Computer Science Canada My remove LinkedList method not working |
Author: | gummyw0rm [ Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:03 pm ] |
Post subject: | My remove LinkedList method not working |
hi guys i cannot seem to figure/solve why my remove method is not working. any help would be greatful!! hi guys i want to switch this code into an if/else statements but am having trouble... import java.util.Scanner; public class Playlist { public static String title; static Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc=new Scanner(; SongEntry song; System.out.println("Enter playlist's title:\n"); title = sc.nextLine(); song = new SongEntry(); printMenu(song, sc); } public static void menu() { System.out.println(title + " PLAYLIST MENU"); System.out.println("a - Add song"); System.out.println("d - Remove song"); System.out.println("c - Change position of song"); System.out.println("s - Output songs by specific artist"); System.out.println("t - Output total time of playlist (in seconds)"); System.out.println("o - Output full playlist"); System.out.println("q - Quit"); System.out.println(""); } public static void printMenu(SongEntry songList, Scanner scnr) { String choice; String uniqueID, songName, artistName; int songLength; boolean select = true; SongEntry headObj; SongEntry currentObj; SongEntry lastObj; headObj = new SongEntry(); lastObj = headObj; while(true) { menu(); do { System.out.println("Choose an option:"); choice =; switch(choice.charAt(0)) { case 'q': select = false; return; case 'a': scnr.nextLine(); // remove newline character from keyboard System.out.println("ADD SONG"); System.out.println("Enter song's unique ID:"); uniqueID = scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter song's name:"); songName = scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter artist's name:"); artistName = scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("Enter song's length (in seconds):"); songLength = Integer.parseInt(scnr.nextLine()); System.out.println(""); SongEntry song = new SongEntry(); song.setUniqueID(uniqueID); song.setSongName(songName); song.setArtistName(artistName); song.setSongLength(songLength); song.setNext(song); // Add the item to linked list song.addSong(song); lastObj.insertAfter(song); lastObj = song; menu(); break; case 'd': scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("REMOVE SONG"); System.out.println("Enter song's unique ID:"); uniqueID = scnr.nextLine(); currentObj = headObj; lastObj.deleteSong(currentObj, uniqueID); menu(); break; case 'c': scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("CHANGE POSITION OF SONG"); System.out.println("Enter song's current position:"); int position = scnr.nextInt(); System.out.println("Enter new position for song:"); int newPosition = scnr.nextInt(); lastObj.changeSongPosition(headObj, position, newPosition); menu(); break; case 's': scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("OUTPUT SONGS BY SPECIFIC ARTIST"); System.out.println("Enter artist's name:"); String artistID = scnr.nextLine(); lastObj.findArtist(headObj, artistID); menu(); break; case 't': scnr.nextLine(); System.out.println("OUTPUT TOTAL TIME OF PLAYLIST (IN SECONDS)"); lastObj.totalTime(headObj); menu(); break; case 'o': int count = 0; currentObj = headObj; currentObj = currentObj.getNext(); System.out.println(title + " - OUTPUT FULL PLAYLIST"); while (currentObj != null) { count++; currentObj.printSongEntry(currentObj, count); currentObj = currentObj.getNext(); } if (count == 0) { System.out.println("Playlist is empty\n"); } menu(); break; } } while (!choice.equals('q')); } } } ----this is my SongEntry class----- public class SongEntry { // Private fields private String uniqueID; private String songName; private String artistName; private int songLength; private SongEntry headNode; private SongEntry currNode; private SongEntry nextNode; // Default constructor public SongEntry() { uniqueID = "none"; songName = "none"; artistName = "none"; songLength = 0; } // Parameterized constructor public SongEntry(String uniqueID, String songName, String artistName, int songLength) { this.uniqueID = uniqueID; this.songName = songName; this.artistName = artistName; this.songLength = songLength; } public String getID() { return uniqueID; } public String