Computer Science Canada Turing Swiss Army Knife |
Author: | .hack [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:27 pm ] |
Post subject: | Turing Swiss Army Knife |
Well, I've started programming a "swiss army knife" like tool in Turing. What it basically is, is a conversion program. Right now I am working on, measurements, weighy, temperature and money conversions. THis is just a simple utility for doing quick math, if you want to know how many CM are in a foot, jus followt he menus to convert feet into Centimetres etc. And the same goes for weight, temp etc etc. I plan on adding more conversions, and I am even trying to create text menu ![]() Oh well, this is just what I am working on, if anyone is interested in it, I can post it up, I know its not too high tech, but for my skill level it is(I just finished a program that allows the input of a cars travelliug start time, end time, distance and then outputs the total time and average speed ![]() Oh well, just so you guys know of the things to come ![]() |
Author: | Cervantes [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:31 pm ] |
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A good program to make. Post the code; if it isn't very efficient we can teach you how to make it more efficient. Also on a program like this I would suggest going a bit overboard and learning how to make menus. Either learn GUI, or make your own using Mouse.Where or Input.KeyDown. |
Author: | .hack [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 4:35 pm ] |
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thanks for the advice, I was planning something like this if 1 = 1 then put "you have selected blah blah blah" get rCM rAns := rCM *2.14 put "rCM is equal to ", rAns or something liek that and use if statements for most of the options with Else statements. I would have to make the menus effiecien enough so Id idn't have like 800 if statements. remember its like my 5th learning turing at school, so I don't know too much =/ |
Author: | Cervantes [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:03 pm ] |
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text based? if your up for it, I would suggest trying to make buttons and such ie. have a main menu where you click on the button you want (say, "INCHES <--> CM") and it takes you to a new screen where you enter the value for INCHES in a textbox and click convert and it appears in the CM text box. That would be fairly hard. if you try it just do the first one, then post it ![]() |
Author: | Dan [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 6:30 pm ] |
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migth as well post it all since u all ready stared this topic, lol. P.S. i saw ur name is .hack, that have anything to do with .hack// anime? |
Author: | .hack [ Fri Feb 06, 2004 10:04 pm ] | ||
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is all I hav really done so far, and I know the code there is not complete. As you can see its going to be a biatch to code all of the if statements when everything is sort of jumbled together, but I believe I can pull through. I watch very little anime, and have never played the game series. But .hack sounded cool and its geeky so I chose it ![]() P.S the codea t the bottom that is broken away from the large list of puts, is jsut the original code I to do in class for our assignment, so pretty much disregard that. its more like a model for me to view to keep self in check. |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 9:49 am ] |
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if you are having trouble keeping it organized, use procedures. they are very very easy to use / learn and will help enourmously for keeping you organized. Looks not too bad, if you do make it text based then I would suggest making it look nice with background colours and text colours and a fancy title etc. Everything is better if it looks better! you don't need to have that 'if 1=1 then" in there.. 1always=1, so there's no way that it could not enter that if statement. what you would need eventually is a similar if statement around that section where you choose what measurments you want to convert. except you'll have a variable for your first choice (measurment, temperature, weight etc.) and then "if (thatvar)=1 then" Good job, keep working on it ![]() |
Author: | .hack [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:34 pm ] |
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I'm willing to learn if you willing to teach ![]() |
Author: | Maverick [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:42 pm ] |
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Hacker Dan created .hack. Ya pretty good prog, but if you know how to create buttons and such it wil make it look a lot better. Stil good tho. +5BITS |
Author: | .hack [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:43 pm ] |
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thank you ![]() It will look kind of repetitive seems how some other guy made on last night and put it up. |
Author: | .hack [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:52 pm ] |
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yea, I think I'm going to need a scroll bar or something to be able to croll with for this.. so any ideas? because it spawns choices down and you type in the choice number, but unfortunately the list is too long and gets cut off, so is ther any way to make a scroll bar type thing, or keyboard arrow pushes to scroll? |
