Computer Science Canada

Turing Painting and song Game

Author:  DeTrueMan [ Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Turing Painting and song Game

HI, I just created a account and I was wondering if this group could help me with a program I'm tying to make on Turing. (I am very much a beginner)
It is a game where you simulate retirement by painting a wall in random shapes and colors. you might also recognize some of the code. Laughing you guys have already been such a help.
here it is;

-------------------------------start of code-------------------------------------
setscreen ("graphics;640;480,nocursor,offscreenonly")
var move : string (1)
var x, dx, dy, y, c, x2, y2, s : int
x := 100
y := 300
dx := 0
dy := 0
var playagain : string (1)
put "welcome to retirement simulator"
put "your job is to paint the walls"
put " Use the aroow keys to paint"
put "enter y to reset when you have won the game"
process playstuff
Music.Play ("8<d>>def+<a>f+edadef+<a>f+edgef+g<b>dc+<b>c+ef+g<a>gf+ef+def+<a>c+<bab>def+<b>ag+f+g+ef+g+<b>dc+<ba>c+de<f+>edc+d<b>c+d<f+ag+f+g+b>c+d<e>dc+<b>c+<ab>c+<egf+ef+ab>c+<f+>ed+c+d+<b>c+d+<f+agf+egabc+>dc+<ba+ef+gc+gf+edb>c+d<f+ag+f+>")
Music.Play ("<e+g+abe+>dc+<b>g+e+f+g+c+bag+af+g+ac+ed+c+d+f+ga<b>agf+gef+g<b>dc<b>cd+ef+<a>c<ba><g>ef+g<b>dc+<b>c+ef+g<a>gf+ef+def+<a>c<babgabc+bagf+def+<a>c<bab>def+<b>ag+f+g+ef+g+<b>dc<ba>cde<a>gf+ed+<ab>c<f+>c<bag>ef+g<b>dc+<b><a+>c+de<a+>gf+e>c+<a+b>c+<f+>edc+")
Music.Play ("d<b>c+d<f+ag+f+g+b>cd<e>dc<b> c<ab>c<egf+ef+ab>c<d>c<ba bgabdbag>d<gabdbag> c<ab>c<egf+ef+ab>c<d>c<ba bgabdf+edegabe>dc+<b> c+<ab>c+<egf+edf+ga<b>agf+ gef+g<b>dc+<b>c+ef+g<a>gf+ef+def+<a>f+edaf+gad>c<babgabdbag>d<b>c+d<g+>fed c+<ab>c+<egf+ea>def+<b>agf+")
Music.Play ("gc+de<a>gf+ef+<b>c+d<g+>f+edc+<gab-egfef>defc+edc+db-agfedc+dfedbg+ab fdef<bg+abef+g+ab>c+de fc+d<ab-g>e<gaf>d<fge>c+<e 6<<a>dfg+b>dfg+b>1d6c+<bag+f+ef+g+ab>cdefedc+<bag+f+ed cegb->ceg2b-p 6<dfg+b>dfg+2bp 6<<<a>ea>ea1>d 6<<<a>g1 6a>ec+1c+ 6<<df+a>f+a>1d")
Music.Play ("2a 4afa 2a 4gab >2c 4c<b>c<b 2b 4b>cd 2f 4ddd 2e 4d-d+<b 2a f4fa")
Music.Play ("ab>-d#d 2e 4eefg2a 4aagf2a4a2e 4e 2d4de2f 4ed")
Music.Play ("2c4cd2e 4dc <2b4b>-d2-e 2#e 2e4")
Music.Play ("<#4fff 1-a 2ae4eaab>-d#d2e 4eef 2a 4aagf2a4a2e 4e 2d4de2f 4ed")
Music.Play ("2c4cd2e 4dc <2b4b>-d2-e 2#e 2e4")
end loop
end playstuff

fork playstuff
randint (c, 3, 255)
randint (x2, 11, 31)
randint (y2, 11, 31)
x := x + dx
y := y + dy
drawfilloval (x, y, x2, y2, c)
getch (move)
if move = KEY_DOWN_ARROW
dy := -3
dx := 0
elsif move = KEY_UP_ARROW
dy := 3
dx := 0
elsif move = KEY_RIGHT_ARROW
dx := 3
dy := 0
elsif move = KEY_LEFT_ARROW
dx := -3
dy := 0
end if
getch (playagain)

if playagain = "y" then
put "congratulations!!!"
drawbox (30, 30, 100, 100, black)
drawbox (50, 30, 80, 60, brightred)
drawbox (35, 70, 55, 90, green)
drawline (45, 70, 45, 90, green)
drawline (35, 80, 55, 80, green)
drawbox (75, 70, 95, 90, green)
drawline (85, 70, 85, 90, green)
drawline (75, 80, 95, 80, green)
drawline (30, 100, 65, 135, brightblue)
drawline (65, 135, 100, 100, brightblue)
drawline (90, 110, 90, 150, black)
drawline (75, 125, 75, 150, black)
drawline (75, 150, 90, 150, black)
locate (maxrow, 2)
put "Home sweet home" ..
delay (13000)
put "welcome to retirement simulator"
put "your job is to paint the walls"
put "enter y to reset when you have won the game"
x := 100
y := 300
end if
end loop

---------------------------------------end of code--------------------------------------------------

I you guys have any suggestions please fell free to help. or just enjoy the game.[/b]

Author:  TokenHerbz [ Sat Jan 20, 2018 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Turing Painting and song Game

i cant move diangley (NW) for example. suggestion easy fix to create that ability.

Author:  DeTrueMan [ Sun Jan 21, 2018 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:Turing Painting and song Game

I currently do not know how to do that. but, do you have any other suggestions for me?
