Computer Science Canada

i'll improve on these

Author:  RaPsCaLLioN [ Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  i'll improve on these

Here's some stuff i've kinda been foolin w/ for the past little while - haven't had much time for Turing lately... check these out

Author:  Paul [ Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Wait I think you missing some pics.

Author:  RaPsCaLLioN [ Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:26 am ]
Post subject: 

No, no. Just take any pic u have and rename it to 'test.bmp'

Author:  Paul [ Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Does the first exe file have to do with test.bmp as well?

Author:  RaPsCaLLioN [ Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:18 am ]
Post subject: 

no it doesn't.. so i just removed it.... i'll post later when it's fixed

Author:  Delos [ Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Interesting. Quite nice actually. Suggestion: add some form of box/other graphical implementation that will show the User where they are dragging to/from.

Annoying to make? Yes. Rewarding? No. Necassary? Sadly, yes.
