Computer Science Canada Turing Fork Command. Playing Music Notes. |
Author: | Gaming Lyfe [ Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:13 pm ] |
Post subject: | Turing Fork Command. Playing Music Notes. |
I am having trouble running my music with my program. I have tried using the fork command, because that is what i was told to do, but I am not sure how to use it. It always says "fork argument must be a process". Is there a way to fix that? Also, is it possible to have my music loop continuously without having the small pause in between each time it loops? I am using the latest version of Turing. Here is my code: P.S. The bold blue part at the bottom is what matters. procedure Entry var font1 : int font1 := Font.New ("timesnewroman:35") %font 1 Font.Draw ("ALERT!", 240, 180, font1, brightred) %ALERT delay(2500) cls Font.Draw ("There has been a zoobreak!", 30, 180, font1, brightred) %Zoobreak delay(4000) cls Font.Draw ("Zoo animals are on the loose!", 10, 180, font1, brightred) %Zoo Animals delay(4000) cls Font.Draw ("Please be careful!", 150, 180, font1, brightred) %Careful delay(3000) end Entry procedure background for i : 1 .. 220 drawline (0, 180 + i, 640, 180 + i, brightblue) %sky end for for i : 1 .. 50 drawoval (320, 350, 50 - i, 50 - i, yellow) %sun drawarc (320, 120, 400 - i, 100 - i, 0, 180, brightgreen) %grassy hill end for for i : 1 .. 150 drawline (0, 0 + i, 640, 0 + i, 18) %road end for for i : 1 .. 30 drawline (0, 150 + i, 640, 150 + i, grey) %concrete barrier end for drawbox (0, 150, 640, 180, black) %concrete barrier outline for i : 1 .. 20 drawline (0 + i, 140, 0 + i, 300, darkgrey) %left post drawline (30 + i, 150, 30 + i, 300, darkgrey) %right post drawline (30, 301 - i, 0, 301 - i, darkgrey) %cross post drawline (140 + i, 200, 140 + i, 150, darkgrey) %sign post end for for i : 1 .. 60 drawline (100, 200 + i, 200, 200 + i, grey) %sign end for drawbox (100, 200, 200, 260, black) %sign for i : 1 .. 5 drawline (120 - i, 215 - i, 120 - i, 205 + i, red) %sign arrow end for drawline (120, 210, 180, 210, red) %arrow body var font1 : int font1 := Font.New ("timesnewroman:25") %font 1 Font.Draw ("ZOO", 115, 225, font1, red) %word Zoo end background procedure OneCross for i : 1 .. 1000 %elephant drawfillbox (-70 + i, 8, -300 + i, 131, 18) %elephant erase drawfilloval (-200 + i, 80, 65, 35, grey) %elephant body drawfilloval (-125 + i, 100, 25, 30, grey) %elephant head drawfillarc (-130 + i, 130, 12, 40, 192, 358, 26) %elephant ear drawfilloval (-109 + i, 107, 3, 3, black) %elephant eye drawarc (-110 + i, 84, 10, 5, 200, 300, black) %elephant mouth drawfillarc (-100 + i, 80, 20, 10, 320, 140, grey) %elephant trunk base drawfillarc (-85 + i, 67, 10, 20, 340, 140, grey) %elephant trunk end Draw.ThickLine (-257 + i, 90, -285 + i, 55, 13, grey) %elephant tail Draw.ThickLine (-240 + i, 50, -250 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 1st leg Draw.ThickLine (-220 + i, 50, -210 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 2nd leg Draw.ThickLine (-165 + i, 50, -155 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 3rd leg Draw.ThickLine (-185 + i, 50, -190 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 4th leg delay (4) end for end OneCross procedure TwoCross for i : 1 .. 