Computer Science Canada


Author:  miked [ Wed Feb 25, 2004 8:55 pm ]

My one friend is into programming so I decided to try and learn how to program to so I got VB. But I'm really having trouble with the code. Could someone maybe give me a website that they know of that says all the things like Unload Me and stuff like that and what they do. Or if you have time on your hand and want to type that out yourself I'd really appreciate it. Its just confuzzling to try to build a program and not know how to write the code and not know what certain things mean.


Author:  jonos [ Wed Feb 25, 2004 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

well, i already created one of these threads probably aqround a month ago, so search for that some other time (i think in tutorials), but the site that got me started was

that should help learn all the basic things.

Author:  Maverick [ Wed Feb 25, 2004 9:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

What do you need to know?

Author:  miked [ Wed Feb 25, 2004 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

basically i need to know most of the commands (all of them would really be good tho) that u can put in the code and what they do i cant find anything to help me learn them. I really need things like how to connect the save in the tool bar that it will actually allow me to choose where i want to save it and then save it. Also need to know how to make a scroll down bar that will allow me to search thru my hard drive and then play songs (by the way im tryin to make a mediaplayer of my own right now even if its a crappy one). but i want to learn most of the commands so i can get better and work my way up in my capability to build programs and such.

Author:  wtd [ Thu Feb 26, 2004 7:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

For learning basic programming concepts, I can't recommend Ruby highly enough. The interactive interpreter alone is worth its weight in gold.

C:\> irb --simple-prompt
>> puts "hello world"
hello world
=> nil
>> some_var = 5
=> 5
>>puts some_var
=> nil
>> if some_var < 4 then 6 else 7 end
=> 7
>> while some_var < 8
>>    puts some_var
>>    some_var += 1
>> end
=> nil
>> def say_hello
>>    puts "Hello, world!"
>> end
=> nil
>> say_hello
Hello, world!
=> nil
>> class A
>>    def initialize(number)
>>        @number = number
>>    end
>>    def increment_number(by_value = 1)
>>        @number += by_value
>>    end
>>    def put_number
>>        puts @number
>>    end
>> end
=> nil
>> some_object =
=> #<A:0x2ba2260 @number=3>
>> some_object.increment_number
=> nil
>> some_object.put_number
=> nil
>> exit

Where the part after "=>" indicates the previous code's return value.

Ruby 1.8.1 for Windows.

Author:  miked [ Fri Feb 27, 2004 5:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

i tried to download and install ruby but when i unzipped it all the files where all unknown so i couldn't install ruby.

Author:  wtd [ Fri Feb 27, 2004 8:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

The download isn't zipped, it's just a plain executable.

The only thing you'll probably have to do in addition to running the installer is to add the path to Ruby's "bin" (short for "binary") directory to your PATH environmental variable. Navigate to that directory in Windows Explorer, then copy and paste the address from the address bar.

Not quite sure how to do this for Win98/ME, but in 2000 it's in the system control panel's "Avanced" tab.

Author:  miked [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does anyone happen to have any other sites or programs that would teach me the commands?

Author:  recneps [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just search google for Visual Basic Tutorials ( )
Very Happy

Author:  jonos [ Wed Mar 03, 2004 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

homer told me this a while ago i think. just type in visual basic tutorials or something like that in kazaa, kazaa lite, shareza, whatever and you should find it. newsgroups may have some, ive never looked.
