Computer Science Canada

JSON Library

Author:  tiedye1 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  JSON Library

Hi, I've been working on a rather large (for me) project for comp sci recently and as part of it I made this JSON Library that can create,
edit, import, and export JSON data (see

I thought I did a pretty good job so I wanted to share the library with you. I would love any critique or suggestions you may have.
Mind its not very robust but its kinda error resistant. It also requires the Microsoft Scripting Runtime (go to Project->References->
Check Microsoft Scripting Rumtime) for the use of Dictionaries. Finally its not very well commented but all objects and methods have
relevant names so it should not be to difficult to navigate.

To use it just add the three files to your project and create a JSONObject and either load data from a string or add data via the provided

Once again any critique or suggestions are welcome! Hope you find it useful. Smile

EDIT: forgot to mention, its for vb6 as that's what my course is in

Author:  tiedye1 [ Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:JSON Library

Any comments suggestions? Has anyone tried it?