1000 %Elephant drawfillbox (680 - i, 8, 895 - i, 131, 18) %elephant erase drawfilloval (800 - i, 80, 65, 35, grey) %elephant body drawfilloval (725 - i, 100, 25, 30, grey) %elephant head drawfillarc (730 - i, 130, 12, 40, 182, 351, 26) %elephant ear drawfilloval (709 - i, 107, 3, 3, black) %elephant eye drawarc (710 - i, 84, 10, 5, 250, 350, black) %elephant mouth drawfillarc (700 - i, 80, 20, 10, 40, 220, grey) %elephant trunk base drawfillarc (685 - i, 67, 10, 20, 50, 200, grey) %elephant trunk end Draw.ThickLine (857 - i, 90, 885 - i, 55, 13, grey) %elephant tail Draw.ThickLine (760 - i, 50, 750 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 1st leg Draw.ThickLine (780 - i, 50, 790 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 2nd leg Draw.ThickLine (835 - i, 50, 845 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 3rd leg Draw.ThickLine (815 - i, 50, 810 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 4th leg %Mouse drawfillbox (905 - i, 42, 951 - i, 68, 18) %mouse erase drawfilloval (920 - i, 50, 18, 7, darkgrey) %mouse body drawfilloval (915 - i, 60, 5, 7, darkgrey) %grey part of ear drawfilloval (915 - i, 60, 3, 5, 60) %pink part of ear drawline (938 - i, 50, 950 - i, 50, grey) %mouse tail drawfilloval (907 - i, 52, 1, 1, black) %mouse eye drawline (906 - i, 48, 907 - i, 43, grey) %mousewhisker drawline (909 - i, 48, 910 - i, 43, grey) %mouse whisker delay (4) end for end TwoCross procedure ThreeCross for i : 1 .. 1200 %elephant drawfillbox (-70 + i, 8, -300 + i, 131, 18) %elephant erase drawfilloval (-200 + i, 80, 65, 35, grey) %elephant body drawfilloval (-125 + i, 100, 25, 30, grey) %elephant head drawfillarc (-130 + i, 130, 12, 40, 192, 358, 26) %elephant ear drawfilloval (-109 + i, 107, 3, 3, black) %elephant eye drawarc (-110 + i, 84, 10, 5, 200, 300, black) %elephant mouth drawfillarc (-100 + i, 80, 20, 10, 320, 140, grey) %elephant trunk base drawfillarc (-85 + i, 67, 10, 20, 340, 140, grey) %elephant trunk end Draw.ThickLine (-257 + i, 90, -285 + i, 55, 13, grey) %elephant tail Draw.ThickLine (-240 + i, 50, -250 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 1st leg Draw.ThickLine (-220 + i, 50, -210 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 2nd leg Draw.ThickLine (-165 + i, 50, -155 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 3rd leg Draw.ThickLine (-185 + i, 50, -190 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 4th leg %Mouse drawfillbox (-351 + i, 42, -295 + i, 68, 18) %mouse erase drawfilloval (-320 + i, 50, 18, 7, darkgrey) %mouse body drawfilloval (-315 + i, 60, 5, 7, darkgrey) %grey part of ear drawfilloval (-315 + i, 60, 3, 5, 60) %pink part of ear drawline (-338 + i, 50, -350 + i, 50, grey) %mouse tail drawfilloval (-307 + i, 52, 1, 1, black) %mouse eye drawline (-306 + i, 48, -307 + i, 43, grey) %mousewhisker drawline (-309 + i, 48, -310 + i, 43, grey) %mouse whisker %Cat drawfillbox (-369 + i, 46, -454 + i, 97, 18) %cat erase drawoval (-410 + i, 70, 25, 10, black) %cat body outline drawfilloval (-410 + i, 70, 25, 10, 67) %cat body drawfillarc (-415 + i, 60, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %front shoulder blade drawfillarc (-390 + i, 62, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %cat hip Draw.ThickLine (-420 + i, 60, -425 + i, 50, 10, 67) %front leg drawfilloval (-419 + i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %front paw Draw.ThickLine (-395 + i, 60, -390 + i, 50, 10, 67) %back leg drawfilloval (-385 + i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %back paw Draw.ThickLine (-435 + i, 75, -450 + i, 90, 7, 67) %tail drawfilloval (-380 + i, 77, 10, 10, 67) %head drawfillarc (-388 + i, 93, 8, 10, 285, 330, 67) % cat ear drawoval (-380 + i, 77, 11, 11, black) %head outline drawfilloval (-373 + i, 80, 2, 2, blue) %eye drawfilloval (-373 + i, 80, 1, 1, black) %eye Draw.ThickLine (-373 + i, 70, -377 + i, 72, 3, black) %mouth drawline (-380 + i, 72, -378 + i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (-377 + i, 72, -375 + i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (-378 + i, 74, -376 + i, 67, grey) %whisker delay (4) end for end ThreeCross procedure FourCross for i : 1 .. 1200 %Elephant drawfillbox (680 - i, 8, 895 - i, 131, 18) %elephant erase drawfilloval (800 - i, 80, 65, 35, grey) %elephant body drawfilloval (725 - i, 100, 25, 30, grey) %elephant head drawfillarc (730 - i, 130, 12, 40, 182, 351, 26) %elephant ear drawfilloval (709 - i, 107, 3, 3, black) %elephant eye drawarc (710 - i, 84, 10, 5, 250, 350, black) %elephant mouth drawfillarc (700 - i, 80, 20, 10, 40, 220, grey) %elephant trunk base drawfillarc (685 - i, 67, 10, 20, 50, 200, grey) %elephant trunk end Draw.ThickLine (857 - i, 90, 885 - i, 55, 13, grey) %elephant tail Draw.ThickLine (760 - i, 50, 750 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 1st leg Draw.ThickLine (780 - i, 50, 790 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 2nd leg Draw.ThickLine (835 - i, 50, 845 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 3rd leg Draw.ThickLine (815 - i, 50, 810 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 4th leg %Mouse drawfillbox (905 - i, 42, 951 - i, 68, 18) %mouse erase drawfilloval (920 - i, 50, 18, 7, darkgrey) %mouse body drawfilloval (915 - i, 60, 5, 7, darkgrey) %grey part of ear drawfilloval (915 - i, 60, 3, 5, 60) %pink part of ear drawline (938 - i, 50, 950 - i, 50, grey) %mouse tail drawfilloval (907 - i, 52, 1, 1, black) %mouse eye drawline (906 - i, 48, 907 - i, 43, grey) %mousewhisker drawline (909 - i, 48, 910 - i, 43, grey) %mouse whisker %Cat drawfillbox (953 - i, 46, 1034 - i, 97, 18) %cat erase drawoval (990 - i, 70, 25, 10, black) %cat body outline drawfilloval (990 - i, 70, 25, 10, 67) %cat body drawfillarc (985 - i, 60, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %front shoulder blade drawfillarc (1010 - i, 62, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %cat hip Draw.ThickLine (980 - i, 60, 975 - i, 50, 10, 67) %front leg drawfilloval (970 - i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %front paw Draw.ThickLine (1005 - i, 60, 1010 - i, 50, 10, 67) %back leg drawfilloval (1005 - i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %back paw Draw.ThickLine (1015 - i, 75, 1030 - i, 90, 7, 67) %tail drawfilloval (960 - i, 77, 10, 10, 67) %head drawfillarc (968 - i, 93, 8, 10, 230, 285, 67) %ear drawoval (960 - i, 77, 11, 11, black) %head outline drawfilloval (954 - i, 80, 2, 2, blue) %eye drawfilloval (954 - i, 80, 1, 1, black) %eye