What is it you are trying to achieve?
I am wondering If there is any way to use flexible arrays as a parameter in a procedure, so that I can modify the array within the procedure.
What is the problem you are having?
So far, it doesn't seem like this is possible. It might just be that Turing doesn't support it.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I tried declaring the procedure like :
Turing: |
procedure bulletmovements (var a : flexible array 1..* of bulletdata)
And I tried declaring the procedure with a normal array as a parameter, which does work, but then functions like 'upper()' won't work within it. I looked around the forums a bit and couldn't find much about this problem. My code has two long for loop sections that are practically the same other than different flexible array variables throughout, so it would have been nice to just condense it. As you'll see by the way, they are flexible arrays of a custom type, which I don't know if that matters, it probably shouldn't.
Turing: |
for i : 1 .. upper (bluebullet )
if bluebullet (i ).x - bluebullet (i ).xvel > maxx - 3 then
bluebullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
bluebullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
elsif bluebullet (i ).x - bluebullet (i ).xvel < 3 then
bluebullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
bluebullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
end if
if bluebullet (i ).y + bluebullet (i ).yvel > maxy - 3 then
bluebullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
bluebullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
elsif bluebullet (i ).y + bluebullet (i ).yvel < 3 then
bluebullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
bluebullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
end if
if bluebullet (i ).timealive > 333 then
for j : i .. upper (bluebullet ) - 1
bluebullet (j ).x := bluebullet (j + 1).x
bluebullet (j ).y := bluebullet (j + 1).y
bluebullet (j ).xvel := bluebullet (j + 1).xvel
bluebullet (j ).yvel := bluebullet (j + 1).yvel
bluebullet (j ).timealive := bluebullet (j + 1).timealive
end for
new bluebullet, upper (bluebullet ) - 1
bluebullet (i ).x - = bluebullet (i ).xvel
bluebullet (i ).y + = bluebullet (i ).yvel
bluebullet (i ).timealive + = 1
end if
if Math.Distance (bluebullet (i ).x, bluebullet (i ).y, rx + 35, ry + 35) < 15 then
reddeath := true
gameover := true
for j : i .. upper (bluebullet ) - 1
bluebullet (j ).x := bluebullet (j + 1).x
bluebullet (j ).y := bluebullet (j + 1).y
bluebullet (j ).xvel := bluebullet (j + 1).xvel
bluebullet (j ).yvel := bluebullet (j + 1).yvel
bluebullet (j ).timealive := bluebullet (j + 1).timealive
end for
new bluebullet, upper (bluebullet ) - 1
end if
end for
for i : 1 .. upper (redbullet )
if redbullet (i ).x - redbullet (i ).xvel > maxx - 3 then
redbullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
redbullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
elsif redbullet (i ).x - redbullet (i ).xvel < 3 then
redbullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
redbullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
end if
if redbullet (i ).y + redbullet (i ).yvel > maxy - 3 then
redbullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
redbullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
elsif redbullet (i ).y + redbullet (i ).yvel < 3 then
redbullet (i ).xvel * = - 1
redbullet (i ).yvel * = - 1
end if
if redbullet (i ).timealive > 333 then
for j : i .. upper (redbullet ) - 1
redbullet (j ).x := redbullet (j + 1).x
redbullet (j ).y := redbullet (j + 1).y
redbullet (j ).xvel := redbullet (j + 1).xvel
redbullet (j ).yvel := redbullet (j + 1).yvel
redbullet (j ).timealive := redbullet (j + 1).timealive
end for
new redbullet, upper (redbullet ) - 1
redbullet (i ).x - = redbullet (i ).xvel
redbullet (i ).y + = redbullet (i ).yvel
redbullet (i ).timealive + = 1
end if
if Math.Distance (redbullet (i ).x, redbullet (i ).y, x + 35, y + 35) < 15 then
bluedeath := true
gameover := true
for j : i .. upper (redbullet ) - 1
redbullet (j ).x := redbullet (j + 1).x
redbullet (j ).y := redbullet (j + 1).y
redbullet (j ).xvel := redbullet (j + 1).xvel
redbullet (j ).yvel := redbullet (j + 1).yvel
redbullet (j ).timealive := redbullet (j + 1).timealive
end for
new redbullet, upper (redbullet ) - 1
end if
end for
Maybe there is a workaround or something. It's not a huge deal either to just leave the code as is, I'm more curious as to if it is possible to do this
[size=14]Please specify what version of Turing you are using
4.1.1 |