Computer Science Canada

Try this game guys its a helicopter game

Author:  Jesse Kazemi [ Tue Jun 17, 2014 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Try this game guys its a helicopter game

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% If Controls selected %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
if xmouse > 270 and xmouse < 390 and ymouse > 100 and ymouse < 150 and button = 1 then

drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 100)

% Cloud 1
drawfilloval (90, 350, 130, 80, white)
drawfilloval (70, 280, 80, 40, white)
drawfilloval (200, 310, 60, 50, white)
drawfilloval (230, 380, 60, 50, white)

% Cloud 2
drawfilloval (400, 150, 130, 80, white)
drawfilloval (380, 80, 80, 40, white)
drawfilloval (410, 220, 80, 40, white)
drawfilloval (520, 110, 70, 50, white)
drawfilloval (520, 190, 80, 50, white)
drawfilloval (300, 180, 60, 50, white)
drawfilloval (300, 120, 40, 30, white)
Draw.Text ("CInsturctions", 265, 335, font1, black)
Draw.Text ("Press d to go Back", 15, 360, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("Welcome to the black guy-Heli, the better game than Harry Li's games!", 70, 285, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("The controls of this game are pretty boss, to raise your helicopter,", 80, 255, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("simply click your mouse to ascend your helicopter upward,", 77, 225, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("to land your helicopter, let go of the mouse button.", 100, 195, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("Just don't touch the white sections or it's game over and it sucks for you!", 70, 165, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("Peace my hitta!", 230, 125, font2, black)
Draw.Text ("Trademark to the IJC (International Jesse Corporation)Please copy this game.", 115, 15, font3, black)

getch (ch)
if ch = "b" then
end if

end loop

end if

%drawfillbox (290,170,370,220,41)
%drawfillbox (270,100,390,150,41)

icolor := icolor + 1
if icolor = 62 then
icolor := 1
end if
icolor2 := icolor2 + 1
if icolor2 = 31 then
icolor2 := 21
end if
iXposition := iXposition + xdirection
iYposition := iYposition + ydirection

if iXposition > 455 or iXposition < 0 then
xdirection := -xdirection
end if

if iYposition > 215 or iYposition < 0 then
ydirection := -ydirection
end if

delay (5)

end loop

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GAME OVER SCREEN %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 100)

% Cloud 1
drawfilloval (90, 350, 130, 80, white)
drawfilloval (70, 280, 80, 40, white)
drawfilloval (200, 310, 60, 50, white)
drawfilloval (230, 380, 60, 50, white)

% Cloud 2
drawfilloval (400, 150, 130, 80, white)
drawfilloval (380, 80, 80, 40, white)
drawfilloval (410, 220, 80, 40, white)
drawfilloval (520, 110, 70, 50, white)
drawfilloval (520, 190, 80, 50, white)
drawfilloval (300, 180, 60, 50, white)
drawfilloval (300, 120, 40, 30, white)
Draw.Text ("Game Over", 190, 200, font, black)
delay (2000)
end loop

Author:  jesse kazomi [ Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Try this game guys its a helicopter game

This is pretty good

Author:  jesse kazomi [ Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Try this game guys its a helicopter game

Howd u do it
