Computer Science Canada

Hockey program trouble

Author:  the-bird [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Hockey program trouble

Well this is the program, hopefully you can help me. I cant seem to get it right.

It has to be a program of a hockey game with two teams, a red team and a blue team. There should be a red and blue puck and a red and blue net on each side of a hockey rink.The pucks are suppose to shoot from their sides and bounce within the rink into the opposing net. The pucks should be released from random areas on its own side. If the puck scores then it should count the points by each team, first to 5 wins.

The part im having trouble with is how am i going to make the pucks bounce off a rink that i have designed and bounce off eachother when they collide. Another is that i dont know how to make the program count the points of the two teams when the puck enters the net and displaying this info to the user.

Thanks Alot I'd really Appreciate it

Author:  Paul [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 11:13 am ]
Post subject: 

Since u don't have alot of colors u could use whatdotcolor for collision. And I don't see any nets lol. You could use locate to print out the score everytime some one scores on the top. The net would be the same as a box, check if the puck is in the box, if it is, then restart and add one to score.

Author:  AsianSensation [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:56 pm ]
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Double posting will not help you get more results from people. Locked.