Draw.ThickLine (953 - i, 70, 957 - i, 72, 3, black) %mouth drawline (960 - i, 72, 962 - i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (963 - i, 72, 965 - i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (962 - i, 74, 964 - i, 67, grey) %whisker %Dog drawfillbox (1033 - i, 35, 1176 - i, 116, 18) %dog erase drawfilloval (1110 - i, 80, 40, 20, 0) %dog body drawfilloval (1066 - i, 100, 15, 15, 0) %dog head Draw.ThickLine (1050 - i, 97, 1050 - i, 100, 14, 0) %dog nose drawarc (1053 - i, 98, 10, 5, 200, 290, black) %dog mouth drawfillarc (1150 - i, 105, 10, 25, 240, 20, 0) %dog tail drawfilloval (1058 - i, 107, 2, 2, black) %dog eye drawfillarc (1066 - i, 100, 15, 15, 40, 100, 30) %dog ear(drooping) drawfilloval (1090 - i, 67, 10, 10, 0) %dog front shoulder blade drawfilloval (1130 - i, 67, 10, 10, 0) %dog hip Draw.ThickLine (1090 - i, 60, 1080 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 1st leg drawfilloval (1075 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 1 Draw.ThickLine (1097 - i, 60, 1100 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 2nd leg drawfilloval (1098 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 2 Draw.ThickLine (1130 - i, 60, 1140 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 3rd leg drawfilloval (1110 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 3 Draw.ThickLine (1120 - i, 60, 1115 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 4th leg drawfilloval (1135 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw delay (4) end for end FourCross procedure FiveCross for i : 1 .. 1600 %elephant drawfillbox (-70 + i, 8, -300 + i, 131, 18) %elephant erase drawfilloval (-200 + i, 80, 65, 35, grey) %elephant body drawfilloval (-125 + i, 100, 25, 30, grey) %elephant head drawfillarc (-130 + i, 130, 12, 40, 192, 358, 26) %elephant ear drawfilloval (-109 + i, 107, 3, 3, black) %elephant eye drawarc (-110 + i, 84, 10, 5, 200, 300, black) %elephant mouth drawfillarc (-100 + i, 80, 20, 10, 320, 140, grey) %elephant trunk base drawfillarc (-85 + i, 67, 10, 20, 340, 140, grey) %elephant trunk end Draw.ThickLine (-257 + i, 90, -285 + i, 55, 13, grey) %elephant tail Draw.ThickLine (-240 + i, 50, -250 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 1st leg Draw.ThickLine (-220 + i, 50, -210 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 2nd leg Draw.ThickLine (-165 + i, 50, -155 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 3rd leg Draw.ThickLine (-185 + i, 50, -190 + i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 4th leg %Mouse drawfillbox (-351 + i, 42, -295 + i, 68, 18) %mouse erase drawfilloval (-320 + i, 50, 18, 7, darkgrey) %mouse body drawfilloval (-315 + i, 60, 5, 7, darkgrey) %grey part of ear drawfilloval (-315 + i, 60, 3, 5, 60) %pink part of ear drawline (-338 + i, 50, -350 + i, 50, grey) %mouse tail drawfilloval (-307 + i, 52, 1, 1, black) %mouse eye drawline (-306 + i, 48, -307 + i, 43, grey) %mousewhisker drawline (-309 + i, 48, -310 + i, 43, grey) %mouse whisker %Cat drawfillbox (-369 + i, 46, -454 + i, 97, 18) %cat erase drawoval (-410 + i, 70, 25, 10, black) %cat body outline drawfilloval (-410 + i, 70, 25, 10, 67) %cat body drawfillarc (-415 + i, 60, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %front shoulder