Computer Science Canada

Loops Help

Author:  kkathy [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Loops Help

I?m a grade 11 student learning about Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. My class is using the Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 book by Jan Marelli. This is my first year learning about programming so I?m completely lost in the part my class is learning right now. I don?t understand how to do a loop.

Can someone help me with the programming code for making 3 unique random numbers appear that are greater than 3? The random number must have an input box where the user enters a number greater than 3. The 3 unique random numbers must be between 1 and the number that the user entered. A counter must be included in the loop to count the number of loop iterations were required.

I?ve tried this 5 times already and there?s always a error or the program doesn?t run at all -_-.

Thanks 

Author:  Raknarg [ Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  RE:Loops Help

Perhaps show us your code
