What is it you are trying to achieve?
Explained in the title.
What is the problem you are having?
I can only make the images appear one at a time.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Looking up a way to do it.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
for i : 1 .. 10
left := Rand.Int (1, 100)
middle := Rand.Int (1, 100)
right := Rand.Int (1, 100)
if i not= 10 then
% Left reel
if left < 50 then
include "BarLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarLeftMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarLeftBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif left < 80 then
include "LemonLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonLeftMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonLeftBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif left < 99 then
include "PlumLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumLeftMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumLeftBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif left = 100 then
include "CherryLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryLeftMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryLeftBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
end if
% Middle reel
if middle < 50 then
include "LemonMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonMiddleMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonMiddleBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif middle < 80 then
include "PlumMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumMiddleMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumMiddleBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif middle < 99 then
include "BarMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarMiddleMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarMiddleBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif middle = 100 then
include "CherryMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryMiddleMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryMiddleBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
end if
% Right reel
if right < 50 then
include "PlumRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumRightMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumRightBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif right < 80 then
include "BarRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarRightMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarRightBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif right < 99 then
include "LemonRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonRightMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonRightBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
elsif right = 100 then
include "CherryRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryRightMiddle.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryRightBottom.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
end if
% Machine stops spinning
elsif i = 10 then
% Left reel
if left < 50 then
left2 := 50
include "BarLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarLeftMiddle.t"
elsif left < 80 then
left2 := 80
include "LemonLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonLeftMiddle.t"
elsif left < 99 or left = 99 then
left2 := 99
include "PlumLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumLeftMiddle.t"
elsif left = 100 then
left2 := 100
include "CherryLeftTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 150, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX - 60, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryLeftMiddle.t"
end if
% Middle reel
if middle < 50 then
middle2 := 80
include "LemonMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonMiddleMiddle.t"
elsif middle < 80 then
middle2 := 99
include "PlumMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumMiddleMiddle.t"
elsif middle < 99 or middle = 99 then
middle2 := 50
include "BarMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarMiddleMiddle.t"
elsif middle = 100 then
middle2 := 100
include "CherryMiddleTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX - 40, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 40, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryMiddleMiddle.t"
end if
% Right reel
if right < 50 then
right2 := 99
include "PlumRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "PlumRightMiddle.t"
elsif right < 80 then
right2 := 50
include "BarRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "BarRightMiddle.t"
elsif right < 99 or right = 99 then
right2 := 80
include "LemonRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "LemonRightMiddle.t"
elsif right = 100 then
right2 := 100
include "CherryRightTop.t"
delay (50)
drawfillbox (CENTREX + 60, CENTREY - 70, CENTREX + 150, CENTREY + 70, white)
include "CherryRightMiddle.t"
end if
end if
end for % Spinning ends
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
4.1 1.0.1 |