What is it you are trying to achieve?
I would Like the flickering to stop
What is the problem you are having?
All 4 of my yoshi image characters are flickering,Flashing,Blinking
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I have added and removed cls and View.Update all over my coding as well as put the setscreen("offscreenonly")
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
View.Set ("graphics:1000;600,position:center;center,nobuttonbar,title:View.Set tut")
var Yoshi : int := Pic.FileNew ("Yoshi.bmp")
var Yoshi2 : int := Pic.FileNew ("Yoshi2.bmp")
var Yoshi3 : int := Pic.FileNew ("Yoshi3.bmp")
var Yoshi4 : int := Pic.FileNew ("Yoshi4.bmp")
var Fruit : int := Pic.FileNew ("Fruit.bmp")
var posx, posy : int
var posx2, posy2 : int
var rposx, rposy : int
var rposx2, rposy2 : int
var bposx, bposy : int
var bposx2, bposy2 : int
var yposx, yposy : int
var yposx2, yposy2 : int
var x, y : int
posx := 100
posy := 100
posx2 := posx + 45
posy2 := posy + 45
rposx := 200
rposy := 200
rposx2 := rposx + 45
rposy2 := rposy + 45
bposx := 300
bposy := 300
bposx2 := bposx + 45
bposy2 := bposy + 45
yposx := 400
yposy := 400
yposx2 := yposx + 45
yposy2 := yposy + 45
randint (x, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y, 15, maxy - 15)
var chars : array char of boolean
var chars2 : array char of boolean
var chars3 : array char of boolean
var chars4 : array char of boolean
%movement pour le Yoshi Vert
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars ('w') and posy < maxy - Pic.Height (Yoshi ) then
posy := posy + 5
end if
if chars ('d') and posx < maxx - Pic.Width (Yoshi ) then
posx := posx + 5
end if
if chars ('a') and posx > 0 then
posx := posx - 5
end if
if chars ('s') and posy > 0 then
posy := posy - 5
end if
%Character Yoshi Vert et le Fruit
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi, posx, posy, picMerge)
delay (3)
%voir pour des collisions Yoshi vert
if posx + Pic.Width (Yoshi ) > x and posx < x + Pic.Width (Fruit ) and posy + Pic.Height (Yoshi ) > y and posy < y + Pic.Height (Fruit ) then
randint (x, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y, 15, maxy - 15)
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi, posx, posy, picMerge)
delay (3)
Music.PlayFile ("Mlem.mp3")
end if
%movement pour le Yoshi Rouge
Input.KeyDown (chars2 )
if chars2 ('i') and rposy < maxy - Pic.Height (Yoshi2 ) then
rposy := rposy + 5
end if
if chars2 ('l') and rposx < maxx - Pic.Width (Yoshi2 ) then
rposx := rposx + 5
end if
if chars2 ('j') and rposx > 0 then
rposx := rposx - 5
end if
if chars2 ('k') and rposy > 0 then
rposy := rposy - 5
end if
%Character Yoshi Rouge et le Fruit
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi2, rposx, rposy, picMerge)
delay (3)
%voir pour des collisions Yoshi Rouge
if rposx + Pic.Width (Yoshi2 ) > x and rposx < x + Pic.Width (Fruit ) and rposy + Pic.Height (Yoshi2 ) > y and rposy < y + Pic.Height (Fruit ) then
randint (x, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y, 15, maxy - 15)
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi2, rposx, rposy, picMerge)
delay (3)
Music.PlayFile ("Mlem.mp3")
end if
%movement pour le Yoshi Bleu
Input.KeyDown (chars3 )
if chars3 (KEY_UP_ARROW) and bposy < maxy - Pic.Height (Yoshi3 ) then
bposy := bposy + 5
end if
if chars3 (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and bposx < maxx - Pic.Width (Yoshi3 ) then
bposx := bposx + 5
end if
if chars3 (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and bposx > 0 then
bposx := bposx - 5
end if
if chars3 (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and bposy > 0 then
bposy := bposy - 5
end if
%Character Yoshi Bleu et le Fruit
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi3, bposx, bposy, picMerge)
delay (3)
%voir pour des collisions Yoshi Bleu
if bposx + Pic.Width (Yoshi3 ) > x and bposx < x + Pic.Width (Fruit ) and bposy + Pic.Height (Yoshi3 ) > y and bposy < y + Pic.Height (Fruit ) then
randint (x, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y, 15, maxy - 15)
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi3, bposx, bposy, picMerge)
delay (3)
Music.PlayFile ("Mlem.mp3")
end if
%movement pour le Yoshi Jaune
Input.KeyDown (chars4 )
if chars4 ('8') and yposy < maxy - Pic.Height (Yoshi4 ) then
yposy := yposy + 5
end if
if chars4 ('6') and yposx < maxx - Pic.Width (Yoshi4 ) then
yposx := yposx + 5
end if
if chars4 ('4') and yposx > 0 then
yposx := yposx - 5
end if
if chars4 ('5') and yposy > 0 then
yposy := yposy - 5
end if
%Character Yoshi Jaune et le Fruit
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi4, yposx, yposy, picMerge)
delay (3)
%voir pour des collisions Yoshi Jaune
if yposx + Pic.Width (Yoshi4 ) > x and yposx < x + Pic.Width (Fruit ) and yposy + Pic.Height (Yoshi4 ) > y and yposy < y + Pic.Height (Fruit ) then
randint (x, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y, 15, maxy - 15)
Pic.Draw (Fruit, x, y, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (Yoshi4, yposx, yposy, picMerge)
delay (3)
Music.PlayFile ("Mlem.mp3")
end if
end loop
Please specify what version of Turing you are using |