getSongName() { return songName; } public String getArtistName() { return artistName; } public int getSongLength() { return songLength; } public SongEntry getNext() { return this.nextNode; } public SongEntry getHead() { return this.headNode; } public SongEntry getCurrNode() { return this.currNode; } public void printSongEntry(SongEntry currObj, int count) { System.out.println(count + "."); System.out.println("Unique ID: " + this.uniqueID); System.out.println("Song Name: " + this.songName); System.out.println("Artist Name: " + this.artistName); System.out.println("Song Length (in seconds): " + this.songLength); System.out.println(""); return; } public void insertAfter(SongEntry currNode) { SongEntry tmpNext; tmpNext = this.nextNode; this.nextNode = currNode; currNode.nextNode = tmpNext; return; } public void addSong(SongEntry songList) { SongEntry headObj; SongEntry lastObj; headObj = new SongEntry(); lastObj = headObj; lastObj.insertAfter(songList); } public SongEntry isEmpty() { return headNode = null; } public int length(SongEntry head) { if (head == null) { return 0; } int count = 0; SongEntry currNode = head; while(currNode != null) { count++; currNode = currNode.getNext(); } return count; } public int findPosition(SongEntry head, String songID) { int position = -1; int count = 0; boolean find = false; SongEntry currNode = head; int length = length(head); while (find != true) { count++; if (count == length - 1) { find = true; } currNode = currNode.getNext(); if (currNode.getID().equals(songID)) { position = count; find = true; } } return position; } public String deleteSong(SongEntry head, String songID) { String songRemoved = ""; int position = findPosition(head, songID); int length = length(head); if(position > length || position < 1) { System.out.println("Song not found"); } else { SongEntry prevNode = head; int count = 1; while(count < position ) { prevNode = prevNode.nextNode; count++; } SongEntry curNode = prevNode.nextNode; songRemoved = curNode.getSongName(); prevNode.nextNode = curNode.nextNode; curNode.nextNode = null; System.out.println("\"" + songRemoved + "\"" + " removed."); System.out.println(""); } return songRemoved; } public SongEntry getIndex(SongEntry head, int currPos) { if (currPos == 0) return null; SongEntry entry = head; for (int i = 0; i < currPos; ++i) { entry = entry.getNext(); } return entry; } public SongEntry changeSongPosition(SongEntry head, int currentPos, int newPos) { SongEntry linkedList = head; int length = length(head); SongEntry currNode = getIndex(linkedList, currentPos); String songName = currNode.getSongName(); SongEntry prevNode = getIndex(linkedList, newPos); String prevSongName = prevNode.getSongName(); System.out.println("Current song is " + songName + " and previous song name is " + prevSongName); if(newPos < 1) newPos = 1; if (head==null){ return head; } int count = 0; while(count < newPos) { count++; } return head; } public String removeSong(SongEntry head, String songID) { //delete a song String songRemoved = ""; int position = findPosition(head, songID); SongEntry prevNode = head; int count = 1; while(count < position ) { prevNode = prevNode.nextNode; count++; } SongEntry curNode = prevNode.nextNode; songRemoved = curNode.getSongName(); //get name of song prevNode.nextNode = curNode.nextNode; curNode.nextNode = null; return songRemoved; } public void findArtist(SongEntry head, String artistName) { int count = 0; SongEntry currNode = head; while(currNode != null) { if(currNode.getArtistName().equals(artistName)) { currNode.printSongEntry(currNode, count); } currNode = currNode.nextNode; count++; } } public void totalTime(SongEntry head) { int time = 0; SongEntry currentNode = head; while(currentNode != null) { currentNode = currentNode.getNext(); if (currentNode != null) { time = time + currentNode.getSongLength(); } } System.out.println("Total time: " + time + " seconds"); System.out.println(""); } public void setUniqueID(String setUniqueID) { this.uniqueID = setUniqueID; } public void setSongName(String setSongName) { this.songName = setSongName; } public void setArtistName(String setArtistName) { this.artistName = setArtistName; } public void setSongLength(int setSongLgth) { this.songLength = setSongLgth; } public void setNext(SongEntry nextLoc) { this.nextNode = nextLoc; } } |