Computer Science Canada

Student Competition: Imagine Cup

Author:  SashaK [ Mon Feb 23, 2004 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Student Competition: Imagine Cup

I guess I should have posted this posting here first, before going to general discussion. Here it is again:

I just wanted to let everyone know about this programing competition run world wide. There is the "algorithm challenge" there, which is basically brain teasers.

Also, there is a Canadian competition at which is a programming competition.

There are two more challenges(short film and rendering) and all of them can get you to the worldwide finals in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

As an FYI, the total fund for prizes is $100 000 CAN.

Author:  bugzpodder [ Tue Mar 30, 2004 5:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

anybody participated? i have 78.8% in the algorithm section. lowest qualifying score for the top 200 Very Happy