Author: | Maverick [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 2:55 pm ] |
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Well if you dont wanna do that just make the screen bigger. |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:29 pm ] | ||
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to make the screen bigger
for a scroll bar, you can use the GUI one. check out the help file on it. |
Author: | .hack [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 4:57 pm ] | ||
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Awesome, thanks for the help. Well I got everything besides the scoll bar working. my formulas work and my coding structure also works. here is the geist of my code so far(Probably should have used arrays, but I = dumbass)
And so on and so forth for the rest of the options. I haven't done the section for weight and temperature yet, I'm jsut trying to get this working. Unfortunately I have to go outfor dinner tonight so this may but a delay on the release date. |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 5:02 pm ] |
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whoa thats crazy... definately use the inital system where you had menus to determine what type of thing you wanted to convert, like temp or distance. keep working on it! ![]() |
Author: | white_dragon [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 5:45 pm ] |
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wow, tat's soooooooo kool |
Author: | .hack [ Sat Feb 07, 2004 9:24 pm ] |
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Remember that good mood I was in? yea its ruined, apparently , I have been asking jeeves for How many mm in a foot" and get the result, while I was doing feet to MM, thus having the equation backwards. Therefore everything to this point is FUBAR. Looks like the release date will be pushed back some more. |
Author: | recneps [ Sun Feb 08, 2004 4:06 pm ] |
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maybe you could try it, "choose which you are starting with" then from there it pops up (say you chose mm)>feet>cm and so on and so on for that specific starting |
Author: | the_short1 [ Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:35 pm ] |
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EDIT: Removed Negative Comment the_short1 |
Author: | Paul [ Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:39 pm ] |
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Dude, even our teacher suggested we could do this kind of program, just cause someone has the same type of program doesnt mean they "stole" your idea. |
Author: | shorthair [ Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:44 pm ] |
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i like the mix of love and hate for his app ,it definatly made me laugh . I made one that was just for a few conversions , |
Author: | the_short1 [ Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:54 pm ] |
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EDIT: Removed Nasty comment... the_short1 |
Author: | Paul [ Sun Feb 08, 2004 9:59 pm ] |
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GUI? I don't see any GUI here, all I see is keyboard inputting. |
Author: | .hack [ Mon Feb 09, 2004 8:17 am ] |
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Yea you posted urs like a month ago. and it was at the bottom of the list. And yea you caught me red handed, I stole YOUR idea despite everyone else whos made a unit converter, or when I could "stole" the idea for a better more useful program. Get yur head out of ur ass b4 someone rams it farther up. Ps: I don't like yours, not very organized, but good try and thanks for coming out. Pps: here have some bits for learning how to orgranize your programs in one post. ![]() I also don't think there is need for a poll. People will use whatever one they find more useful. |
Author: | the_short1 [ Mon Feb 09, 2004 11:26 am ] |
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ok....i will calm down now... im glad you took responsibility for that... sorry.... i was just a little frustated at the fact that i have no time to work on my programs lately... i wanted to have that GUI done already for Buttons for Each unit on measuremen, also showing the full name of the Abriviation somewhere else while your mouse hovered on button.... <<<please dont steal that too>>> thx for bits.. And here is a hint: because im a nice guy.... i like this website... only i would like it all in one....and for people not to have to surf the net... <<<especially dial up users...>>. |
Author: | .hack [ Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:46 am ] |
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**Update** I've completed the unit measurements for length, I plan on adding a scroll bar within 15 minutes and some kind of "go to" command. I'm abuout 35% done. I expect it done soon. |
Author: | Maverick [ Tue Feb 10, 2004 10:55 pm ] |
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haha god i luv those ebaums thread pics. YOu win the prize. hhahahaha cant stop laughing |
Author: | Paul [ Tue Feb 10, 2004 11:01 pm ] |
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What prize? I don't get it. Anyway, for the scroll bar, do you just make the height of the screen really high? |