blade drawfillarc (-390 + i, 62, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %cat hip Draw.ThickLine (-420 + i, 60, -425 + i, 50, 10, 67) %front leg drawfilloval (-419 + i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %front paw Draw.ThickLine (-395 + i, 60, -390 + i, 50, 10, 67) %back leg drawfilloval (-385 + i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %back paw Draw.ThickLine (-435 + i, 75, -450 + i, 90, 7, 67) %tail drawfilloval (-380 + i, 77, 10, 10, 67) %head drawfillarc (-388 + i, 93, 8, 10, 285, 330, 67) % cat ear drawoval (-380 + i, 77, 11, 11, black) %head outline drawfilloval (-373 + i, 80, 2, 2, blue) %eye drawfilloval (-373 + i, 80, 1, 1, black) %eye Draw.ThickLine (-373 + i, 70, -377 + i, 72, 3, black) %mouth drawline (-380 + i, 72, -378 + i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (-377 + i, 72, -375 + i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (-378 + i, 74, -376 + i, 67, grey) %whisker %Dog drawfillbox (-500 + i, 35, -611 + i, 116, 18) %dog erase drawfilloval (-560 + i, 80, 40, 20, 0) %dog body drawfilloval (-516 + i, 100, 15, 15, 0) %dog head Draw.ThickLine (-501 + i, 97, -501 + i, 100, 14, 0) %dog nose drawarc (-505 + i, 98, 10, 5, 270, 350, black) %dog mouth drawfilloval (-508 + i, 107, 2, 2, black) %dog eye drawfillarc (-516 + i, 100, 15, 15, 70, 130, 30) %dog ear(drooping) drawfillarc (-600 + i, 105, 10, 25, 160, 320, 0) %dog tail drawfilloval (-580 + i, 67, 10, 10, 0) %dog front shoulder blade drawfilloval (-540 + i, 67, 10, 10, 0) %dog hip Draw.ThickLine (-580 + i, 60, -590 + i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 1st leg drawfilloval (-585 + i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 1 Draw.ThickLine (-573 + i, 60, -570 + i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 2nd leg drawfilloval (-568 + i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 2 Draw.ThickLine (-540 + i, 60, -530 + i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 3rd leg drawfilloval (-550 + i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 3 Draw.ThickLine (-550 + i, 60, -555 + i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 4th leg drawfilloval (-525 + i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 4 %Bear drawfillbox (-629 + i, 8, -835 + i, 135, 18) %bear erase drawfilloval (-750 + i, 80, 70, 40, 138) %bear body drawfilloval (-675 + i, 100, 30, 25, 138) %bear head Draw.ThickLine (-650 + i, 90, -640 + i, 85, 25, 138) %bear snout Draw.ThickLine (-820 + i, 90, -822 + i, 93, 15, 138) %bear tail drawline (-630 + i, 80, -655 + i, 90, black) %bear mouth drawfilloval (-655 + i, 110, 2, 2, black) %bear eye drawfillarc (-680 + i, 135, 15, 15, 250, 310, 138) %bear ear Draw.ThickLine (-700 + i, 55, -680 + i, 25, 18, 138) %bear leg 1 Draw.ThickLine (-710 + i, 55, -730 + i, 25, 18, 138) %bear leg 2 Draw.ThickLine (-790 + i, 55, -770 + i, 20, 25, 138) %bear leg 3 Draw.ThickLine (-810 + i, 60, -820 + i, 20, 25, 138) %bear leg 4 delay (4) end for end FiveCross procedure SixCross for i : 1 .. 