11, 2004 6:51 pm ] |
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Although I, who just recently purchased a G4 1.25 Ghz PowerBook, has to completely dissagree with most of your points. 1) Windows is not a cheap clone of Mac. If anything, Mac OS X is a cheap clone of BSD, which is a good clone of Unix. That's why the validity of your gaming argument towards the performance of graphics rendering falls short. Macs, sorry to say, although being amazing for working with graphics, design, ect. Suck at the games. I just installed Quake on the laptop and meh, it runs just the same as it did when I had my old 800Mhz AMD Duron Processsor with 128 MB of SDRAM RAM. Here's the thing... Macs are basically a UNIX clone. Therefor, when you run Mac OS X, you are basically running a really cool looking copy of FreeBSD. It's a shame that companies like Adobe and Macromedia don't just recompile their Mac OS X source for Linux. It's the same thing, only compiled just for macs with some bits so that it works integrated with the GUI, that can easily be re-written. OS X 10.3.4 is beutiful, and I plan on ditching my gentoo box for nothing more than gaming, and as back-up PC. PCs really do have better performance than a G4. C'mon, over-clock an AMD 3200+ to 8.3 GHz and tell me your 1.25 Ghz Mac is faster. ![]() There's where your virus argument falls short, again. Since it's UNIX, only linux viruses' would work for it, and let's face it, whens the last time you saw a UNIX/Linux/ or BSD virus? That's mainly the reason why Apple migrated to the "Darwin" kernel. Have you seen how many viruses there are for Mac OS 8.6? It's insane! ![]() Why did you have to revive this thread? It was fine just the way it was. :-/ |
Author: | Dark Matter [ Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:04 pm ] |
Post subject: | KISS MY MAC ASS |
templest wrote: 1) Windows is not a cheap clone of Mac. If anything, Mac OS X is a cheap clone of BSD, which is a good clone of Unix.
That's why the validity of your gaming argument towards the performance of graphics rendering falls short. Macs, sorry to say, although being amazing for working with graphics, design, ect. Suck at the games. I just installed Quake on the laptop and meh, it runs just the same as it did when I had my old 800Mhz AMD Duron Processsor with 128 MB of SDRAM RAM. Here's the thing... Macs are basically a UNIX clone. Therefor, when you run Mac OS X, you are basically running a really cool looking copy of FreeBSD. It's a shame that companies like Adobe and Macromedia don't just recompile their Mac OS X source for Linux. It's the same thing, only compiled just for macs with some bits so that it works integrated with the GUI, that can easily be re-written. OS X 10.3.4 is beutiful, and I plan on ditching my gentoo box for nothing more than gaming, and as back-up PC. PCs really do have better performance than a G4. C'mon, over-clock an AMD 3200+ to 8.3 GHz and tell me your 1.25 Ghz Mac is faster. ![]() There's where your virus argument falls short, again. Since it's UNIX, only linux viruses' would work for it, and let's face it, whens the last time you saw a UNIX/Linux/ or BSD virus? That's mainly the reason why Apple migrated to the "Darwin" kernel. Have you seen how many viruses there are for Mac OS 8.6? It's insane! ![]() Why did you have to revive this thread? It was fine just the way it was. :-/ Yes, windows is a cheap clone of Mac OS. The Apple MacIntosh was the first computer ever to provide the user with an easy-to-use GUI. Until then, everything used a command line. In fact, as soon as Microsoft caught on, Apple sued them for piracy and copyright infringement. They settled out of court for $192 million. Secondly, gaming on a mac is superior. Although the games themselves are low in numbers and dated, it is a proven fact that all applications, gaming or otherwise, run faster on a mac than a PC. The only reason your version of Quake hasn't improved, is that it CAN'T improve. It was designed for an 800 MHz PC. Aside from changing the code and the file format to create a Mac OS X version of the game, they aren't going to go through the trouble of updating the drivers to increase the performance of the game. People who bought the game years ago had to suffer, so why shouldn't you? Thirdly, as far as I know, there is no such thing as an 8.3 GHz CPU. I have no idea where you heard that; PCs only go up to 3.4 GHz, and that's as good as it gets. Currently, I know little about older versions of Mac OS (such as 8.6), so I'll let you win that one for now. But the fact remains that Macs are just better in every way. Except games. |
Author: | SuperGenius [ Fri Jun 11, 2004 8:34 pm ] |
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are you insane? gaming on a mac is far worse, due to the sheer lack of games. Look at the top computer games. How many of them are for mac exclusively? How many have mac versions? very few. |
Author: | templest [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 10:19 am ] |
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Quote: Yes, windows is a cheap clone of Mac OS. The Apple MacIntosh was the first computer ever to provide the user with an easy-to-use GUI. Until then, everything used a command line.