Author: | .hack [ Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:03 am ] |
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Paul, look above in my post for th epic. Its a mentally challenged kid receiving a prze. Obviously for a good effort someone else wouldn't have gotta prize for, you know, to make him look speical. The pictures does relate to the thread, I think you figure it out from three lolol and yea, u can increase th eiwndo size, but it only goes so big. I' having a few hitches, but I am trying to get um worked out. I need a GoTo line type command, which doesn't exist for turing and I don't undertsand the tut on it >.< |
Author: | Cervantes [ Wed Feb 11, 2004 5:32 pm ] |
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the max pixels (that I found) is 4100. that's plenty. That's 256 rows... you'll be fine ![]() I'd assume though that it'd be different if you were using a different resolution. I'm using 1028x726 |
Author: | the_short1 [ Sat Feb 14, 2004 8:41 pm ] |
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250... WOA! thats a lot of scrolling in a program.... crazy if it was a pong or pacman... ....whoa...or graphics... |
Author: | Cervantes [ Sat Feb 14, 2004 10:17 pm ] |
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well the only way I can see anyone using that much in a game is when you have a map like in starcraft when you scroll around. Other then that such exorbant amounts of pixels would only be used in applications. |
Author: | josh [ Sun Feb 15, 2004 11:13 am ] |
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this is pretty kool but I think you need to group the options better because it is a very long confusing list of choices for what to convert. Other then that it looks good so far. |
Author: | the_short1 [ Tue Feb 17, 2004 9:27 pm ] | ||
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Yea.... the long list of choices approach is a bit more confusing and time consumming...but it will work... This might remove lots of confusion:
Author: | .hack [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:10 pm ] |
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Alright, I've had way more then enough with you. You have an opinion great, you wanna speak it even better, You wanna give me a few hints as too how to make it better awesome, You want to sell off your program in a thread about my attempt, go fuck yourself before I bend you over and do it myself. Have some respect before you find yourself in a dead in a ditch. I for one, find this extremely offensive, as I am just trying to program a neat program, and I get some rude obnoxious jerk jumping all over me about it, then trying to prove me as a lesser by flinging his around my thread, when he has 4 about his. If I had admin rights, you would be banned, purely because this degrading behavior will most likely only continue and poison the rest of this flourishing forum. -----------------------------Anyways----------------------------- I've halted production on this for the time being but plan on redoing it at a later date when I have a bit more working knowledge, I also feel I should work on the programs given at school before mine. I've also begun working on my end of the year project while offering a hand to Biohazardous Waste (he is in the same programming class). I'll updatre this thread when I have something worth mentioning. |
Author: | jonos [ Thu Feb 19, 2004 5:22 pm ] |
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why are you flaming all of a sudden. why don't you just private message whoever you are going after and save us from having to read that post which is directed to only one person. |
Author: | .hack [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 9:06 am ] |
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The site went down agaom yesterday, when I was entering my post, I'll have to repost later tonight, with the answer to ur question. Here is my late post. I stand by every word of it as well. I think person needs to be tought some manners. -----------------------Post--------------------------- I don't see how this behavior is allowed here though really. I started here a few months ago, and said, hey guys I'm going to work on a swiss army knife type program. Immediately short1 started jumping all over me "You stole my program idea" blah blah blah, when that was farthest from the truth. The thought of me deriving any ideas from short1 makes me sick. For some reason, he decided to unzip his pants and piss in my soup when I got this idea, being a student who was in turing class for 2 weeks, I thought this was managable, but without a word, he comes and starts hosing down my topic. Besides today I don't recall ever going around his topics and posting sarcastic remarks or rude comments, or accusing him of plagarism. I feel his "apology" was very unsincere because, not a few posts later but, more slander and belittlement. Here are a few nifty plays on words on his last post. "Yea.... the long list of choices approach is a bit more confusing and time consumming.... i would personally not do it taht way... mind you my way is missing a couple i think..... but ill never know until more people download and try mine...