Computer Science Canada

Negative Numbers Math Program

Author:  scholarlytutor [ Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Negative Numbers Math Program

Today I thought I'd share one of my education programs. It's basically a program that allows you to practice arithmetic with negative numbers. I should note that there's a good number of 'support' procedures that I typically use in these programs: One for graphics, for displaying a menu, for checking if an answer is correct, and so on. These generic procedures are found at the bottom of the program. There are then some procedures I designed specifically for this program. As you can see, since almost everything is within a procedure, the 'main' program is very small. The majority of the important code is found in the 'complete_exercise' procedure.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts. I'm mostly self-taught (with the exception of high school) so feedback is definitely appreciated.
