Computer Science Canada

How does Rounding work in Python?

Author:  Planet_Fall [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  How does Rounding work in Python?

I have statistic homework, and I was making a program to find the class intervals but the final answer needs to be rounded up to the nearest 10 or 5. How would I do this?


y = 2
# Gets number of pieces of information
number_info = int(input("How many items of information do you have? "))

# Gets number of classes
def number_of_classes (x):
    higher = False
    while higher == False:
        K = pow(2,y)
        if K >= number_info:
            higher = True
            y += 1
    return "There are", y , "classes"

# Gets pieces of information
for i in range (0, number_info):
    array.append(float(input("Enter Info: ")))

# Gets Lowest and Highest Number
number_comp_A = array[0]
number_comp_B = array[0]
for i in range (0, number_info):
    number_to_comp_lowest = array[i]
    number_to_comp_highest = array[i]
    if number_comp_A > number_to_comp_lowest:
        number_comp_A = number_to_comp_lowest
    if number_comp_B < number_to_comp_highest: 
        number_comp_B = number_to_comp_highest
highest_num = number_comp_B
lowest_num = number_comp_A

# Finds Class Intervals
# i >= H - L / Classes
number_of_classes (number_info)
intervals = (highest_num - lowest_num) / y
print (intervals)
print (highest_num)
print (lowest_num)
print (y)

Author:  Dreadnought [ Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How does Rounding work in Python?

You can use the round function to round floating point numbers to any number of digits after the decimal point (you can use negative numbers to round to digits before the decimal point).

So this lets you round to the nearest multiple of any power of ten you want. To round to the nearest multiple of any other number just divide by this number, round, then multiply by the number.