(unit Converter)" My Interpretation wink wink, Hi everyone, I'll post everything here so more people think of downloading my program, even though they didn't the other 2 or 3 times I posted it, I'll try again. In someone elses thread. "another thing is: Your topic is HOT due to name... Turing Swiss Army Knife..Funny realy.." My Interpretation This is again, where the insencerity erupts. Was this not supposed to be a support forum? Claiming that my topic makes my program look HOT and his funny (I'll assume he means in a pathetic sense) is again, far from the truth. The program is a swiss army knife, what more do you want from me, I was going to update it as I went along (in a single thread too, imagine that). "well after 300 lines of code.. SIMPLE. BASIC, Efficient..." My Interpretation Damn, I suppose the 20$ I spent on an ad blocking program went to waste. It appears a telemarketer with an infomercial snuck into my thread. Nice advertising, another attempt at getting people to download your program? You won't become famous by creating a conversion program, so stop s[amming your program everywhere. Christ, you can Ask Jeeves for any conversion under the sun, what makes you so special? See, I really hope you guys realize at least this. I came onto this forum with a mature and positive mindset, I only really harshly critisize or talk smack to people, when It is invoked. I don't think I have ever been rude in anyother threads other then this, and this due to someone that wants to be a mega popular "l337" programmer by hijacking my thread, good job, Bin. And again, I didn't PM him this because, I wanted admins to hear it, and decide whether or not they want short1 around here (this isn't the first time I have seen Short1 advertising his junk either, I saw him linking to his site when someone made an installer in Turing.) P.S: Short1, try to change ur posts as you might, I have taken screen shots of each of the posts that I find rude. |
Author: | the_short1 [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 4:47 pm ] |
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I am sorry... Hacker Dan, you have my permission to remove 10 bits for being rude... ONLY DAN I have removed Negative comments and Ad's to my programs... and i will more helpful.... i did not mean to be soo rude.. And correction: i have only posted my Unit converter once, but i have changed my topic name a couple times.. |
Author: | the_short1 [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 4:55 pm ] |
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Hope This program will be released as a .exe Swiss Army Knife Beta version 1 Soon so everyone can try it out.... school work first.... extra progs second... mind you if your teacher is nice and u make a Kick@ss program, you might be able to hand it in at the end of the yera for bonus marks... i did that with my pac man....( good thing too otherwise i would drop like 5 %) |
Author: | Andy [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:04 pm ] |
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i'll do it for him lol -10 bits jkjk |
Author: | the_short1 [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 7:26 pm ] |
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i specified only hacker dan.... as other mods might do it also and dont post... then i might loose like 100 bits... that would be ![]() PS: Dodge do ya got any programs your building right now??? |
Author: | .hack [ Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:10 pm ] |
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I apology accepted. I think the best thing we can do is forgive and forget. Everyone gets stressed out at times, even I do too. I apologize for some the harsher words I have spoken as well. I hope we can mainstain a sense of support between us both, despite these past situations, I prefer to have friends more then enemies. |
Author: | Andy [ Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:04 pm ] |
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the_short1 wrote: PS: Dodge do ya got any programs your building right now??? waa? i have to start my tta soon with azn_s and i'm gonna make my own gb hack y do u ask? |
Author: | the_short1 [ Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:37 pm ] |
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just curious... i been asking others wut their up to.... whats GB hack?"?? and tta with Azn_sensation..??? i personally am working hard on FP for Contest... |
Author: | naoki [ Wed May 12, 2004 5:00 pm ] |
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GB hack = a hack for some crappy online game called "Gunbound". Basically like Worms or that Tank Wars game on your Ti-83 but with items and the ability to play dress-up with your character. Dodge wants a hack because he wants to excel in this game. TTA w/ Azn_S = Tetra Triad Advance (I think). Based on the mini-game in FF8 where you play cards on a game board and attempt to kill the other guy based on four power readings. Promising, but they're only in their card developing stage right now |
Author: | the_short1 [ Wed May 12, 2004 9:18 pm ] |
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good stuff.... me just finished OBEA contest submission... had to do a writeup etc for pacman..... i didn't do an algoryhtm / pweudo/ flowchart cuz i hate them.... and they'll prob dock marks... but guess what... i dont give a flying fook... my game will get good enough score to cover that i think ![]() ![]() did jonos acually say that... (the quote in ur sig) hahahahahahahahahah |