Computer Science Canada

Screen Saver

Author:  WhatAmIDoing [ Thu Apr 29, 2004 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Screen Saver

This is my first screen saver. It is acyually screen saver format and everything. also is there any way to get rid of the title bar?? if so plz tell me i hate it.

var y, y2, x2, x, x3, y3, y4, x4, c, winID, mX1, mY1, mX, mY, button : int
winID := Window.Open ("title:Steve's Screensaver,graphics:780;520")
colorback (black)
mousewhere (mX, mY, button)
%starting coordinates
y := 40
x := 40
x2 := maxx - 40
y2 := maxy - 40
y3 := maxy - 40
x3 := 40
y4 := 40
x4 := maxx - 40
%gets speed for each of the balls
var ySpeed, xSpeed : int := 10
var y2Speed, x2Speed : int := 10
var y3Speed, x3Speed : int := 10
var y4Speed, x4Speed : int := 10
%moves ball and bounces off side
mousewhere (mX, mY, button)
if mX not= mX1 or mY not= mY1 or button = 1 then
Window.Close (winID)
end if
randint (c, 1, 50)
if y >= maxy - 30 or y <= 30 then
ySpeed := -ySpeed
end if
if x >= maxx - 30 or x <= 30 then
xSpeed := -xSpeed
end if
y := y + ySpeed
x := x + xSpeed
drawfilloval (x, y, 30, 30, c)
delay (10)
drawfilloval (x, y, 30, 30, c)
if y2 >= maxy - 30 or y2 <= 30 then
y2Speed := -y2Speed
end if
if x2 >= maxx - 30 or x2 <= 30 then
x2Speed := -x2Speed
end if
y2 := y2 + y2Speed
x2 := x2 + x2Speed
drawfilloval (x2, y2, 30, 30, c)
delay (10)
drawfilloval (x2, y2, 30, 30, c)
if y3 >= maxy - 30 or y3 <= 30 then
y3Speed := -y3Speed
end if
if x3 >= maxx - 30 or x3 <= 30 then
x3Speed := -x3Speed
end if
y3 := y3 + y3Speed
x3 := x3 + x3Speed
drawfilloval (x3, y3, 30, 30, c)
delay (10)
drawfilloval (x3, y3, 30, 30, c)
if y4 >= maxy - 30 or y4 <= 30 then
y4Speed := -y4Speed
end if
if x4 >= maxx - 30 or x4 <= 30 then
x4Speed := -x4Speed
end if
y4 := y4 + y4Speed
x4 := x4 + x4Speed
drawfilloval (x4, y4, 30, 30, c)
delay (10)
drawfilloval (x4, y4, 30, 30, c)
end loop

Author:  Raugrist [ Thu Apr 29, 2004 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, you aren't using anything like View.Update which needs 4.0+, so you may as well go back to 3.1 and use the fullscreen.

Author:  Delta [ Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well ya... if you want a screen saver... definately go back to OOT if your not gonna use any of the newer commands... or whatever... but ya... its not a screensaver at all :S.... and it constantly quits on me... I'm not sure why tho... it doesn't look like its supposed to :S does anyone else have this problem?

Author:  Raugrist [ Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Delta wrote:
and it constantly quits on me... I'm not sure why tho... it doesn't look like its supposed to :S does anyone else have this problem?

Well, did you move your mouse? Razz