1600 %Elephant drawfillbox (680 - i, 8, 895 - i, 131, 18) %elephant erase drawfilloval (800 - i, 80, 65, 35, grey) %elephant body drawfilloval (725 - i, 100, 25, 30, grey) %elephant head drawfillarc (730 - i, 130, 12, 40, 182, 351, 26) %elephant ear drawfilloval (709 - i, 107, 3, 3, black) %elephant eye drawarc (710 - i, 84, 10, 5, 250, 350, black) %elephant mouth drawfillarc (700 - i, 80, 20, 10, 40, 220, grey) %elephant trunk base drawfillarc (685 - i, 67, 10, 20, 50, 200, grey) %elephant trunk end Draw.ThickLine (857 - i, 90, 885 - i, 55, 13, grey) %elephant tail Draw.ThickLine (760 - i, 50, 750 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 1st leg Draw.ThickLine (780 - i, 50, 790 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 2nd leg Draw.ThickLine (835 - i, 50, 845 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 3rd leg Draw.ThickLine (815 - i, 50, 810 - i, 15, 15, grey) %elephant 4th leg %Mouse drawfillbox (905 - i, 42, 951 - i, 68, 18) %mouse erase drawfilloval (920 - i, 50, 18, 7, darkgrey) %mouse body drawfilloval (915 - i, 60, 5, 7, darkgrey) %grey part of ear drawfilloval (915 - i, 60, 3, 5, 60) %pink part of ear drawline (938 - i, 50, 950 - i, 50, grey) %mouse tail drawfilloval (907 - i, 52, 1, 1, black) %mouse eye drawline (906 - i, 48, 907 - i, 43, grey) %mousewhisker drawline (909 - i, 48, 910 - i, 43, grey) %mouse whisker %Cat drawfillbox (953 - i, 46, 1034 - i, 97, 18) %cat erase drawoval (990 - i, 70, 25, 10, black) %cat body outline drawfilloval (990 - i, 70, 25, 10, 67) %cat body drawfillarc (985 - i, 60, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %front shoulder blade drawfillarc (1010 - i, 62, 10, 4, 180, 270, 67) %cat hip Draw.ThickLine (980 - i, 60, 975 - i, 50, 10, 67) %front leg drawfilloval (970 - i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %front paw Draw.ThickLine (1005 - i, 60, 1010 - i, 50, 10, 67) %back leg drawfilloval (1005 - i, 50, 8, 4, 67) %back paw Draw.ThickLine (1015 - i, 75, 1030 - i, 90, 7, 67) %tail drawfilloval (960 - i, 77, 10, 10, 67) %head drawfillarc (968 - i, 93, 8, 10, 230, 285, 67) %ear drawoval (960 - i, 77, 11, 11, black) %head outline drawfilloval (954 - i, 80, 2, 2, blue) %eye drawfilloval (954 - i, 80, 1, 1, black) %eye Draw.ThickLine (953 - i, 70, 957 - i, 72, 3, black) %mouth drawline (960 - i, 72, 962 - i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (963 - i, 72, 965 - i, 65, grey) %whisker drawline (962 - i, 74, 964 - i, 67, grey) %whisker %Dog drawfillbox (1033 - i, 35, 1176 - i, 116, 18) %dog erase drawfilloval (1110 - i, 80, 40, 20, 0) %dog body drawfilloval (1066 - i, 100, 15, 15, 0) %dog head Draw.ThickLine (1050 - i, 97, 1050 - i, 100, 14, 0) %dog nose drawarc (1053 - i, 98, 10, 5, 200, 290, black) %dog mouth drawfillarc (1150 - i, 105, 10, 25, 240, 20, 0) %dog tail drawfilloval (1058 - i, 107, 2, 2, black) %dog eye drawfillarc (1066 - i, 100, 15, 15, 40, 100, 30) %dog ear(drooping) drawfilloval (1090 - i, 67, 10, 10, 0) %dog front shoulder blade drawfilloval (1130 - i, 67, 10, 10, 0) %dog hip Draw.ThickLine (1090 - i, 60, 1080 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 1st leg drawfilloval (1075 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 1 Draw.ThickLine (1097 - i, 60, 1100 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 2nd leg drawfilloval (1098 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 2 Draw.ThickLine (1130 - i, 60, 1140 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 3rd leg drawfilloval (1110 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw 3 Draw.ThickLine (1120 - i, 60, 1115 - i, 40, 10, 0) %dog 4th leg drawfilloval (1135 - i, 40, 8, 5, 0) %dog paw %Bear drawfillbox (1179 - i, 8, 1383 - i, 135, 18) %bear erase drawfilloval (1300 - i, 80, 70, 40, 138) %bear body drawfilloval (1225 - i, 100, 30, 25, 138) %bear head Draw.ThickLine (1200 - i, 90, 1190 - i, 85, 25, 138) %bear snout Draw.ThickLine (1368 - i, 90, 1370 - i, 93, 15, 138) %bear tail drawline (1180 - i, 80, 1205 - i, 90, black) %bear mouth drawfilloval (1205 - i, 110, 2, 2, black) %bear eye drawfillarc (1220 - i, 135, 15, 15, 250, 310, 138) Draw.ThickLine (1250 - i, 55, 1230 - i, 25, 18, 138) %bear leg 1 Draw.ThickLine (1260 - i, 55, 1280 - i, 25, 18, 138) %bear leg 2 Draw.ThickLine (1340 - i, 55, 1320 - i, 20, 25, 138) %bear leg 3 Draw.ThickLine (1360 - i, 60, 1370 - i, 20, 25, 138) %bear leg 4 %Skunk drawfillbox (1449 - i, 21, 1545 - i, 79, 18) %skunk erase drawfilloval (1490 - i, 50, 25, 15, 16) %skunk body Draw.ThickLine (1461 - i, 61, 1450 - i, 51, 15, 16) %skunk head drawfilloval (1460 - i, 62, 2, 2, 30) %skunk eye drawline (1444 - i, 48, 1453 - i, 53, 25) %skunk mouth drawfillarc (1461 - i, 67, 3, 5, 0, 180, 16) %skunk ear Draw.ThickLine (1515 - i, 60, 1525 - i, 70, 20, 16) %skunk tail Draw.ThickLine (1469 - i, 53, 1510 - i, 53, 9, 30) %skunk body white stripe Draw.ThickLine (1510 - i, 53, 1528 - i, 74, 7, 30) %skunk tail white stripe Draw.ThickLine (1475 - i, 35, 1470 - i, 25, 5, 16) %skunk leg 1 drawfilloval (1467 - i, 25, 5, 3, 16) %skunk foot 1 Draw.ThickLine (1485 - i, 35, 1487 - i, 25, 5, 16) %skunk leg 2 drawfilloval (1484 - i, 25, 5, 3, 16) %skunk foot 2 Draw.ThickLine (1500 - i, 35, 1495 - i, 25, 5, 16) %skunk leg 3 drawfilloval (1492 - i, 25, 5, 3, 16) %skunk foot 3 Draw.ThickLine (1510 - i, 38, 1515 - i, 25, 5, 16) %skunk leg 4 drawfilloval (1512 - i, 25, 5, 3, 16) %skunk foot 4 delay (4) end for end SixCross procedure Name for i : 1 .. 1050 drawfillbox (650 - i, 13, 1020 - i, 50, 18) var font1 : int font1 := Font.New ("timesnewroman:25") %font 1 Font.Draw ("ZooBreak by Wyatt Currie", 650 - i, 20, font1, red) %Name delay (9) end for end Name [size=24]procedure music loop play ("ababcdcdefefagagababcdcdefefagagababcdcdefefagagababcdcdefefagag") end loop end music[/size] Entry background OneCross TwoCross ThreeCross FourCross FiveCross SixCross Name music |
Author: | Insectoid [ Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:07 pm ] |
Post subject: | RE:Turing Fork Command. Playing Music Notes. |
A process is like a procedure, but it executes at the same time as the rest of the program, whereas procedures and functions execute one at a time. A process is created exactly like a procedure, just replace the word 'procedure' with 'process'. To run a process, use the fork command. Your error is happening because you are trying to fork a procedure. You can only use it on a process. Change your music procedure to a process and it should work fine. A word of warning though- unless you know what you're doing, you should never, ever use a process for anything other than music or really strange stuff can happen. And even then, you can just use the Music.PlayFileLoop() command, which does not require a process to function. |