Secondly, gaming on a mac is superior. Although the games themselves are low in numbers and dated, it is a proven fact that all applications, gaming or otherwise, run faster on a mac than a PC. The only reason your version of Quake hasn't improved, is that it CAN'T improve. It was designed for an 800 MHz PC. Aside from changing the code and the file format to create a Mac OS X version of the game, they aren't going to go through the trouble of updating the drivers to increase the performance of the game. People who bought the game years ago had to suffer, so why shouldn't you? Thirdly, as far as I know, there is no such thing as an 8.3 GHz CPU. I have no idea where you heard that; PCs only go up to 3.4 GHz, and that's as good as it gets. Currently, I know little about older versions of Mac OS (such as 8.6), so I'll let you win that one for now. But the fact remains that Macs are just better in every way. Except games. About your GUI comment... You've never herd of a little company known as "Xerox" have you?, goof. About your 8.3 Ghz PC, have you ever herd of a little something called overclocking and liquid nitrogen cooling systems?, goof. As for the games thing, that's pure bullshit and you know it. "It was designed for 800 MHz PCs". Dumbass, just because it was made to run on low spec machines doesn't mean it'll degrade in performance the faster your box is, it gets FASTER. Let's look at the theory of conservation of energy for a second: I put more power in, I get more power out, I put less power in, I get less power out. And 800 MHz machines cannot out perform an 8.3 GHz machine, no matter how hard you try, It's 100 times faster, no matter what point you try to grab the concept from, this will not change. And at that speed gap, no matter how grossly the programs are codded, they'll still perform faster on a faster machine. EDIT: Don't tell me you're one of those people that call it "MacIntosh" and not "Macintosh". Macintosh as in the apple, dumbass. It's not like it's the "Intosh" version of a "Mac" PC. ![]() RE-EDIT: What the hell? They "Won't go through the trouble of updating the drivers to increase the performance of the game"? Heh, I guess all those patches that came out for it where just a waste of time then, eh? |
Author: | Dark Matter [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:01 pm ] |
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Quote: About your 8.3 Ghz PC, have you ever herd of a little something called overclocking and liquid nitrogen cooling systems?, goof. As for the games thing, that's pure bullshit and you know it. "It was designed for 800 MHz PCs". Dumbass, just because it was made to run on low spec machines doesn't mean it'll degrade in performance the faster your box is, it gets FASTER. Let's look at the theory of conservation of energy for a second: I put more power in, I get more power out, I put less power in, I get less power out. And 800 MHz machines cannot out perform an 8.3 GHz machine, no matter how hard you try, It's 100 times faster, no matter what point you try to grab the concept from, this will not change. And at that speed gap, no matter how grossly the programs are codded, they'll still perform faster on a faster machine. EDIT: Don't tell me you're one of those people that call it "MacIntosh" and not "Macintosh". Macintosh as in the apple, dumbass. It's not like it's the "Intosh" version of a "Mac" PC. ![]() RE-EDIT: What the hell? They "Won't go through the trouble of updating the drivers to increase the performance of the game"? Heh, I guess all those patches that came out for it where just a waste of time then, eh? Well, if you plan on gaming on a seven thousand dollar server, than be my guest. And yes, I was right about games not running more efficiently on systems faster than they were designed for. While your little algorithm theoretically works, it does not work if the game only gives you so much power, no matter how much you put in. Remember the Nintendo 64? It was the first video game console to have a 64 bit processor. But since the game designers didn't have the graphics they needed to create 64 bit games, all the games only used 32 of the bits. Just like your Quake game will only use 800 of the 1250 MHz of a G4 processor. Dumbass. Oh, and last I checked, patches were files designed to fix bugs or treat faulty performance. You know, like when you run Windows update? |
Author: | Catalyst [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:09 pm ] |
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im sorry, but thats not how things work 800Mhz is the clock speed, 800 million cycles per second at 1.25Ghz , its 1.25 billion cycles per second any calculation being done the cpu will be faster |
Author: | SuperGenius [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 2:49 pm ] |
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agreed, but consider this. On my p4 system NES games on the emulator still look like... NES games. A game is only as good as it's design. If a game is designed for a mediocre system a good system will not be able to run it much better, because there is no room in the game's code for extra stuff like more polygons. |
Author: | Paul [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 3:13 pm ] |
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Lol, but on ur computer, GBA games will run faster and better than on mine. |
Author: | templest [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 5:24 pm ] |
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Quote: Oh, and last I checked, patches were files designed to fix bugs or treat faulty performance
You said it yourself kid, "treat faulty performance". hah! make an argument before you start arguing. |
Author: | Dark Matter [ Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:13 pm ] |
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WTF? |
Author: | templest [ Sun Jun 13, 2004 10:11 am ] |
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"0wn3t" 8) |