Computer Science Canada

Chat/Remote Machine Control/Random Other Uses proggy

Author:  Ultimus [ Sat May 15, 2004 1:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Chat/Remote Machine Control/Random Other Uses proggy

Here's a prototype network Chat/Remote Machine Control/Random Other Uses program I came up with a few days ago while I was bored... I don't really feel like it's in a state to release the source yet, but it's something to get sarted with...

Basically it's a CUI with a load of commands that you can use to chat with other people, as well as remotely mess with their machine Twisted Evil . Such things as remote file execution/uploading (and soon available, download as well) have been implemented. Furthermore, the connection used to transfer all data uses a rather complex (though only 8 bit) cipher for added security over the network. In this version, I've set the master password to "guest" (without the quotes) so that you may try the program out in its rather still crude form. Though I will soon implement a list of commands using the "/help" command, for now, I will provide a basic list of some of the most comman commands (the interface is, however, self-explanatory after that):

*In order to set up a connection, one machine must call "/host" and the other must call "/connect" and enter the appropriate IP of the hosting machine. Actually, you may even link two instances of this program together on one machine for testing purpouses, but that's fairly pointless isn't it Laughing ? Oh yeah, and entering text without the "/" prefix allows you to send messages to the remote connection (chat)*


...and to use most of the below commands, you must login first using "/login" and the password mentionned above.


...There are some more but they are even more buggy than the ones above and I will not disclose them in this beta. Well, that's it for now... enjoy... and tell me what you think!

Author:  Ultimus [ Sat May 15, 2004 1:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, sorry for the double post, butI forgot to mention this so that I'm not banned or anything; Though I am quite aware that this program can easily be used for evil purpouses such as hacking, let me say you that I am absolutely morally opposed to this and if I find you doing such a thing I will have no choice but to do something about it.

There, I said it

Author:  netninja [ Tue May 18, 2004 7:10 am ]
Post subject: 


I want the source so badly hehe.

Author:  Andy [ Mon May 24, 2004 10:54 am ]
Post subject: 

cool.. i'll write one in c++ this summer

Author:  Danyo [ Mon May 24, 2004 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

is there a way for Turing to connect to other computers...

right now the IP address showing is my network IP, so its not letting me connect to someone elses computer Sad
