Computer Science Canada

Compile Java files using command line

Author:  scholarlytutor [ Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Compile Java files using command line

Does anyone know how to compile a Java program using command prompt in Windows or terminal for Mac/Linux? I know how to compile simple programs with only a main class, but I am unsure of how to compile several classes together.

I've written all the code on a plain text editor, so are there are any lines of code I need to add to the files before compiling, or do I just need to write a specific command in the terminal?

Author:  scholarlytutor [ Tue Mar 22, 2022 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Compile Java files using command line

For anyone wondering:

I figured out that you just need to write all the names of your classes on the same line. Using the terminal:


Just make sure they are all in the same folder.
